Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Re: Strange the global variable behavior

Global variables might work with runserver (because it starts threads, not processes, but I'm not certain about that so please correct me), but they're unlikely to work in production, because typically Django is run as at least two WSGI processes.



Antonis Christofides  http://djangodeployment.com
On 2018-01-24 02:51, Costja Covtushenko wrote:

Sorry for asking but how exactly you decided that those `global` variables was not updated?


On Jan 23, 2018, at 6:47 AM, Максим Королёв <maxcool73@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi there.
Could someone explain what happens. I had a little project on Python 2.7 and decided to move it on 3.6. Everything has gone by perfectly. The project works well as before but there is one exception noticed by me: the global statement works not always. The code below doesn't update the global variable zip_file_name and I can't grasp why. Any suggestions.

zip_file_name = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'wb`s.zip')  file_list = []      @permission_required("wb_search.change_wbsearch", login_url='access_denied')  @csrf_exempt  def input_data_form(request):      global zip_file_name, file_list      if request.method == 'POST':          form = WbSearchForm(request.POST)          if form.is_valid():              text = request.POST['wbs_nums']              picked = form.cleaned_data.get('category')              try:                  wb_nums = process_input(text, LENGTH_OF_STR_TO_PROCESS)                  zip_file_name, file_list = get_wb_pdf_as_zip(wb_nums, picked)                  m = SearchHistory(user=str(request.user), curr_date=datetime.now(), list_desired_docs=', '.join([str(rec[0]) for rec in file_list]))                  m.save()                  return HttpResponseRedirect('/wb_search/search_finished/')              except NoDataToSearch:                  return HttpResponseRedirect('/wb_search/wb_search_incorrect_data/')          else:              return HttpResponseRedirect('/wb_search/wb_search_incorrect_data/')      else:          form = WbSearchForm()      # context = context.update(csrf(request))      return render_to_response('wb_search_input_data_form.html',                                {'form': form, 'title': 'Номера для поиска',                                 'header': 'Поиск PDF файлов вэйбилов',                                 'text': 'Вставте в это поле номера вэйбилов PDF файлы которых необходимо найти.',                                 'textarea_title': 'Вставте в это поле номера вэйбилов PDF файлы которых необходимо '                                                   'найти.',                                 'submit_title': 'Начать поиск',                                 'element_id': 'find_button', 'element_method': 'click',                                 'spinner_message': 'Ожидайте окончания поиска...', },                                RequestContext(request))

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