Thursday, April 30, 2020

Re: Django framework with machine learning

# Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib

from common.arguments import parse_args
import torch

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import os
import sys
import errno

from import *
from common.model import *
from common.loss import *
from common.generators import ChunkedGenerator, UnchunkedGenerator
from time import time
from common.utils import deterministic_random

args = parse_args()

# Create checkpoint directory if it does not exist
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to create checkpoint directory:', args.checkpoint)

print('Loading dataset...')
dataset_path = 'data/data_3d_' + args.dataset + '.npz'
if args.dataset == 'h36m':
from common.h36m_dataset import Human36mDataset
dataset = Human36mDataset(dataset_path)
elif args.dataset.startswith('humaneva'):
from common.humaneva_dataset import HumanEvaDataset
dataset = HumanEvaDataset(dataset_path)
elif args.dataset.startswith('custom'):
from common.custom_dataset import CustomDataset
dataset = CustomDataset('data/data_2d_' + args.dataset + '_' + args.keypoints + '.npz')
raise KeyError('Invalid dataset')

print('Preparing data...')
for subject in dataset.subjects():
for action in dataset[subject].keys():
anim = dataset[subject][action]

if 'positions' in anim:
positions_3d = []
for cam in anim['cameras']:
pos_3d = world_to_camera(anim['positions'], R=cam['orientation'], t=cam['translation'])
pos_3d[:, 1:] -= pos_3d[:, :1] # Remove global offset, but keep trajectory in first position
anim['positions_3d'] = positions_3d

print('Loading 2D detections...')
keypoints = np.load('data/data_2d_' + args.dataset + '_' + args.keypoints + '.npz', allow_pickle=True)
keypoints_metadata = keypoints['metadata'].item()
keypoints_symmetry = keypoints_metadata['keypoints_symmetry']
kps_left, kps_right = list(keypoints_symmetry[0]), list(keypoints_symmetry[1])
joints_left, joints_right = list(dataset.skeleton().joints_left()), list(dataset.skeleton().joints_right())
keypoints = keypoints['positions_2d'].item()

for subject in dataset.subjects():
assert subject in keypoints, 'Subject {} is missing from the 2D detections dataset'.format(subject)
for action in dataset[subject].keys():
assert action in keypoints[subject], 'Action {} of subject {} is missing from the 2D detections dataset'.format(action, subject)
if 'positions_3d' not in dataset[subject][action]:

for cam_idx in range(len(keypoints[subject][action])):

# We check for >= instead of == because some videos in H3.6M contain extra frames
mocap_length = dataset[subject][action]['positions_3d'][cam_idx].shape[0]
assert keypoints[subject][action][cam_idx].shape[0] >= mocap_length

if keypoints[subject][action][cam_idx].shape[0] > mocap_length:
# Shorten sequence
keypoints[subject][action][cam_idx] = keypoints[subject][action][cam_idx][:mocap_length]

assert len(keypoints[subject][action]) == len(dataset[subject][action]['positions_3d'])

for subject in keypoints.keys():
for action in keypoints[subject]:
for cam_idx, kps in enumerate(keypoints[subject][action]):
# Normalize camera frame
cam = dataset.cameras()[subject][cam_idx]
kps[..., :2] = normalize_screen_coordinates(kps[..., :2], w=cam['res_w'], h=cam['res_h'])
keypoints[subject][action][cam_idx] = kps

subjects_train = args.subjects_train.split(',')
subjects_semi = [] if not args.subjects_unlabeled else args.subjects_unlabeled.split(',')
if not args.render:
subjects_test = args.subjects_test.split(',')
subjects_test = [args.viz_subject]

semi_supervised = len(subjects_semi) > 0
if semi_supervised and not dataset.supports_semi_supervised():
raise RuntimeError('Semi-supervised training is not implemented for this dataset')

