Sunday, November 30, 2014

Re: Multiple levels of user in django application

I am basically a PHP programmer, and  I have been assigned modify existing django application.  Now I want to create a login for  all the 5 levels of users and their functionalities are differentiated based on the  roles.  Customization of admin page for adding new user and map it with the corresponding user details. 

I have attached the models that I want to map with the django user.   I want a best solution for mapping the users with different group members using this django application.  


On Saturday, 29 November 2014 22:50:25 UTC+5:30, Scot Hacker wrote:
On Saturday, November 29, 2014 8:49:25 AM UTC-8, Anju SB wrote:

Thank your for your reply.  Actually I created another model that aggregates all the values from each group table.  but after analyzing I feel its a worst method and performance is also very low.So model re-design is the only way to sort out this issue and need  help for redesigning the models.  Because I want to add users and map these users to group details from the admin page.  I am very confused state and I don't know how to re-design and optimize the queries.   

Django makes it easy to have multiple profile types with different sets of custom fields, and various permissions levels (roles). The admin does a good job of letting you add users to groups. I think you're going to have to spell out your problem/goals with more detail - we're not clear on exactly what's not working for you.  It might help (you and us) if you sketched out your desired model relationships with a charting tool or graphics program, or even as ascii art. 


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Re: how add path to open()

Yes this is it :)

thanks :)

W dniu niedziela, 30 listopada 2014 20:24:44 UTC+1 użytkownik Collin Anderson napisał:

I think you want something like this. (Just make sure a login name doesn't have '..' in it :).

filehandler = open('users/' + login, "wb")


On Saturday, November 29, 2014 2:35:31 PM UTC-5, Dariusz Mysior wrote:

I join to topic with my problem

I want to create new file with login and password in new file and I can do it with code below, but I don't know how save this new files in one folder users

def rejestracja(login, haslo): save=None login_tmp=login haslo_tmp=haslo save={login_tmp:haslo_tmp}

print file
("\n\nWcisnij [ENTER]: ")

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Re: Generic Views and Django.contrib.auth

Hi can this work with url reversing namespaced urls?

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:54:45 AM UTC-5, Vijay Khemlani wrote:
If you are usign class based generic views you can use the decorators in the URL config of your app, for example

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^about/', login_required(AboutView.as_view())),

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 12:49 PM, Rootz <> wrote:
Can I use both Generic View and the Django.contrib.auth features (such as login_required decorator and other auth interface tool)? And if it is not possible to integrate auth into Generic Views then can you recommend alternative way of making the two work together? Adding to this I am using Django 1.7v and python 3.4v. 

Thank you

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Re: template url reverse and namespacing is driving me crazy

Change all instances of this in your templates

{% url 'greet' %}

To this

{% url 'greeter:greet' %}.

Since you are now using the 'greeter' namespace. Also, the other one is 

{% url 'greeter:list' %} and not {% url 'list' %} because you are using the 'greeter' namespace.


On Sunday, November 30, 2014 11:51:17 AM UTC-8, pjotr wrote:
Alright, I'm already crazy, so the subject is a bit of a lie. But nevermind.

I think I like namespacing, it is really nice. But there is something not that clear in the documentation of Django, and how to make usage of namespace, in a consistent way. Lets take it by example.

I'm using this pretty amazing app "greeter" that was written by a superuser from a country far away from my own. It is a pretty simple app, that has two url mappings:

url(r'^list/$', HelloWorldList.as_view(), name='list'),
url(r'^greet/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', HelloWorldGreet.as_view(), name='greet'),

The template of HelloWorldList view is using the template tag url like this: {% url 'greet' %}.

After that I hook up the application in my project by including it in my project

url(r'^greeter/', include('greeter.urls')),

Everything works well, I felt like a Django guru integrating the hello world app to my own project. I can access /greeter/list and clicking on the greetings works well.

Later that night I go to bed, feeling confident, kissing my wife goodnight with a smile on my face. I wake up warm, sweaty, with my heart beating. I run to my laptop, just realized I forgot to namespace the greet app, because I just realized I am using the list name in another place in my project, and I don't have any automated tests, so I better namespace it quickly.

