Thursday, November 24, 2016

Re: Migrations for multiple Django versions

We find out migrations with condition on Django version doesn't work.

Let's have migrations based on Django version for user last_login:
 1. Create database
 2. Run migrations in Django 1.7 - that correctly creates table custom_user with last_login NOT NULL
 3. Update Django to 1.9
 4. Run migrations -> migration for auth.User is correctly ignored
 5. custom_user with last_login is NOT NULL, altough it shouldn't be. Both migrations that should take care of it were ignored - our migration because it was based on Django version, auth migrations because the use is swapped.

So, what now?


Dne středa 19. října 2016 1:57:25 UTC+2 Tim Graham napsal(a):
Assuming the problem is makemigrations generating different migrations based on the Django version, conditionally adding operations in migrations with some django.VERSION checks may help.

On Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 7:12:02 AM UTC-4, Vlastimil Zíma wrote:
Hi everyone,

we are trying in our application to support multiple Django versions, specifically 1.7 to 1.9. But we encountered a problem with `User.last_login` field. We use custom User model based on `AbstractBaseUser` as specified by the documentation. Everything was fine in Django 1.7, but we got stuck when we wanted to add support for Django 1.8, where the `last_login` was modified to allow NULL values. As recommended by we have migrations generated in Django 1.7 (lowest supported version) an thus `last_login` is NOT NULL, but that causes tests to fail when run in Django 1.8/1.9, since code allows `last_login` to be NULL.

We can't even redefine the field in our model, which would be the most straight forward solution, but that's not allowed by Django either.

What's the correct solution for this problem? It looks to us like there are some unresolved issues regarding the model and migrations design.

Thanks for any suggestions

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