Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Making a scheduling app/programm for recurring treatment

I am trying to make a scheduling app/program for recurring for patients requiring treatments daily (5 days a week) for about 6-7 weeks.

Scheduling has to happen for 6-7 rooms with each room accommodating 50 patients each per day, and each treatment slot extending anywhere between 20-40min (based on the site and type of treatment)

My idea is to have the following data in the front end:
  1. patient name
  2. Hospital ID
  3. Site of treatment
  4. modality of treatment
  5. Expected starting date
  6. No of fractions (no. of recurrences)
Based on the data on 3-6 above, the room has to be allotted for the patient and also further booking for the next 6-7weeks (based on the no. of fractions) has to be blocked for him [except on saturdays and sundays] against his name and ID.

I am completely new to django and python and don't have a background in programming
I have taught myself a bit of python and django and use PyCharm

Kindly help me out


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