So, I change my project url mapping to this:

url(r'^greeter/', include('greeter.urls', namespace='greeter')),

Boom crash. Visiting the /greeter/list/ page gives me:

Reverse for 'greet' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{pk:1}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []

I start to doubt the author of the 'greeter' app, that he didn't prepare his app for being used in other projects, where the project might need namespacing to avoid conflicts.

Digging into Django documentation, I don't really find any argument for the author of the 'greeter' app to be sloppy and not caring of details.

Someone who can enlighten me why django doesn't try to default to the current app when resolving namespaces? Or can someone enlighten me how I can help out the author of the 'greeting' app, so it really is reusable in other projects?

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Re: Simple Login Problem

Apparently caching was enable. Now that I know I disable caching and now it is working now..
thanks :)

On Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:32:27 PM UTC-5, Collin Anderson wrote:

If you type your password wrong, user will be None, and your code will then redirect to the "register" page.

If you press "back" after a successful login, the CSRF token will be out of date and the form won't work.

Are you caching any pages?


On Friday, November 28, 2014 12:55:35 AM UTC-5, Rootz wrote:
I have a django app but I having problems with my login views and logout views. I do not have a html template designated to handle user login/logout view.
Django project is configured as follows:


  1. 'django.contrib.auth' contains the core of the authentication framework, and its default models.
  2. 'django.contrib.contenttypes' is the Django content type system, which allows permissions to be associated with models you create.
  3. 'django.contrib.sessions',


  1. SessionMiddleware manages sessions across requests.
  2. AuthenticationMiddleware associates users with requests using sessions.
  3. csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware 

Using Django Template Language and Template inheritance. The login form is on the base template on other templates extends from this base template.

All my login attempts result in some of the views rendering the user info (username to welcome user back) while other views rendering the page as if the user is an anonymous user. If I try to login in again I get an error page stating that there is a missing csrf token or incorrect. Adding to this I have identified many instances where I have tried to logout and it does not seem to log me out because it is still showing the last user login info. For my base template I have hard coded the form (meaning not using Django Form class).

Can You identify the possible fault in how i am implementing the login and logout views?

 Here is a copy of my login and logout views

def members_login(request):

    if request.method == 'POST':
        password = request.POST['password']
        username = request.POST['username']
        user = authenticate(username=username,password=password)

        if user is not None:
            if user.is_active:
                return redirect('members:index')
                #inactive users required to re-register
                return redirect('members:index')
            #no account required to register to create one
            return redirect('members:register')
        #test if login is a regular get request then redirect
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('members:index'))

def members_logout(request):
    return redirect('members:index')

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Re: defining an app stub using AppConfig?

Collin Anderson <> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> I'm not sure, but is this what you want?
> models = apps.get_app_config(setting.NEWSLETTER_APP).models_module
> Collin

Thanks Collin. I think that would do what I want, but in the end I
decided the easier way to go would be to fork the app, then experiment
with switching code in the app itself, rather than switching apps in my
Django project. Whether or not that will actually turn out to be simpler...

> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:50:40 AM UTC-5, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> I'm messing around with testing many Github forks of the emencia
> newsletter app, looking for one I like. In the meantime (and as
> I'm
> likely to continue switching around for a while), I'd like not to
> have
> to commit code that points at the different names of the different
> apps:
> they all have the same models and database structure, the only
> thing
> that changes is the top-level name of the module.
> I looked at the code for contrib/comments, and have some questions
> about
> using AppConfig.
> What I'd like to do is have a setting in that reads:
> NEWSLETTER_APP='maja_newsletter'
> Or what have you. This would change semi-regularly as I test.
> Then I'd have a top-level file called, with
> something like this in it:
> from django.conf import settings
> from django.apps import apps
> module = apps.get_app_config(settings.NEWSLETTER_APP.rpartition
> (".")[2]).module
> Here's where I'm having trouble. Is there any way that I can
> basically
> dump all the models from what would be module.models into this
> file?
> Playing with this in the shell, when I try to import actual models
> from
> module.models I get an "No module named module.models", even
> though
> eval'ing "module.models" directly gives me:
> <module 'maja_newsletter.models' from '/path/'>
> Clearly this is just a misunderstanding on my part about how
> Python
> modules work.
> Is there anything I can do? Looking at the code in
> contrib/comments I
> suspect not -- if there were, it would have been done there.
> Anyway, thanks for any light shed on how AppConfig can be used in
> this
> situation...
> Eric

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Re: simplifying double decorators?


