Friday, September 25, 2015

Modify image before it's handled by stdimage

I'm using django-stdimage for creating variations of the image.

class Photo(models.Model):      photo = StdImageField(upload_to='photos', verbose_name=_("photo"),                        variations={'large': (600, 600), 'thumbnail': (100, 100)}

StdImageField does it's own operations on the image, subclassing ImageField and having attr_class = StdImageFieldFile

StdImageFieldFile does the actual save operation

class StdImageFieldFile(ImageFieldFile):      """      Like ImageFieldFile but handles variations.      """        def save(self, name, content, save=True):          super(StdImageFieldFile, self).save(name, content, save)          render_variations = self.field.render_variations          if callable(render_variations):              render_variations = render_variations(        ,                  variations=self.field.variations,        ,              )          if not isinstance(render_variations, bool):              msg = (                  '"render_variations" callable expects a boolean return value,'                  ' but got %s'                  ) % type(render_variations)              raise TypeError(msg)          if render_variations:              self.render_variations()

However, I want to do some manipulation of the image before StdImageFieldFile does it (rotating).

So I created my custom field, to catch the image before it's passed to stdimage

class Rotate(ImageFieldFile):      def save(self, name, content, save=True):          save = False            return super(Rotate, self).save(name, content, save)    class StdImageFieldFileRotateMixin(Rotate, StdImageFieldFile):      pass    class StdImageFieldRotate(StdImageField):      attr_class = StdImageFieldFileRotateMixin

I have the image in the content property of the Rotate class and I can manipulate the image using PIL, but after it's done, I don't know how to assign this image back to the content property. It seems that it's generated on the lower level. Is there a method to generate this content property and then MRO will handle the rest (i.e. pass it to StdImageFieldFile and it will do the rest)?

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