Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Re: Inquiry about your need for website development support

I Can Develop this this Thanks  https://dddcodigo.com.br/ddd-27/

On Monday, October 28, 2024 at 3:04:47 PM UTC+5 Kayode Oladipo wrote:
Yeah, I did that. Didn't know the '@' tag, adds the email address to the CC.
Thank you for pointing that out.

On Sun, Oct 27, 2024 at 3:05 PM Teniola <tennye...@gmail.com> wrote:
Broda...he said you should send him what you just sent to the group on personal mail

On Sun, Oct 27, 2024, 4:34 AM Kayode Oladipo <oladipo...@gmail.com> wrote:
I trust this email finds you well? I saw your post on the @django...@googlegroups.com earlier today, and I was wondering whether you still needed a developer.
I am open to working in this role as a Django developer. I also wear other hats as a Frontend Developer (with Vue and Nuxt.js), and as a dedicated backend developer.

If this role is still available, I would be glad if you could respond to my mail, and I would be open to providing more credentials. In the meantime, you can find some of my works and qualifications below:

LinkedIn Profile: https://linkedin.com/in/kayode-oladipo

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,
Kayode Oladipo

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Re: Need Developers


On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 8:35 PM yaamoussa-solution <yaamoussa02diouf@gmail.com> wrote:
I am interresing

Le 25 oct. 2024 8:41 AM, "UJJWAL CHAUDHARY" <choudharydhruv047@gmail.com> a écrit :
I have some works on Website & Application, If anyone Interested please let me know if anyone has interested. On Personal Mail

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Re: Need Developers

I'm interested 

On Fri, Oct 25, 2024, 11:40 UJJWAL CHAUDHARY <choudharydhruv047@gmail.com> wrote:
I have some works on Website & Application, If anyone Interested please let me know if anyone has interested. On Personal Mail

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Re: Need Developers


On Tue, 26 Nov 2024, 20:05 yaamoussa-solution, <yaamoussa02diouf@gmail.com> wrote:
I am interresing

Le 25 oct. 2024 8:41 AM, "UJJWAL CHAUDHARY" <choudharydhruv047@gmail.com> a écrit :
I have some works on Website & Application, If anyone Interested please let me know if anyone has interested. On Personal Mail

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Re: Need Developers

I am interresing

Le 25 oct. 2024 8:41 AM, "UJJWAL CHAUDHARY" <choudharydhruv047@gmail.com> a écrit :
I have some works on Website & Application, If anyone Interested please let me know if anyone has interested. On Personal Mail

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Hello, reach me through skyplussoftware@gmail.com

On Mon, Nov 25, 2024, 9:30 PM utibe solomon <utibesolomon6@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello guys,  I am seeking a django internship job which i can use to increase my level of experience and  work on production level applications , I have about  3 years experience in django and 4 years experience , I stay in Nigeria and have completed University , I am also open to working remotely and dont mind if the Internship is unpaid just to get experience . here is a link to my portfolio https://marvelous85.pythonanywhere.com/about/  and a link to my resume https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y6dHlwnMwbfd7_j0lCjW6YKKUvGHQOXsHAamxWhgH0c/edit?tab=t.0  , I would also appreciate feedback on faulty asreas of my cv and portfolio

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Monday, November 25, 2024

Re: Need Developers


On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 10:25 PM utibe solomon <utibesolomon6@gmail.com> wrote:
I am Interested 

On Fri, Oct 25, 2024, 10:36 AM Tushar <handajay591@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm interested 

Best Regards 


On Fri, Oct 25, 2024, 2:10 PM UJJWAL CHAUDHARY <choudharydhruv047@gmail.com> wrote:
I have some works on Website & Application, If anyone Interested please let me know if anyone has interested. On Personal Mail

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Re: Need Developers

I'm interested bro

On Fri, 25 Oct 2024, 2:10 pm UJJWAL CHAUDHARY, <choudharydhruv047@gmail.com> wrote:
I have some works on Website & Application, If anyone Interested please let me know if anyone has interested. On Personal Mail

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Re: Join on table query without foreign key association

Thank you very much for your reply!
Not using foreign keys in the model is mainly to simplify the difficulty of repairing data.
Manually aggregate associated data in the view.
But now, due to the business related to exporting data, using association queries may be better/faster.
But I cannot change the data model class arbitrarily.
在2024年11月23日星期六 UTC+8 10:03:38<Sam Brown> 写道:
Why not use the ORM as intended?  The ability to use field lookup syntax with foreign key fields is incredibly powerful. Probably worth the refactor time. 