Thanks for the responses.


The way I see this working is that @login_required decorator prompts the user to login if they are not already. If there is a valid user who fails the test, they login correctly, but are redirected to the homepage.

Without the @login_required, there is no prompt to login. I'm anticipating these pages being bookmarked and would like the user to be taken directly to the expected page after a successful login.


Thanks for the suggestion - that works!. New to me is the ...)(view) syntax. Do I understand correctly that I could add another line following the same structure and reversal of order? Eg:

def my_view...


def triple_decorator(view):
    view = decorator3()(view)
    view = decorator2(kwarg1='something')(view)
    return decorator1(kwarg2='testing')(view)

def my_view...

Thanks very much!


On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Arnold Krille <> wrote:
On Sun, 30 Nov 2014 10:30:29 -0800 Richard Brockie
<> wrote:
> I'm running into the situation where I have several views with the
> same set of decorators:
> @login_required()
> @user_passes_test(some_test_function, login_url='/',
> redirect_field_name=None)
> def some_view(request):
>     # some code
>     return render(request, 'some_template.html', locals())
> How would I go about combining the two (or more) decorators into a
> single decorator that can be used instead and retain the
> functionality?

Well, if the user has to pass a test, you have to have a user first.
And unless the AnonymousUser passes your permissions tests, the
combination of "@login_required" and "@user_passes_test" is a
redundancy… At least it was in my old project I worked for where we
replaced these duplicates and used only the permissions tests and it
worked great. No user -> no permissions to check for. (Actually it was
no user -> no company & no roles -> no permissions.)

Have fun,


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Richard Brockie

Real-time bicycle race results -

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template url reverse and namespacing is driving me crazy

Alright, I'm already crazy, so the subject is a bit of a lie. But nevermind.

I think I like namespacing, it is really nice. But there is something not that clear in the documentation of Django, and how to make usage of namespace, in a consistent way. Lets take it by example.

I'm using this pretty amazing app "greeter" that was written by a superuser from a country far away from my own. It is a pretty simple app, that has two url mappings:

url(r'^list/$', HelloWorldList.as_view(), name='list'),
url(r'^greet/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', HelloWorldGreet.as_view(), name='greet'),

The template of HelloWorldList view is using the template tag url like this: {% url 'greet' %}.

After that I hook up the application in my project by including it in my project

url(r'^greeter/', include('greeter.urls')),

Everything works well, I felt like a Django guru integrating the hello world app to my own project. I can access /greeter/list and clicking on the greetings works well.

Later that night I go to bed, feeling confident, kissing my wife goodnight with a smile on my face. I wake up warm, sweaty, with my heart beating. I run to my laptop, just realized I forgot to namespace the greet app, because I just realized I am using the list name in another place in my project, and I don't have any automated tests, so I better namespace it quickly.

So, I change my project url mapping to this:

url(r'^greeter/', include('greeter.urls', namespace='greeter')),

Boom crash. Visiting the /greeter/list/ page gives me:

Reverse for 'greet' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{pk:1}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []

I start to doubt the author of the 'greeter' app, that he didn't prepare his app for being used in other projects, where the project might need namespacing to avoid conflicts.

Digging into Django documentation, I don't really find any argument for the author of the 'greeter' app to be sloppy and not caring of details.

Someone who can enlighten me why django doesn't try to default to the current app when resolving namespaces? Or can someone enlighten me how I can help out the author of the 'greeting' app, so it really is reusable in other projects?

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Re: simplifying double decorators?

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)

On Sun, 30 Nov 2014 10:30:29 -0800 Richard Brockie
<> wrote:
> I'm running into the situation where I have several views with the
> same set of decorators:
> @login_required()
> @user_passes_test(some_test_function, login_url='/',
> redirect_field_name=None)
> def some_view(request):
> # some code
> return render(request, 'some_template.html', locals())
> How would I go about combining the two (or more) decorators into a
> single decorator that can be used instead and retain the
> functionality?

Well, if the user has to pass a test, you have to have a user first.
And unless the AnonymousUser passes your permissions tests, the
combination of "@login_required" and "@user_passes_test" is a
redundancy… At least it was in my old project I worked for where we
replaced these duplicates and used only the permissions tests and it
worked great. No user -> no permissions to check for. (Actually it was
no user -> no company & no roles -> no permissions.)

