Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Regarding FileResponse and compressed file objects. Bug?

Consider this situation:

import gzip
from django.http import FileResponse

def some_request(request):
return FileResponse(

This theoretically should work fine, because why shouldn't it?

if os.path.isabs(filename):
self['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(filelike.name)
elif hasattr(filelike, 'getbuffer'):
self['Content-Length'] = filelike.getbuffer().nbytes

Which gets the file size of the compressed gzip file. (the elif branch is never run) That means that the Content-Length will be shorter than the uncompressed content that I am actually sending.

My current "dumb" solution is as such:

from io import BytesIO
import shutil

def some_request(request):
= BytesIO()
    with gzip.open('/path/to/filename.gz') as g:
        shutil.copyfileobj(g, buff)

    return FileResponse(

This reads all the uncompressed content into a separate file-like object that does not have the original file name information. Which forces FileResponse to run the elif branch. Is there a better way to do things?

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