Thursday, October 31, 2019

Re: Field Select MasterDetail

I have a similar challenge and I think that I shall tackle it by making the first level dependency outside the main model, i.e. Building should be a ForeignKey in BuildingOwner model.  Then your main model shouldn't have the a link to the Building model, but rather 2 ForeignKeys to BuildingOwner. Seems logical, but will it work?


On 01 Nov 2019, at 00:54, J-23 <> wrote:

I am new to Django. I have a FormFault model, which has two foreign keys "BuildingOwner" and "Building", the key "Building" depends on "BuildingOwner" on the form, it gives me two fields of type Select (ComboBox) or is there a way in Django that the content of ComboBox changes depending on "BuildingOwner" values?

from django.db import models

class Items(models.Model):
   Item_Text = models.CharField("Temat", max_length=100)

    def __str__(self):
       return self.Item_Text

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = "Temat zgłoszenia"
        verbose_name_plural = "Temat zgłoszeń"

class DocumentType(models.Model):
   Document_Text = models.CharField("Rodzaj", max_length=100)

    def __str__(self):
       return self.Document_Text
   class Meta:
       verbose_name = "Rodzaj zgłoszenia"
       verbose_name_plural = "Rodzaj zgłoszeń"

class Status(models.Model):
  Status_Text = models.CharField("Status", max_length=100)

   def __str__(self):
     return self.Status_Text

   class Meta:
     verbose_name = "Status zgłoszenia"
     verbose_name_plural = "Status zgłoszeń"

class BuildingOwner(models.Model):
   BuildingOwner_Text = models.CharField("Właściciel", max_length=100)

    def __str__(self):
     return self.BuildingOwner_Text

    class Meta:
     verbose_name = "Właściciela budynku"
     verbose_name_plural = "Właściciel budynków"

class Building(models.Model):
   BuildingOwner = models.ForeignKey(BuildingOwner, verbose_name="Właściciel budynku", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
   Building_Text = models.CharField("Budynek", max_length=150)
   def __str__(self):
     return self.Building_Text

    class Meta:
     verbose_name = "Budynek"
     verbose_name_plural = "Budynki"

class FormFault(models.Model):
   Person = models.CharField("Imię i Nazwisko",max_length=300)
   Email = models.EmailField("E-mail", max_length=50)
   Items = models.ForeignKey(Items, verbose_name="Temat", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
   DocumentType = models.ForeignKey(DocumentType, verbose_name="Rodzaj dokumentu", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
   Status = models.ForeignKey(Status, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
   BuildingOwner = models.ForeignKey(BuildingOwner, verbose_name="Właściciel budynku", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
   Building = models.ForeignKey(Building, verbose_name="Budynek", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
   Place = models.CharField("Lokal", max_length=10)

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = "Zgłoszenie"
        verbose_name_plural = "Zgłoszenia"


I found a library here: 

but I'm wondering if this can't be done in a simpler way.

Best regards,

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Re: html home file is not opening while running under django env......

Did you import include?


On 01 Nov 2019, at 00:29, হজমুলা খান <> wrote:

On Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 12:22:48 PM UTC, Kasper Laudrup wrote:
Hi হজমুলা খান,

On 31/10/2019 11.22, হজমুলা খান wrote:
> i am novice and following django for beginners ebook. while i am running
> the program  base.html and about.html are working properly but when i
> click on the home link, it shows:
>   Page not found (404)
> Request Method:        GET
> Request URL:        http://localhost:8000/home
> Using the URLconf defined in |pages_project.urls|, Django tried these
> URL patterns, in this order:
>  1. admin/
>  2. [name='home']
>  3. about/ [name='about']
> The current path, |home|, didn't match any of these.
> i have installed Jinja2 and if i open base.html without running django
> server, it works well but under django server it's not working. what
> should i do?

You need to add 'home' to your inside your pages_project
directory. Read more here:

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

thanx for your reply. i have edited pages_project/ as follows: urlpatterns = [ path('admin/',, path('home/', include('pages.urls')), in this case home page is working but base.html and about.html is not showing . if i add path('about/', include('pages.urls')), then both home.html and about.html is showing but the url becomes localhost:8000/home/aboutlocalhost:8000/about is not working. i put home.html in new folder pages and the order your talked about but they have no effect because i kept the files in both sides. plz share any new idea  

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Re: html home file is not opening while running under django env......

On Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 12:22:48 PM UTC, Kasper Laudrup wrote:
Hi হজমুলা খান,

On 31/10/2019 11.22, হজমুলা খান wrote:
> i am novice and following django for beginners ebook. while i am running
> the program  base.html and about.html are working properly but when i
> click on the home link, it shows:
>   Page not found (404)
> Request Method:        GET
> Request URL:        http://localhost:8000/home
> Using the URLconf defined in |pages_project.urls|, Django tried these
> URL patterns, in this order:
>  1. admin/
>  2. [name='home']
>  3. about/ [name='about']
> The current path, |home|, didn't match any of these.
> i have installed Jinja2 and if i open base.html without running django
> server, it works well but under django server it's not working. what
> should i do?

You need to add 'home' to your inside your pages_project
directory. Read more here:

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

thanx for your reply. i have edited pages_project/ as follows: urlpatterns = [ path('admin/',, path('home/', include('pages.urls')), in this case home page is working but base.html and about.html is not showing . if i add path('about/', include('pages.urls')), then both home.html and about.html is showing but the url becomes localhost:8000/home/aboutlocalhost:8000/about is not working. i put home.html in new folder pages and the order your talked about but they have no effect because i kept the files in both sides. plz share any new idea  

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Re: Not able to install django-heroku

i think you should first check version of both pip and python
u might need pip3 or python 3 to run those commands since you are
trying to install latest version of django using old pip/python

On 10/31/19, soumya sharma <> wrote:
> Thanks, Kasper. I don't know what the issue was but it is working fine now.
> I added django-heroku==0.3.1 in the requirements.txt file and it worked. :)
> On Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 5:50:36 PM UTC+5:30, Kasper Laudrup wrote:
>> Hi Soumya,
>> On 31/10/2019 08.28, soumya sharma wrote:
>> > I tried installing the psycopg-binary as suggested in the error
>> > statement but it is still not working. Please help
>> >
>> I don't know anything about django-heroku, but the reason you get the
>> error is that you are attempting to build the psycopg2 package from
>> source. In order to do that you need to have the python development
>> package installed. You haven't specified which distro you are using
>> (assuming this is on Linux), but it's probably called something like
>> python-devel, python3-dev or similar.
>> Kind regards,
>> Kasper Laudrup
> --
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Re: Export HTML template filled by form to HTML file

If I haven't misunderstood, you wish to add/update/list data to/from the DB via a form?  I am learning myself and I have just successfully  managed to achieve this through CBV's (Class Based Views), which obviate the use of forms and perform well – with fewer lines of code. In Django 2.2.x the file contains the following import:

from django.views.generic import (


    View, ListView, DetailView, CreateView, UpdateView, DeleteView)


One of my models is called Organisation inside the application – pbs1/.  The file contains the following classes:

class Org_View(ListView):

    model = Organisation

    # Returns organisation_list


class Org_DetailView(DetailView):

    context_object_name = "org_detail"

    model = Organisation

    template_name = 'pbs1/organisation_detail.html'

    # Returns organisation


class OrgCreateView(CreateView):

    fields = ('org_Name''org_Site''org_HQ_Location''org_Sector',


    model = Organisation


class OrgUpdateView(UpdateView):

    fields = ('org_Name''org_Site''org_HQ_Location''org_Sector',




class OrgDeleteView(DeleteView):

    model = Organisation

    success_url = reverse_lazy("pbs1:organisation_list")


Each class does exactly what it says – e.g. OrgUpdateView allows me to update a previously created record in the DB.  The and *.html are a bit more complicated.  But, I can share these with you as well.  I learnt/am learning this stuff through Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp from Udemy.


Bruckner de Villiers

083 625 1086


From: <> on behalf of Valentin Jungbluth <>
Reply to: <>
Date: Thursday, 31 October 2019 at 13:45
To: Django users <>
Subject: Export HTML template filled by form to HTML file


I have a template page on which one I access when I filled my `Django form`. This page is a simple `HTML page` with data coming from my form. I would like to be able to download the filled template. That's to say, get a browser window which let to download the template or by clicking on a button which will save the HTML template somewhere.


