Monday, June 27, 2016

how to display JSON data in template


How can I access and display JSON data in a template html file? I am getting the JSON data back in the javascript console as follows : 

I tried {{ jason_data }} but no luck.

Thank you!

Here is how I am returning the json data in
return HttpResponse(json_obj, content_type='application/json')

  1. Console: 
  2. [ObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectObject]
    1. 0:Object
    2. 1:Object
    3. 2:Object
    4. 3:Object
    5. 4:Object
    6. 5:Object
    7. 6:Object
    8. 7:Object
    9. 8:Object
    10. 9:Object
    11. 10:Object
    12. 11:Object
    13. 12:Object
    14. 13:Object
    15. length:14
    16. __proto__:Array[0]

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