On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 6:39 PM 'Ryan Nowakowski' via Django users <django...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

On November 21, 2024 9:10:10 PM CST, "苏子阔" <zik...@gmail.com> wrote:
In my project, I did not use foreign keys such as models ForeignKey. Instead, models were used BigIntegralField to associate with other tables
For example: customer-id=models BigIntegralField() stores the ID field of the customer table
But now what should I do if I want to use a join on query?
For example, TopUp. objects. select_delate ("customer-id").
Please help me,thank you!

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Re: Need Developers

I am Interested 

On Fri, Oct 25, 2024, 10:36 AM Tushar <handajay591@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm interested 

Best Regards 


On Fri, Oct 25, 2024, 2:10 PM UJJWAL CHAUDHARY <choudharydhruv047@gmail.com> wrote:
I have some works on Website & Application, If anyone Interested please let me know if anyone has interested. On Personal Mail

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Hello guys,  I am seeking a django internship job which i can use to increase my level of experience and  work on production level applications , I have about  3 years experience in django and 4 years experience , I stay in Nigeria and have completed University , I am also open to working remotely and dont mind if the Internship is unpaid just to get experience . here is a link to my portfolio https://marvelous85.pythonanywhere.com/about/  and a link to my resume https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y6dHlwnMwbfd7_j0lCjW6YKKUvGHQOXsHAamxWhgH0c/edit?tab=t.0  , I would also appreciate feedback on faulty asreas of my cv and portfolio

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Friday, November 22, 2024

Re: Join on table query without foreign key association

Why not use the ORM as intended?  The ability to use field lookup syntax with foreign key fields is incredibly powerful. Probably worth the refactor time. 

On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 6:39 PM 'Ryan Nowakowski' via Django users <django-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:

On November 21, 2024 9:10:10 PM CST, "苏子阔" <zikuosu@gmail.com> wrote:
In my project, I did not use foreign keys such as models ForeignKey. Instead, models were used BigIntegralField to associate with other tables
For example: customer-id=models BigIntegralField() stores the ID field of the customer table
But now what should I do if I want to use a join on query?
For example, TopUp. objects. select_delate ("customer-id").
Please help me,thank you!

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Re: Join on table query without foreign key association

On November 21, 2024 9:10:10 PM CST, "苏子阔" <zikuosu@gmail.com> wrote:
In my project, I did not use foreign keys such as models ForeignKey. Instead, models were used BigIntegralField to associate with other tables
For example: customer-id=models BigIntegralField() stores the ID field of the customer table
But now what should I do if I want to use a join on query?
For example, TopUp. objects. select_delate ("customer-id").
Please help me,thank you!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Join on table query without foreign key association

In my project, I did not use foreign keys such as models ForeignKey. Instead, models were used BigIntegralField to associate with other tables
For example: customer-id=models BigIntegralField() stores the ID field of the customer table
But now what should I do if I want to use a join on query?
For example, TopUp. objects. select_delate ("customer-id").
Please help me,thank you!

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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Re: How to Implement websocket in production.

This youtube video demos it clearly and is very simple to understand:

On Mon, 18 Nov 2024 at 14:59, Om Khade <khadeom8@gmail.com> wrote:

I wanted to understand how websocket is implemented in Django React stack.

We are currently using AWS API Gateway Websockets API, which has some issues while testing locally.

Any insight would be appreciated.

Thank you 
Om Khade

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Abdul Qoyyuum Bin Haji Abdul Kadir
Nickname: Q

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Re: How to Implement websocket in production.

To build web sockets, I recommend using Django channels. You can read the docs and let me know if you face any issues.

On Wed, 20 Nov 2024, 22:27 'Ryan Nowakowski' via Django users, <django-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 12:28:09PM +0530, Om Khade wrote:
> I wanted to understand how websocket is implemented in Django React stack.