This is my code in my **** file:



 class TemplateGenerator(TemplateView):
''' This class displays the form and lets to save data into my database.
            It redirects users to the filled HTML template '''

= CommunicationForm
= 'form.html'
= '/HTML_Result/'
def get(self, request):
= self.form_class()
return render(request, self.template_name, {'form': form})
def post(self, request):
= self.form_class(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
return redirect('HTML_Result')
= {'form': form}
return render(request, self.template_name, args)
class HTMLResult(TemplateView):
''' This class displays the template filled thanks to the form from TemplateGenerator() class '''
= 'template_1.html'
def get(self, request):
= Communication.objects.values().latest('id')
return render(request, self.template_name, {'data': data})
def donwload_html(self):
= os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'media')
if os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as fh:
= HttpResponse(,
['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename=' + 'test'
return response
raise Http404



I know I need to use `Content-Disposition` in order to download the HTML page, but I don't find a way to use it correctly.
Do you have any idea ?


Thank you by advance

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Re: Not able to install django-heroku

Thanks, Kasper. I don't know what the issue was but it is working fine now. I added django-heroku==0.3.1 in the requirements.txt file and it worked. :)

On Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 5:50:36 PM UTC+5:30, Kasper Laudrup wrote:
Hi Soumya,

On 31/10/2019 08.28, soumya sharma wrote:
> I tried installing the psycopg-binary as suggested in the error
> statement but it is still not working. Please help

I don't know anything about django-heroku, but the reason you get the
error is that you are attempting to build the psycopg2 package from
source. In order to do that you need to have the python development
package installed. You haven't specified which distro you are using
(assuming this is on Linux), but it's probably called something like
python-devel, python3-dev or similar.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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Re: __init__ method called every time on same APIView object

urlpatterns = [
path('incoming-calls/', incoming_calls.IncomingCallsReport.as_view(), name='incoming-calls'),

class IncomingCallsReport(APIView):
    select_fields = ["uniqueid", "enterdate"]

    def __init__(self):
        show_contact_details = settings.SHOW_CONTACT_DETAILS
        if show_contact_details:
            for i in range(11):
                self.select_fields.append("custom{}".format(i + 1))

    def post(self, request):               
        return Response(status=200)    

With the code above, every time I make a POST to incoming-calls/, the field select_fields gets 10 new custom fields, and that's not the idea

On Wednesday, October 30, 2019 at 6:10:08 PM UTC-5, Diana María Bedoya Ramírez wrote:

I have an APIView object with an __init__method. In that __init__ I have a loop that extends a class list variable. Every time I make a POST to the url that calls the APIView, the items in the loop items are added to the old ones in the list, duplicating the item number every time. 

Why is the __init__ method called on the same object with every request? How can assure a new object with every requesdt I make?

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Re: html home file is not opening while running under django env......

I am not knowledge form digonal

On Thursday, 31 October 2019 17:15:23 UTC+5:30, হজমুলা খান wrote:
i am novice and following django for beginners ebook. while i am running the program  base.html and about.html are working properly but when i click on the home link, it shows:

Page not found (404)

Request Method:GET
Request URL:http://localhost:8000/home

Using the URLconf defined in pages_project.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. admin/
  2. [name='home']
  3. about/ [name='about']

The current path, home, didn't match any of these.

i have installed Jinja2 and if i open base.html without running django server, it works well but under django server it's not working. what should i do?

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Re: html home file is not opening while running under django env......

Hi হজমুলা খান,

On 31/10/2019 11.22, হজমুলা খান wrote:
> i am novice and following django for beginners ebook. while i am running
> the program  base.html and about.html are working properly but when i
> click on the home link, it shows:
> Page not found (404)
> Request Method: GET
> Request URL: http://localhost:8000/home
> Using the URLconf defined in |pages_project.urls|, Django tried these
> URL patterns, in this order:
> 1. admin/
> 2. [name='home']
> 3. about/ [name='about']
> The current path, |home|, didn't match any of these.
> i have installed Jinja2 and if i open base.html without running django
> server, it works well but under django server it's not working. what
> should i do?