Have fun,


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Re: simplifying double decorators?


def my_double_decorator(view):
= user_passes_test(some_test_function, login_url='/', redirect_field_name=None)(view)
return login_required()(view)


On Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:31:12 PM UTC-5, Richard Brockie wrote:

I'm running into the situation where I have several views with the same set of decorators:

@user_passes_test(some_test_function, login_url='/', redirect_field_name=None)
def some_view(request):
    # some code
    return render(request, 'some_template.html', locals())

How would I go about combining the two (or more) decorators into a single decorator that can be used instead and retain the functionality?

IE: this:

@user_passes_test(some_test_function, login_url='/', redirect_field_name=None)
def some_view...

becomes abstracted to something like this:

def some_view...


Richard Brockie

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Re: how add path to open()


I think you want something like this. (Just make sure a login name doesn't have '..' in it :).

filehandler = open('users/' + login, "wb")


On Saturday, November 29, 2014 2:35:31 PM UTC-5, Dariusz Mysior wrote:

I join to topic with my problem

I want to create new file with login and password in new file and I can do it with code below, but I don't know how save this new files in one folder users

def rejestracja(login, haslo): save=None login_tmp=login haslo_tmp=haslo save={login_tmp:haslo_tmp}

print file
("\n\nWcisnij [ENTER]: ")

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Re: Problem with queryset filtering with Django’s new Prefetch option


Try this:

chapters = Chapter.objects.filter(course=course).prefetch_related(
        Prefetch('status_chapter', queryset=LessonStatus.objects.filter(student=request.user).select_related('lesson')),

Otherwise, maybe the to_attr will help.


On Saturday, November 29, 2014 8:21:03 AM UTC-5, Tobias Abdon wrote:
I am trying to use prefetch_related's new Prefetch option to further filter a database query. Using debug toolbar I can see that prefetch_related is doing its job in making only three DB queries. However, I am positive that the queryset filter I'm passing in is not working. Even though I'm using the option, all of the records are being retrieved in the query.

The goal of the below code is to show a list of Chapters. For each chapter, show its lessons. For each lesson, show the logged in user's status (complete/incomplete).

class Chapter(models.Model):
    status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=1)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from='name')
    desc = models.TextField()

class Lesson(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    chapter = models.ForeignKey(Chapter, related_name='les_chapter')

class LessonStatus(models.Model):
    status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=1)
    lesson = models.ForeignKey(Lesson, related_name="status_lesson")
    student = models.ForeignKey(User)
    chapter = models.ForeignKey(Chapter, related_name="status_chapter")

def chapter_list(request, course_slug):

    course = Course.objects.get(slug=course_slug)

    chapters = Chapter.objects.filter(course=course).prefetch_related(
        Prefetch('status_chapter__lesson__chapter', queryset=LessonStatus.objects.filter(student=request.user)),

    return TemplateResponse(request,
        {'chapters': chapters, 'course': course,}

<div id="chapters">
    {% for ch in chapters %}
        <p>{{ }}</p>
        {% for le in ch.status_chapter.all %}
            <p>lesson status: {{ le.status }}</p>
            <p>lesson name: {{ }}</p>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

When I run this code the LessonStatus is not being filtered by student=request.user. Instead, it is simply getting all LessonStatus records, including those that are for other users. 

Can anyone see if there's something wrong with the above code? Or any ideas how to troubleshoot? There are no errors generated.

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Re: Constructing query


This might work:



On Friday, November 28, 2014 9:08:42 AM UTC-5, termopro wrote:
I have 2 models:
Companies and Tags.

A company may have several tags associated with it, so Tag contains many-to-many relation to Company.

If i'd like to get Tags starting with "A" i'd write:
tags = Tag.objects.filter(name__startswith='A').order_by('name').all()

But how do i get the list of tags (beginning with letter 'A') which are associated with at least 1 company ?

In sql it would be something like:

name LIKE 'A%' AND id IN (SELECT tag_id FROM tag_organization)


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Re: Test client to a redirect requiring a login doesn't set redirect_chain properly? [2nd follow-up]


As of django 1.7, the admin will redirect to a separate login page (whatever url reverse('admin:login') returns).

