Monday, January 28, 2019

RE: Admin form_url breakout problem

Hi Mike,
When Stripe processes the payment, you need to preventDefault on the form submit, then add the token from Stripe to a hidden input in your form without affecting any other data in the form. Then you can do form.submit() and let the admin handle it from there. Check out the Stripe documentation for some good examples. I've used it myself.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Dewhirst
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Admin form_url breakout problem


I think I'll back everything out and start again. There must be a basic
blunder somewhere.

Just talking it through, I can definitely launch payment_view from the
Admin when all the ducks are in a line. That view populates the hidden
..._id fields and Stripe API fields in the form then calls the Stripe
API which initiates the  Stripe javascript in the Payment template which
resubmits the request with POST direct to Stripe so it can gather the
card detail and send back the json containing the token which proves the
card worked. At that point payment is made and my payment_view has lost
all the context because Stripe made the request not Django. payment_view
detects the Stripe response and must reconstruct the model instances
from the data pre-placed in the hidden form fields. Once the instances
are retrieved that payment_view code updates the subscription record,
creates a receipt record , assembles a message for the success_view and
sends an email to the user.

I am having trouble understanding the correct way to launch payment_view
so that Admin doesn't get confused wanting to add payment/ to the url
and thus keeping it all within the Admin.

Regarding your comment on using reverse to derive the link, I agree. I
was just being somewhat paranoid and skipping the reverse code which I
haven't taken the time to study. I will.

Thanks again


On 26/01/2019 1:59 am, Matthew Pava wrote:
> Based on the error message, it looks like you're trying to call
> reverse('admin') somewhere, but that's not in the code you shared. 
> Actually, you probably want to use a reverse call when populating
> content['link'].
> *From:*
> [] *On Behalf Of *Mike Dewhirst
> *Sent:* Friday, January 25, 2019 3:35 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Admin form_url breakout problem
> On 25/01/2019 2:40 am, Matthew Pava wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I'm not really seeing why this is throwing errors at you.  It seems like you've done everything right.  Could you provide the code (or the relevant parts) for the Substance Admin form?
> Thanks!
> Matthew
> I'm still in trouble and including some code. I'm not being precious
> about it just hoping not to overwhelm you. Please ask for the next
> instalment ...
> class SubstanceAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     def subscribe(self, sm2mi, fee_type, fullyear=False):
>         """
>         sm2mi is the substance<-ingredient m2m through record
>         fee_type determines the subscription fee amount
>         fullyear=False means calculate the fee pro-rata to 30 September
>         We don't need a request here so this can be imported from
> elsewhere.
>         Only called if a fee is payable. Only returns a subscription
> if no token or
>         fullyear == True meaning a subscription renewal is due
>         """
>         subscription, new = Subscription.objects.get_or_create(
>   ,
>             ingredient=sm2mi.ingredient,
>             fee_type=fee_type,
>         )
>         if not subscription.token or fullyear:
>             return subscription
>     def change_view(self, request, object_id, form_url='',
> extra_context=None):
>         """
>         For the billing system we want to include all the context data
> so the
>         change_form populates itself properly. See collect_content
>         self = SubstanceAdmin
>         request = wsgi request object
>         object_id = substance
>         form_url = no idea!
>         extra_context = no_idea
>         """
>         sm2mis =
> Substance_Ingredients.objects.filter(substance_id=object_id)
>         for sm2mi in sm2mis:
>             payable, fee_type = sm2mi.fee_payable()  # eg., True,
>             if payable:
>                 subscription = self.subscribe(sm2mi, fee_type)
>                 if subscription:    # we need to collect money for the
> owner
>                     self.change_form_template = 'payment.html'
>                     content = collect_content(
>                         sm2mi,
>                         subscription,
>                     )
>                     return payment_view(
>                         request,
>                         sm2mi,
>                         subscription,
>                         content=content
>                     )
>         return super(SubstanceAdmin, self).change_view(
>             request, object_id, form_url, extra_context=extra_context,
>         )
> Here is the payment form ... which is further down in
>     class IngredientsInline(admin.StackedInline):
>         class PaymentForm(admin.StackedInline.form):
>             sm2mi_id = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
> required=False)
>             ingredient_id = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
> required=False)
>             subscription_id =
> forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
>             licensee_id = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
> required=False)
>             stripeToken = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
> required=False)
>             stripeEmail = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
> required=False)
>             stripeBillingName =
> forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
>             stripeBillingAddressLine1 =
> forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
>             stripeBillingAddressZip =
> forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
>             stripeBillingAddressState =
> forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
>             stripeBillingAddressCity =
> forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
>             stripeBillingAddressCountry =
> forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=False)
>         form = PaymentForm
> All of the above is working so far as launching the Stripe javascript
> popup and generating the receipt record correctly and so on but does
> not return to the admin nor render the success page.
> The try/except block in payment_view() barfs as follows ...
> content['sm2mi'] = sm2mi
>             content['receipt'] = receipt
>             content['subscription'] = subscription
>             content['message'] = mark_safe(display_message)
>             content['link'] =
> '/admin/substance/substance/{0}/change/'.format(
>             )
>             # report success to the card payer
>             try:
>                 return render(
>                     template_name='success.html',
>                     context=content,
>                     request=request,
>                 )
>             except Exception as err:
>                 print('\n327 billing.views %s' % err)
> 327 billing.views Reverse for 'admin' not found. 'admin' is not a
> valid view function or pattern name.
> Thanks for looking at it
> Mike
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