def fetch(subjects, action_filter=None, subset=1, parse_3d_poses=True):
out_poses_3d = []
out_poses_2d = []
out_camera_params = []
for subject in subjects:
for action in keypoints[subject].keys():
if action_filter is not None:
found = False
for a in action_filter:
if action.startswith(a):
found = True
if not found:

poses_2d = keypoints[subject][action]
for i in range(len(poses_2d)): # Iterate across cameras

if subject in dataset.cameras():
cams = dataset.cameras()[subject]
assert len(cams) == len(poses_2d), 'Camera count mismatch'
for cam in cams:
if 'intrinsic' in cam:

if parse_3d_poses and 'positions_3d' in dataset[subject][action]:
poses_3d = dataset[subject][action]['positions_3d']
assert len(poses_3d) == len(poses_2d), 'Camera count mismatch'
for i in range(len(poses_3d)): # Iterate across cameras

if len(out_camera_params) == 0:
out_camera_params = None
if len(out_poses_3d) == 0:
out_poses_3d = None

stride = args.downsample
if subset < 1:
for i in range(len(out_poses_2d)):
n_frames = int(round(len(out_poses_2d[i])//stride * subset)*stride)
start = deterministic_random(0, len(out_poses_2d[i]) - n_frames + 1, str(len(out_poses_2d[i])))
out_poses_2d[i] = out_poses_2d[i][start:start+n_frames:stride]
if out_poses_3d is not None:
out_poses_3d[i] = out_poses_3d[i][start:start+n_frames:stride]
elif stride > 1:
# Downsample as requested
for i in range(len(out_poses_2d)):
out_poses_2d[i] = out_poses_2d[i][::stride]
if out_poses_3d is not None:
out_poses_3d[i] = out_poses_3d[i][::stride]

return out_camera_params, out_poses_3d, out_poses_2d

action_filter = None if args.actions == '*' else args.actions.split(',')
if action_filter is not None:
print('Selected actions:', action_filter)

cameras_valid, poses_valid, poses_valid_2d = fetch(subjects_test, action_filter)
filter_widths = [int(x) for x in args.architecture.split(',')]
if not args.disable_optimizations and not args.dense and args.stride == 1:
# Use optimized model for single-frame predictions
model_pos_train = TemporalModelOptimized1f(poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-2], poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-1], dataset.skeleton().num_joints(),
filter_widths=filter_widths, causal=args.causal, dropout=args.dropout, channels=args.channels)
# When incompatible settings are detected (stride > 1, dense filters, or disabled optimization) fall back to normal model
model_pos_train = TemporalModel(poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-2], poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-1], dataset.skeleton().num_joints(),
filter_widths=filter_widths, causal=args.causal, dropout=args.dropout, channels=args.channels,

model_pos = TemporalModel(poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-2], poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-1], dataset.skeleton().num_joints(),
filter_widths=filter_widths, causal=args.causal, dropout=args.dropout, channels=args.channels,

receptive_field = model_pos.receptive_field()
print('INFO: Receptive field: {} frames'.format(receptive_field))
pad = (receptive_field - 1) // 2 # Padding on each side
if args.causal:
print('INFO: Using causal convolutions')
causal_shift = pad
causal_shift = 0

model_params = 0
for parameter in model_pos.parameters():
model_params += parameter.numel()
print('INFO: Trainable parameter count:', model_params)

if torch.cuda.is_available():
model_pos = model_pos.cuda()
model_pos_train = model_pos_train.cuda()

if args.resume or args.evaluate:
chk_filename = os.path.join(args.checkpoint, args.resume if args.resume else args.evaluate)
print('Loading checkpoint', chk_filename)
checkpoint = torch.load(chk_filename, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
print('This model was trained for {} epochs'.format(checkpoint['epoch']))

test_generator = UnchunkedGenerator(cameras_valid, poses_valid, poses_valid_2d,
pad=pad, causal_shift=causal_shift, augment=False,
kps_left=kps_left, kps_right=kps_right, joints_left=joints_left, joints_right=joints_right)
print('INFO: Testing on {} frames'.format(test_generator.num_frames()))

