Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Re: How to filter results using forms in Django/Python (best approach) ?

Hi Kirby,

It seems very interesting. I'll let you know if I try it.
Just for curiosity, what differentiates your project from django-filters or django-datafilters ?


Ronaldo Bahia 

2015-02-24 12:57 GMT-03:00 C. Kirby <>:
I'm sorry I missed this thread at the beginning. I have an app that basically gives you the ability to build "advanced search" forms in almost the same way as model forms. You can take a look at it at

If you try it or at least look at it, please let me know what you think. I am successfully using it in 3 different projects.


On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 6:33:32 PM UTC-6, Vijay Khemlani wrote:
You're welcome, glad I could help :D

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 5:25 PM, Ronaldo Bahia <> wrote:
Awesome! Now it works perfectly.

I'm updating my stackoverflow code for anyone facing the same doubt.

Thanks a lot man!!!!

Em segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2015 13:02:06 UTC-3, Vijay Khemlani escreveu:
Change the declaration of the funciotn

def filter_job_candidates(job):


def filter_job_candidates(self, job):

And the filtering depends on the particular job being displayed on the view, if you change the line to


Then it would filter the candidates for all the jobs, not the particular one the user is seeing on the view (the one that is passed to the form method).

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Ronaldo Bahia <> wrote:
Oh, I'm feeling stupid right now :D

now my new error:

filter_job_candidates() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)


job_candidates = form_cand.filter_job_candidates(self.object)

I've tried to remove the arguments but django says "global name 'self' not defined"

I also think that in the correct way to write is:

def filter_job_candidates(job):
assert self.is_valid()
job_candidates = Job.objects.applied_to.all()

Or am I wrong?

Sorry for bothering...

Em segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2015 10:50:49 UTC-3, Vijay Khemlani escreveu:
Oh, if it is that line I missed a parenthesis in the my previuos snippet in the filter of haircolor

job_candidates = job_candidates.filter(candidate__candidatelook__haircolor=self.cleaned_data['haircolor'])

You also need to change the other filter

job_candidates = job_candidates.filter(status=self.cleaned_data['status'])

But you should ble able to detect that kind of errors, those are Python things, not something specifically about Django.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 7:40 AM, Ronaldo Bahia <> wrote:

Ronaldo Bahia 
Diretor |

2015-02-22 23:16 GMT-03:00 Vijay Khemlani <>:
Well, I think you can continue posting the updated code here or pastebin or in the stackoverflow question, where other people can suggest solutions.

What is the complete message you are getting in your syntax error? can you upload your whole into pastebin or something?


On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 10:53 PM, Ronaldo Bahia <> wrote:

For some reason, I'm getting SyntaxError with self.cleaned_data in 

I'd like you to teach me how to make this. I have no problem to share my project code.

Do you think we can make it?

Please, email me so we can discuss about it or add me in skype: bahiamartins

Thanks very much

Em sábado, 21 de fevereiro de 2015 20:49:21 UTC-2, Vijay Khemlani escreveu:
If both forms are used in the same view, I see little reason to make them separate and ModelForms, the form class I put above should be a better choice.

In order to do the actual filtering, you can do something like this

class ScreeningForm(forms.Form):
    haircolor = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CandidateLook.HAIRCOLOR_CHOICES, required=False)
    status = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CandidateToJob.STATUS_CHOICES, required=False)

    def filter_job_candidates(job):
        assert self.is_valid()

        job_candidates = job.applied_to.all().order_by('candidate')

        if self.cleaned_data['haircolor']:
            # You need to change the "user" field in CandidateLook to a OneToOneField for this to work, which doesn't change anything since the field is already a primary key that can't be repeated either way
            job_candidates job_candidates.filter(candidate__candidatelook__haircolor=self.cleaned_data['haircolor']

        if self.cleaned_data['status']:
            job_candidates job_candidates.filter(status=self.cleaned_data['status']

        return job_candidates

And in your view...

class Screening(generic.DetailView):

    model = Job
    template_name = 'dashboard/screening.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(Screening, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Fetch the sender_id for each unread message.
        # Count the number of times that the sender_id was included.
        # Then convert the list of tuples into a dictionary for quick lookup.
        sent_messages = dict(
            ).values_list('sender_id', 'messages_sent')

        form = ScreeningForm(self.request.GET)

        if form.is_valid():
            job_candidates = form.filter_job_candidates(self.object)
            # Fallback, since the form will always be valid unless someone tampered with the form parameters manually
            job_candidates = self.object.applied_to.all().order_by('candidate')

        candidates = []
        for candidate in job_candidates:
            candidate.messages_sent = sent_messages.get(
        context['candidate_list'] = candidates
        context['form'] = form 

        return context

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Ronaldo Bahia <> wrote:
Hi Vijay,

Thanks for your response.
I've just updated my question in stackoverflow 'cause I forgot to show my forms.

What I need is to enable a user (company) to filter results (candidates) based on forms selection (candidates' status and candidates' haircolors)

And I don't know how to make this in my detailview.


Em sábado, 21 de fevereiro de 2015 00:33:34 UTC-2, Vijay Khemlani escreveu:
It's not clear what's the purpose of the view you are showing. ¿Is it supposed to display a form with "haircolor" and "status" fields and filter the results it displays based on that?

In that case you can declare a form:

from django import forms

class ScreeningForm(forms.Form):
    haircolor = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CandidateLook.HAIRCOLOR_CHOICES)
    status = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CandidateToJob.STATUS_CHOICES)

then you can use it in your view, for example to display it:

class Screening(generic.DetailView):
    model = Job
    template_name = 'dashboard/screening.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(Screening, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['form'] = ScreeningForm()
        return context


<form method="get" action=".">
    {{ form.as_p }}
    <input type="submit" value="Filter" />
(the code above just creates, displays and submits the form, it does not filter your results yet)

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Ronaldo Bahia <> wrote:

I'm kind of new in python/django and I'd like to know: What's the best approach to filter results in Django using forms in a view?

I need to filter candidates by haircolor, according to the model CandidateLook and by status, according to CandidateToJob model.

Thanks in advance.

Here is my code:

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