Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to create Union in Django queryset

Sorry for duplicate post How to create Union

I am using Django REST Framework in project and I want to create union two different Models.

My Models

class A(models.Model):      name = models.CharField(max_length=240, blank=True)      geometry = models.GeometryField(blank=True, null=True)      abwrapper= models.ForeignKey(ABWrapper)        class Meta:          db_table = 'tbl_a'    class B(models.Model):      name = models.CharField(max_length=240, blank=True)      link = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)      geometry = models.GeometryField(blank=True, null=True)      abwrapper= models.ForeignKey(ABWrapper)        class Meta:          db_table = 'tbl_b'

I am trying to create this query

SELECT id,name FROM tbl_a UNION (SELECT, From tbl_b b)

My attempt for union

a = A.objects.values_list('id')  b = B.objects.values_list('id')  queryset = a | b    Error:  AssertionError: Cannot combine queries on two different base models.

Now i tried with parent Model in this way

class ABWrapper(models.Model):      objects = models.GeoManager()      class Meta:          db_table = u'ab_wrapper'

Added this model as ForeignKey above both Models

a = ABWrapper.objects.filter(a__isnull=False).values('a__id')  b = ABWrapper.objects.filter(b__isnull=False).values('b__id')  queryset = a | b    Error:  TypeError: Merging 'GeoValuesQuerySet' classes must involve the same values in each case.

Another attempt by making alias

a = ABWrapper.objects.filter(a__isnull=False).extra(select={'tempID':'a__id'}).values_list('tempID')  b = ABWrapper.objects.filter(b__isnull=False).extra(select={'tempID':'b__id'}).values_list('tempID')  queryset = a | b    Error:  ValueError: When merging querysets using 'or', you cannot have extra(select=...) on both sides.

I have searched on it, mostly answered this issue as using list for both models. But I don't want to use list as I am using Django Rest Framework so I need QuerySet. So my question if I use list for union can I convert resulting list into QuerySet.

Note: I don't want to use SQL Query in Django

Is there any other way to do this task?

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