if not args.evaluate:
cameras_train, poses_train, poses_train_2d = fetch(subjects_train, action_filter, subset=args.subset)

lr = args.learning_rate
if semi_supervised:
cameras_semi, _, poses_semi_2d = fetch(subjects_semi, action_filter, parse_3d_poses=False)

if not args.disable_optimizations and not args.dense and args.stride == 1:
# Use optimized model for single-frame predictions
model_traj_train = TemporalModelOptimized1f(poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-2], poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-1], 1,
filter_widths=filter_widths, causal=args.causal, dropout=args.dropout, channels=args.channels)
# When incompatible settings are detected (stride > 1, dense filters, or disabled optimization) fall back to normal model
model_traj_train = TemporalModel(poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-2], poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-1], 1,
filter_widths=filter_widths, causal=args.causal, dropout=args.dropout, channels=args.channels,

model_traj = TemporalModel(poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-2], poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-1], 1,
filter_widths=filter_widths, causal=args.causal, dropout=args.dropout, channels=args.channels,
if torch.cuda.is_available():
model_traj = model_traj.cuda()
model_traj_train = model_traj_train.cuda()
optimizer = optim.Adam(list(model_pos_train.parameters()) + list(model_traj_train.parameters()),
lr=lr, amsgrad=True)

losses_2d_train_unlabeled = []
losses_2d_train_labeled_eval = []
losses_2d_train_unlabeled_eval = []
losses_2d_valid = []

losses_traj_train = []
losses_traj_train_eval = []
losses_traj_valid = []
optimizer = optim.Adam(model_pos_train.parameters(), lr=lr, amsgrad=True)

lr_decay = args.lr_decay

losses_3d_train = []
losses_3d_train_eval = []
losses_3d_valid = []

epoch = 0
initial_momentum = 0.1
final_momentum = 0.001

train_generator = ChunkedGenerator(args.batch_size//args.stride, cameras_train, poses_train, poses_train_2d, args.stride,
pad=pad, causal_shift=causal_shift, shuffle=True, augment=args.data_augmentation,
kps_left=kps_left, kps_right=kps_right, joints_left=joints_left, joints_right=joints_right)
train_generator_eval = UnchunkedGenerator(cameras_train, poses_train, poses_train_2d,
pad=pad, causal_shift=causal_shift, augment=False)
print('INFO: Training on {} frames'.format(train_generator_eval.num_frames()))
if semi_supervised:
semi_generator = ChunkedGenerator(args.batch_size//args.stride, cameras_semi, None, poses_semi_2d, args.stride,
pad=pad, causal_shift=causal_shift, shuffle=True,
random_seed=4321, augment=args.data_augmentation,
kps_left=kps_left, kps_right=kps_right, joints_left=joints_left, joints_right=joints_right,
semi_generator_eval = UnchunkedGenerator(cameras_semi, None, poses_semi_2d,
pad=pad, causal_shift=causal_shift, augment=False)
print('INFO: Semi-supervision on {} frames'.format(semi_generator_eval.num_frames()))

if args.resume:
epoch = checkpoint['epoch']
if 'optimizer' in checkpoint and checkpoint['optimizer'] is not None:
print('WARNING: this checkpoint does not contain an optimizer state. The optimizer will be reinitialized.')

lr = checkpoint['lr']
if semi_supervised:

print('** Note: reported losses are averaged over all frames and test-time augmentation is not used here.')
print('** The final evaluation will be carried out after the last training epoch.')