You need to add 'home' to your inside your pages_project
directory. Read more here:

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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Re: Not able to install django-heroku

Hi Soumya,

On 31/10/2019 08.28, soumya sharma wrote:
> I tried installing the psycopg-binary as suggested in the error
> statement but it is still not working. Please help

I don't know anything about django-heroku, but the reason you get the
error is that you are attempting to build the psycopg2 package from
source. In order to do that you need to have the python development
package installed. You haven't specified which distro you are using
(assuming this is on Linux), but it's probably called something like
python-devel, python3-dev or similar.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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html home file is not opening while running under django env......

i am novice and following django for beginners ebook. while i am running the program  base.html and about.html are working properly but when i click on the home link, it shows:

Page not found (404)

Request Method:GET
Request URL:http://localhost:8000/home

Using the URLconf defined in pages_project.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. admin/
  2. [name='home']
  3. about/ [name='about']

The current path, home, didn't match any of these.

i have installed Jinja2 and if i open base.html without running django server, it works well but under django server it's not working. what should i do?

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Not able to install django-heroku

I tried installing the psycopg-binary as suggested in the error statement but it is still not working. Please help

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Re: Making a scheduling app/programm for recurring treatment

Any time , send me a text message at first

On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 6:10 am Nithin Bhaskar, <> wrote:
What would be the right time to call you?

On Wed, 30 Oct 2019 at 22:36, Motaz Hejaze <> wrote:
I can cooperate with you .. 
Talk to me on skype : m3tz-hjze

On Wed, 30 Oct 2019, 6:43 pm Uzama Zaid Mohammed Jaward, <> wrote:
I think you don't get any answer for these like questions in here. This is a forum to discuss about Django and Support. First you have to design the system. Then onwards you can use Django. You might get answer for this if you will post this in stack overflow 

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 19:34, Nithin Bhaskar <> wrote:
Well to be frank, I am stuck right at the beginning itself.

I am working in a public sector with limiter resources and a huge patient load and almost no funding. I was thinking of making patient scheduling a bit manageable and easy in my hospital.

I have not yet figured out how to go about with it. I know its too naive, but i could really use some help starting from the core basics. I have just made an app called scheduler1.
1. How do i progam treatments in the  7 scheduling rooms and block them for the next 7 weeks.
2. Certain procedures are done only in room 1 and 2. So in option 4 (modality of treatment), if i have chosen them, the patients have to be scheduled in these rooms.

But before this, I need to start with the basic layout of the app.

I understand that you may find it similar to teaching a kindergarten kid, but I would be really grateful if you could help me put

Thanking you


On Wed, 30 Oct 2019 at 18:59, Kasper Laudrup <> wrote:
Hi Nithin,

On 30/10/2019 08.19, Nithin Bhaskar wrote:
> I am completely new to django and python and don't have a background in
> programming
> I have taught myself a bit of python and django and use PyCharm
> Kindly help me out

What exactly do you need help with? What have you done so far? Where are
you stuck?

You need to be more specific.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Re: __init__ method called every time on same APIView object

Show some example of code ....

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 5:08 PM Diana María Bedoya Ramírez <> wrote:

I have an APIView object with an __init__method. In that __init__ I have a loop that extends a class list variable. Every time I make a POST to the url that calls the APIView, the items in the loop items are added to the old ones in the list, duplicating the item number every time. 

Why is the __init__ method called on the same object with every request? How can assure a new object with every requesdt I make?

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Re: Alternatives to django ajax select - VIMP Information for EveryOne

Really Very Nice Help.


On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 6:22 AM carlos <> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 3:35 PM Luis Zárate <> wrote:
Hi Guys,

Do you know any alternative to django-ajax-selects, I am using it in a project in django 2.2 but docs says that support <=2.1 and also has some problems with the version on jquery used, so I am looking something that help to remplace this lib.

"La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri

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Carlos Rocha

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Mr. Shetty Balaji S.
Asst. Professor
Department of Information Technology,
SGGS Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vishnupuri, Nanded.MH.India
  Mobile: +91-9270696267

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