Friday, January 30, 2015

How to get hold of a session after getting signaled?

I'm using django-badges in my project which can emit a signal when a user is awarded a badge. I was able to implemented a receiver function, however the output is the following: (from badges):
import django.dispatch

= django.dispatch.Signal(providing_args=['user', 'badge'])

my receiver function test:

from badges.signals import badge_awarded
def do_something_after_badge_awarded(sender, user, badge, **kwargs):
print "Badge Signal received"
print sender # <play.meta_badges.neueBadge object at 0x109733d90>
print user # user object
print badge # badge object
print kwargs

and the output was:
Badge Signal received
<play.meta_badges.neueBadge object at 0x109733d90>
Test Badge 2
{'signal': <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal object at 0x1096da4d0>}

I want to add a message to the request, to notify or show the user that he earned a badge. Is it possible someone get hold of the request? I can freely modify the original source code from django-badges. Currently it's invoked by post_save() on a model instance. So I doubt I can get the request from there.

I found a solution to add another 3rd party app which is called django-notification, but I don't want to add too many apps to my project. Another solution might be to just set some variable in the database and in my view to query this variable - however that will also cost performance and two database hits.

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