# Pos model only
while epoch < args.epochs:
start_time = time()
epoch_loss_3d_train = 0
epoch_loss_traj_train = 0
epoch_loss_2d_train_unlabeled = 0
N = 0
N_semi = 0
if semi_supervised:
# Semi-supervised scenario
for (_, batch_3d, batch_2d), (cam_semi, _, batch_2d_semi) in \
zip(train_generator.next_epoch(), semi_generator.next_epoch()):

# Fall back to supervised training for the first epoch (to avoid instability)
skip = epoch < args.warmup

cam_semi = torch.from_numpy(cam_semi.astype('float32'))
inputs_3d = torch.from_numpy(batch_3d.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
cam_semi = cam_semi.cuda()
inputs_3d = inputs_3d.cuda()

inputs_traj = inputs_3d[:, :, :1].clone()
inputs_3d[:, :, 0] = 0

# Split point between labeled and unlabeled samples in the batch
split_idx = inputs_3d.shape[0]

inputs_2d = torch.from_numpy(batch_2d.astype('float32'))
inputs_2d_semi = torch.from_numpy(batch_2d_semi.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs_2d = inputs_2d.cuda()
inputs_2d_semi = inputs_2d_semi.cuda()
inputs_2d_cat =, inputs_2d_semi), dim=0) if not skip else inputs_2d


# Compute 3D poses
predicted_3d_pos_cat = model_pos_train(inputs_2d_cat)

loss_3d_pos = mpjpe(predicted_3d_pos_cat[:split_idx], inputs_3d)
epoch_loss_3d_train += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * loss_3d_pos.item()
N += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]
loss_total = loss_3d_pos

# Compute global trajectory
predicted_traj_cat = model_traj_train(inputs_2d_cat)
w = 1 / inputs_traj[:, :, :, 2] # Weight inversely proportional to depth
loss_traj = weighted_mpjpe(predicted_traj_cat[:split_idx], inputs_traj, w)
epoch_loss_traj_train += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * loss_traj.item()
assert inputs_traj.shape[0]*inputs_traj.shape[1] == inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]
loss_total += loss_traj

if not skip:
# Semi-supervised loss for unlabeled samples
predicted_semi = predicted_3d_pos_cat[split_idx:]
if pad > 0:
target_semi = inputs_2d_semi[:, pad:-pad, :, :2].contiguous()
target_semi = inputs_2d_semi[:, :, :, :2].contiguous()

projection_func = project_to_2d_linear if args.linear_projection else project_to_2d
reconstruction_semi = projection_func(predicted_semi + predicted_traj_cat[split_idx:], cam_semi)

loss_reconstruction = mpjpe(reconstruction_semi, target_semi) # On 2D poses
epoch_loss_2d_train_unlabeled += predicted_semi.shape[0]*predicted_semi.shape[1] * loss_reconstruction.item()
if not args.no_proj:
loss_total += loss_reconstruction

# Bone length term to enforce kinematic constraints
if args.bone_length_term:
dists = predicted_3d_pos_cat[:, :, 1:] - predicted_3d_pos_cat[:, :, dataset.skeleton().parents()[1:]]
bone_lengths = torch.mean(torch.norm(dists, dim=3), dim=1)
penalty = torch.mean(torch.abs(torch.mean(bone_lengths[:split_idx], dim=0) \
- torch.mean(bone_lengths[split_idx:], dim=0)))
loss_total += penalty

N_semi += predicted_semi.shape[0]*predicted_semi.shape[1]
N_semi += 1 # To avoid division by zero


losses_traj_train.append(epoch_loss_traj_train / N)
losses_2d_train_unlabeled.append(epoch_loss_2d_train_unlabeled / N_semi)
# Regular supervised scenario
for _, batch_3d, batch_2d in train_generator.next_epoch():
inputs_3d = torch.from_numpy(batch_3d.astype('float32'))
inputs_2d = torch.from_numpy(batch_2d.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs_3d = inputs_3d.cuda()
inputs_2d = inputs_2d.cuda()
inputs_3d[:, :, 0] = 0


# Predict 3D poses
predicted_3d_pos = model_pos_train(inputs_2d)
loss_3d_pos = mpjpe(predicted_3d_pos, inputs_3d)
epoch_loss_3d_train += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * loss_3d_pos.item()
N += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]

loss_total = loss_3d_pos


losses_3d_train.append(epoch_loss_3d_train / N)

