Friday, March 30, 2018

Re: [django-channels] Which process sends message to all channels in a group during group_send?

When you do a group send, the message doing the sending fans out the send to all the target channels (currently using individual commands, and soon with a Lua script inside Redis). We're not using redis pub-sub - we use lists instead.


On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 2:26 AM, krdeepak <> wrote:

I was doing a deep dive in django channels and related projects, and plan to use it in my project along with contributing to it in the future.
I understood most of the details, but still not clear about one things.

During a group_send in channel_layer, which process is responsible for listening to this message and then broadcasting that message to all the channels in that group?
Which process is consuming messages in channel layer?

Seems I am missing some details on how redis implements pub-sub.

Kr Deepak

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