You could use a middleware to do an earlier, more straightforward require login.


On Friday, November 28, 2014 7:46:05 AM UTC-5, Tim Chase wrote:
On 2014-11-27 20:32, Tim Chase wrote:
> As a bit of follow-up information, if I use runserver and browse to
> the view, it redirects me to /admin/common/region/add/ but it
> displays as the login screen.  Am I missing why this wouldn't do a
> redirect to my named login URL?

A careful reading of [1] suggests that the admin provides its own
login page via the login_template setting: "Path to a custom template
that will be used by the admin site login view."  It apparently
renders this at the URL of the destination page rather than
redirecting to the regular (contrib.auth or some named auth-URL) and
providing a "next={{original_url}}"

Is there any way to get the admin to just use the contrib.auth login
page that I already have in place?



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Re: PDF not saving on Django using open()


return response

This might work:

return response

Though, it would be more memory efficient to write it to a temporary file and then either redirect to that url or stream out the temporary file.


On Friday, November 28, 2014 5:06:14 AM UTC-5, George Rogers wrote:

trying to save files on static after pdfcrowd provides the file. I've tried adding the path to be specific it doesn't work.

from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger, PdfFileReader  from django.template import RequestContext  from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404    import pdfcrowd  from django.http import HttpResponse  from wildling.models import *  from django.shortcuts import redirect    def home(request, template_name='brochures_form.html'):      context = RequestContext(request)      if request.method == 'POST':          context['name'] = name = request.POST.get('name','')          context['adults'] = adults = request.POST.get('adult','')          context['children'] = children = request.POST.get('child','')          context['infant'] = infant = request.POST.get('infant','')          context['start_date'] = start_date = request.POST.get('start-date','')          context['end_date'] = end_date = request.POST.get('end_date','')          context['country'] = country = request.POST.get('country','')          context['destination'] = destination = request.POST.get('destination','')          context['price'] = price = request.POST.get('price','')          context['background_photo'] = background_photo = request.POST.get('background-photo','')          context['from_user'] = from_user = request.POST.get('from','')          context['iteniary'] = iteniary = request.POST.get('iteniary','')          context['days'] = days = request.POST.get('days','')          context['destination'] = destination = request.POST.get('destination','')          context['property_name'] = property_name = request.POST.get('property','')          context['content'] = content = request.POST.get('content','')          context['iteniary'] = iteniary = request.POST.get('iteniary','')            #destinations and countries background photo created by not set          brochure = Brochures(name=name, ref_id="xxx", adults=adults, children=children, infant=infant,                      price=price, content=content, iteneary=iteniary)            request.session['br_id'] =          return redirect('')        return render_to_response(template_name, context, )        def generate_pdf(request, br_id, num):      context = RequestContext(request)      list_of_pages = [""+x+"/" for x in list("123456")]      pdfs = ["page"+x+".pdf" for x in list("123456")]      merger = PdfFileMerger()      client = pdfcrowd.Client("samuel254", "86e62657536d264e8217478d56abd72e")      br_id = response.session["br_id"]      brochure = Brochures.objects.get(br_id)        # set HTTP response headers      response = HttpResponse(mimetype="application/pdf")      response["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=0"      response["Accept-Ranges"] = "none"      response["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=document-output.pdf"        for num in list("123456"):          path = "/home/samuel/Documents/Documents/wilderness/wilderness/static/pdf/"          html = "{1}/page{0}/".format(num,br_id)          pdf = "page{0}.pdf".format(num)          pdf_file = client.convertURI(html)          local = open(pdf,'w')          local.write(pdf_file)          local.close()          merger.append(open(pdf, 'r+b'))        merger.write("document-output.pdf")      response.write(merger)      return response


from django.conf import settings  from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url  from django.conf.urls.static import static  from django.views.generic import TemplateView    from django.contrib import admin  from views import generate_pdf,home    urlpatterns = patterns("",      url(r"^$", home, name="home"),      url(r"^(?P<br_id>d{4})/page(?P<num>[0-9]+)/", generate_pdf),        url(r"^admin/", include(,      url(r"^account/", include("account.urls")),  )    urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

I need to confirm where the file is going, it's not crashing and returns the document-output.pdf but it's blank.

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