What has your research uncovered so far?  Where are you stuck?

> We are currently using AWS API Gateway Websockets API, which has some
> issues while testing locally.

What issues specifically?

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Re: How to Implement websocket in production.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 12:28:09PM +0530, Om Khade wrote:
> I wanted to understand how websocket is implemented in Django React stack.

What has your research uncovered so far? Where are you stuck?

> We are currently using AWS API Gateway Websockets API, which has some
> issues while testing locally.

What issues specifically?

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Monday, November 18, 2024

Re: Gaining Experience

Hi Reddy 

I hope you're well 

I am interested in this opportunity, however reaching you in LinkedIn necessitates a premium account 

Please share an alternative way if possible 

Thanks and kind regards

On Mon, 18 Nov 2024 at 21:56, Reddy Tintaya <rtintaya@momnt.com> wrote:

You can gain some experience here. They don't have an open session now, but In know that it could be a good experience.

I might need some paid interns for my company in a couple of weeks/months. Please reach out here, and we can talk :) 

Good luck on your search

On 18 Nov 2024, at 11:23 AM, David K <david.kim40@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I'm looking to gain real-world experience whether paid or not. I've been using the django framework for about a year and half and would like the opportunity to help anyone with projects, apprenticeships or other opportunities.
Please let me know if I can help.

Thank you,


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Gaining Experience

Hello all,

I'm looking to gain real-world experience whether paid or not. I've been using the django framework for about a year and half and would like the opportunity to help anyone with projects, apprenticeships or other opportunities.
Please let me know if I can help.

Thank you,


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Re: Software Developer

i can create api with all data you need from the source! lets talk about it in detail! 

On Mon, 18 Nov, 2024, 9:15 pm Peter Kapena, <peterkapenapeter@gmail.com> wrote:
As part of the technical assessment. Do you think you'll be able to write a web scraper that'll retrieve university data applications such as opening dates and closing dates and url_info. I suppose you'll have to make use of llama or nlp or gpt models or something like. But try that and give me a shot when you find something. You can limit your search to South Africa and use an api such as strapi for searching. 

Kapena Peter Lumumba 

From: django-users@googlegroups.com <django-users@googlegroups.com> on behalf of kemo njie <kemonjie2@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2024 5:11:10 PM
To: django-users@googlegroups.com <django-users@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Software Developer
Honestly no, but I can look into it, and get adapted quickly

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 2:15 AM Peter Lumumba <peterkapenapeter@gmail.com> wrote:
any experience working with fine tuning llama models? 

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 2:03 PM kemo njie <kemonjie2@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, everyone I am a software developer from the gambia and a computer science degree holder from the university of the Gambia, currently looking for a remote job on django and djangorestframework,  react, fastapi

below is my resume and recommendation letter 

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Kapena Peter Lumumba 
+27 81 2174 767

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Re: Software Developer

As part of the technical assessment. Do you think you'll be able to write a web scraper that'll retrieve university data applications such as opening dates and closing dates and url_info. I suppose you'll have to make use of llama or nlp or gpt models or something like. But try that and give me a shot when you find something. You can limit your search to South Africa and use an api such as strapi for searching. 

Kapena Peter Lumumba 

From: django-users@googlegroups.com <django-users@googlegroups.com> on behalf of kemo njie <kemonjie2@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2024 5:11:10 PM
To: django-users@googlegroups.com <django-users@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Software Developer
Honestly no, but I can look into it, and get adapted quickly

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 2:15 AM Peter Lumumba <peterkapenapeter@gmail.com> wrote:
any experience working with fine tuning llama models? 

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 2:03 PM kemo njie <kemonjie2@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, everyone I am a software developer from the gambia and a computer science degree holder from the university of the Gambia, currently looking for a remote job on django and djangorestframework,  react, fastapi

below is my resume and recommendation letter 

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Kapena Peter Lumumba 
+27 81 2174 767

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Re: How to Deploy Celery and Django

Try using digital ocean. A droplet will be 5$ per month.
Trying to get celery working for free doesn't worth the time. 

