Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Re: Custom Widget for CharField Multiple

Hi! If I understand this correctly, subclassing `forms.widgets.Input` was a wrong idea.
As you can see in Input's source (, it always renders single <input> tag, so you'd always get single value attribute from it, which is a string, not a list.

On 28 Dec 2016, at 22:52, Farhan Khan <> wrote:

I am trying to create a `CharFieldMultiple`, equivalent to the MultipleHiddenInput or SelectMultiple.

The goal is to have multiple CharField returned as a list, but have not been able to recreate it. My code thus far is:

class CharFieldMultiple(forms.widgets.Input):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
if value is None:
= []
= self.build_attrs(attrs, type=self.input_type, name=name)
= []
for i, v in enumerate(value):
= dict(value=force_text(v), **final_attrs)
.append(format_html('<input{} />', flatatt(input_attrs)))
return mark_safe('\n'.join(inputs))

I am trying to figure out how 'value' is set. I noticed that when I manually put value = ['a','b','c'], I will get 3 CharFields, great! But I cannot figure out how to pass that value parameter.

The type-field is still set to None, but I can figure that out later.
Thanks in advance!

- Farhan

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