Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Re: Having a hard time installing Graphite on Windows 7

Hello nate, i'm having a hard installing graphite on windows too, i was wondering if you manage to make it work ? if you do, please could you provide me with the exact steps for the installation.
thank you 

Le samedi 12 juillet 2014 19:24:49 UTC+2, nate dingo a écrit :
I am following the instruction on this document.

  • Install Python 2.7 (as mentioned in the other blog post)
  • Install PyPi (as mentioned in the other blog post)
  • Install PythonGTK+ (for Cairo graphics) from here
  • Install Django using a package from here. In my case, I used Django 1.4.2. Drop me a message if Graphite WebApp also works with newer versions of Django.
  • Install twisted using:
    pip install Twisted
  • Install zope.interface using:
    pip install zope.interface
Then where do I go? I have also installed GitHub and Pycairo, and "pygtk-all-in-one-2.24.0.win32-py2.7(2).msi"

Whisper scripts are in my python27/scripts but carbon and web-apps produce error messages when I try to load them using:
git clone  git clone  git clone

Am I even in the ball park?


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