On 18 Nov 2024, at 12:44 AM, AGASTRONICS <agastronics@gmail.com> wrote:

Have you tried using Docker to run your services.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024, 07:40 Abdul Qoyyuum Haji Abdul Kadir <abdul.qoyyuum@gmail.com> wrote:
Unfortunately, I've tested deploying Django + Celery to these free services (full write-up here: https://buymeacoffee.com/qoyyuum/the-struggle-django-deployments) and they do not work in their FREE plans. So if you really want to deploy them, you have to use their PAID services. I can confirm Heroku, Render.com works in these use cases. I currently host my Django + Celery on a cheap VPS with Coolify 

On Mon, 18 Nov 2024 at 05:29, Kennedy Akogo <akogokennedy@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a Django application that uses Celery to schedule and send SMS messages at specific times. I want to deploy this application to a free or paid platform so users can access it through the web. Which platform would be suitable for this?

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Abdul Qoyyuum Bin Haji Abdul Kadir
Nickname: Q

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Re: Software Developer

Honestly no, but I can look into it, and get adapted quickly

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 2:15 AM Peter Lumumba <peterkapenapeter@gmail.com> wrote:
any experience working with fine tuning llama models? 

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 2:03 PM kemo njie <kemonjie2@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, everyone I am a software developer from the gambia and a computer science degree holder from the university of the Gambia, currently looking for a remote job on django and djangorestframework,  react, fastapi

below is my resume and recommendation letter 

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Kapena Peter Lumumba 
+27 81 2174 767

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Re: Software Developer

any experience working with fine tuning llama models? 

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 2:03 PM kemo njie <kemonjie2@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, everyone I am a software developer from the gambia and a computer science degree holder from the university of the Gambia, currently looking for a remote job on django and djangorestframework,  react, fastapi

below is my resume and recommendation letter 

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Kapena Peter Lumumba 
+27 81 2174 767

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Software Developer

Hello, everyone I am a software developer from the gambia and a computer science degree holder from the university of the Gambia, currently looking for a remote job on django and djangorestframework,  react, fastapi

below is my resume and recommendation letter 

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Seeking Practical Experience with Django & Django REST Framework

Hi everyone,

My name is Nickolas Gabeskiria and I'm a Python developer with a solid foundation in Django and Django REST Framework. I've worked through tutorials and built a few small projects, but now I'm looking to gain more practical experience by collaborating with others, contributing to real-world projects, and learning from more experienced developers.

Here's a quick overview of my current knowledge:

  • I am comfortable with Django basics, including models, views, templates, and form handling.
  • I have experience using Django REST Framework (DRF) to build simple REST APIs.
  • I'm familiar with authentication and permissions in DRF, along with serializers and viewsets.
  • I've worked with databases (mainly PostgreSQL) and model relationships in Django.

While I have a good understanding of the theory, I'm looking to apply this knowledge in real projects. Whether you need help with small tasks or are working on something larger and need an extra hand, I'd love to contribute, learn, and improve my skills.

If anyone is working on a Django or DRF project and would be open to mentoring or collaborating, please feel free to reach out. I'm also happy to help with any areas where I'm confident, such as building API endpoints, working with models, or solving bugs.

Thank you in advance for your time, and I'm excited to connect with other Django developers!

Best regards,

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Re: Help me to Create This Django Project -

Hi Zainab,

Don't ask to ask but just ask. Here's a good reference when asking for help: How do I ask a good question? - Help Center - Stack Overflow

Please keep in mind that homework is designed to help you get better as a programmer. Learn how to use the available tools/libraries/packages/plugins and you'll be fine.

Reminder for others who are offering help, please do not spoon feed the answer to students, else how will they learn.

On Sat, 16 Nov 2024 at 23:03, Zainab Turkey <zozogardenia@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi i am student i have homework can you help me pls???

في جمعة، 15 تشرين الثاني، 2024 في 6:51 م، كتب Mohamed <m35568898@gmail.com>:
Ha okay thanks a lot for the information. wondering if you have any interesting projects 

Le jeu. 14 nov. 2024, 14:43, Anthony Flury <tonysuffolkman@gmail.com> a écrit :
Sorry to be clear - I meant to write :

The fact that not only the objective but also key parts of the design are done (only two tables) is another clue that this is NOT a real world request from a paying customer.  In my experience real customers don't tell the developer about the internal design, or even the choice of framework.  

On Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 9:07 AM Anthony Flury <tonysuffolkman@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, But this feels very homework like to me.  

a real credit bureau would be far more complex with a lot of secure B2B interfaces to companies such as banks and other organisations.   

The fact that not only the objective but also key parts of the design are done (only two tables) is another clue that this is a real world request from a paying customer.  

While I understand that Django can be confusing to a beginner asking for someone to help write your course work feels like cheating to me. I certainly wouldn't be happy with taking college/school credit for a project that was my work.   
Now if in the course of you writing this you hit a specific technical issue or don't understand a specific aspect of something you need to solve,  Then I am sure many people here will help you. 

On Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 8:21 PM Suraj Naithani <surajnaithani70@gmail.com> wrote:
  Credit Bureau Update with Algorithm and Dynamic Question Pop-up - 

We are building a credit bureau update system, and we are looking for a Python/Django developer to implement an algorithm that updates a credit score based on a set of predefined factors. The system should also include a dynamic pop-up interface that asks a series of questions pulled from a database. Based on the user's responses, the system will calculate and display a credit score.    

1. Database Model -
You need to create a database schema that stores: 
● A list of questions (stored in a Question model) along with possible answers (A, B, C, D). 
● A UserResponse model to track users' answers to each question. 

2. Credit Scoring Algorithm 
● Based on the answers to these questions, develop an algorithm to calculate the credit score. 
● The algorithm should assign specific scores to each possible answer (e.g., if the user answers "Always" to a question about making payments on time, award more points). 

3. Dynamic Pop-up Interface 
● Use Django to render the form dynamically with questions from the database. ● When the user submits the answers, store them in the database and calculate the credit score. ● Provide a pop-up interface (using JavaScript or Django template features) where users can answer the questions. 4. Web Application Features  

4. Web Application Features  
● Form Page: A page that displays the questions and captures user responses. 
● Popup: A modal pop-up that displays each question one by one. The user should answer them and submit their responses. 
● Results Page: After the user submits the form, a results page should show their calculated credit score  

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Abdul Qoyyuum Bin Haji Abdul Kadir
Nickname: Q

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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Re: How to Implement websocket in production.

i will help you

On Mon, 18 Nov 2024 at 12:29, Om Khade <khadeom8@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to understand how websocket is implemented in Django React stack.
> We are currently using AWS API Gateway Websockets API, which has some issues while testing locally.
> Any insight would be appreciated.
> Thank you
> Om Khade
> --
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Re: How to Implement websocket in production.

I can't help you.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024, 1:58 AM Om Khade <khadeom8@gmail.com> wrote:

I wanted to understand how websocket is implemented in Django React stack.

We are currently using AWS API Gateway Websockets API, which has some issues while testing locally.

Any insight would be appreciated.

Thank you 
Om Khade

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How to Implement websocket in production.


I wanted to understand how websocket is implemented in Django React stack.

We are currently using AWS API Gateway Websockets API, which has some issues while testing locally.

Any insight would be appreciated.

Thank you 
Om Khade

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Re: How to Deploy Celery and Django

Have you tried using Docker to run your services.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024, 07:40 Abdul Qoyyuum Haji Abdul Kadir <abdul.qoyyuum@gmail.com> wrote:
Unfortunately, I've tested deploying Django + Celery to these free services (full write-up here: https://buymeacoffee.com/qoyyuum/the-struggle-django-deployments) and they do not work in their FREE plans. So if you really want to deploy them, you have to use their PAID services. I can confirm Heroku, Render.com works in these use cases. I currently host my Django + Celery on a cheap VPS with Coolify 

On Mon, 18 Nov 2024 at 05:29, Kennedy Akogo <akogokennedy@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a Django application that uses Celery to schedule and send SMS messages at specific times. I want to deploy this application to a free or paid platform so users can access it through the web. Which platform would be suitable for this?

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Abdul Qoyyuum Bin Haji Abdul Kadir
Nickname: Q

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