Tuesday, September 1, 2015

two modelForm fields to a one model Field


  In my first post, I have a simple question:

  Its possible a modelForm have two fields for a one model Field ? 

  My codes:

 In my models:

   class MyClass(models.Model):
           COMMON_AMENITIES_CHOICES = (('A', 'Aditional'),
                                                        ('C', 'Commom'))

           type = models.CharField(u'type', max_length=1, choices=COMMON_AMENITIES_CHOICES )

           name = moldes.CharField(max_length=250)

With a default form I have this:

class MyClassForm(forms.Form):      from .models import MyClass        COMMON_AMENITIES_CHOICES = tuple(Amenitie.objects.filter(          type_amenitie='C').values_list('id', 'name'))      ADITIONAL_AMENITIES_CHOICES = tuple(Amenitie.objects.filter(          type_amenitie='A').values_list('id', 'name'))        common_amenitie = forms.MultipleChoiceField(          choices=COMMON_AMENITIES_CHOICES,          label=u'Common Amenities'      )      aditional_amenitie = forms.MultipleChoiceField(          choices=ADITIONAL_AMENITIES_CHOICES,          label=u'Common Amenities'      )

  My question:

  Its possible implements this with a modelForm? 

  -- Leandro.

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