# End-of-epoch evaluation
with torch.no_grad():
if semi_supervised:

epoch_loss_3d_valid = 0
epoch_loss_traj_valid = 0
epoch_loss_2d_valid = 0
N = 0

if not args.no_eval:
# Evaluate on test set
for cam, batch, batch_2d in test_generator.next_epoch():
inputs_3d = torch.from_numpy(batch.astype('float32'))
inputs_2d = torch.from_numpy(batch_2d.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs_3d = inputs_3d.cuda()
inputs_2d = inputs_2d.cuda()
inputs_traj = inputs_3d[:, :, :1].clone()
inputs_3d[:, :, 0] = 0

# Predict 3D poses
predicted_3d_pos = model_pos(inputs_2d)
loss_3d_pos = mpjpe(predicted_3d_pos, inputs_3d)
epoch_loss_3d_valid += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * loss_3d_pos.item()
N += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]

if semi_supervised:
cam = torch.from_numpy(cam.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
cam = cam.cuda()

predicted_traj = model_traj(inputs_2d)
loss_traj = mpjpe(predicted_traj, inputs_traj)
epoch_loss_traj_valid += inputs_traj.shape[0]*inputs_traj.shape[1] * loss_traj.item()
assert inputs_traj.shape[0]*inputs_traj.shape[1] == inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]

if pad > 0:
target = inputs_2d[:, pad:-pad, :, :2].contiguous()
target = inputs_2d[:, :, :, :2].contiguous()
reconstruction = project_to_2d(predicted_3d_pos + predicted_traj, cam)
loss_reconstruction = mpjpe(reconstruction, target) # On 2D poses
epoch_loss_2d_valid += reconstruction.shape[0]*reconstruction.shape[1] * loss_reconstruction.item()
assert reconstruction.shape[0]*reconstruction.shape[1] == inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]

losses_3d_valid.append(epoch_loss_3d_valid / N)
if semi_supervised:
losses_traj_valid.append(epoch_loss_traj_valid / N)
losses_2d_valid.append(epoch_loss_2d_valid / N)

# Evaluate on training set, this time in evaluation mode
epoch_loss_3d_train_eval = 0
epoch_loss_traj_train_eval = 0
epoch_loss_2d_train_labeled_eval = 0
N = 0
for cam, batch, batch_2d in train_generator_eval.next_epoch():
if batch_2d.shape[1] == 0:
# This can only happen when downsampling the dataset

inputs_3d = torch.from_numpy(batch.astype('float32'))
inputs_2d = torch.from_numpy(batch_2d.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs_3d = inputs_3d.cuda()
inputs_2d = inputs_2d.cuda()
inputs_traj = inputs_3d[:, :, :1].clone()
inputs_3d[:, :, 0] = 0

# Compute 3D poses
predicted_3d_pos = model_pos(inputs_2d)
loss_3d_pos = mpjpe(predicted_3d_pos, inputs_3d)
epoch_loss_3d_train_eval += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * loss_3d_pos.item()
N += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]

if semi_supervised:
cam = torch.from_numpy(cam.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
cam = cam.cuda()
predicted_traj = model_traj(inputs_2d)
loss_traj = mpjpe(predicted_traj, inputs_traj)
epoch_loss_traj_train_eval += inputs_traj.shape[0]*inputs_traj.shape[1] * loss_traj.item()
assert inputs_traj.shape[0]*inputs_traj.shape[1] == inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]

if pad > 0:
target = inputs_2d[:, pad:-pad, :, :2].contiguous()
target = inputs_2d[:, :, :, :2].contiguous()
reconstruction = project_to_2d(predicted_3d_pos + predicted_traj, cam)
loss_reconstruction = mpjpe(reconstruction, target)
epoch_loss_2d_train_labeled_eval += reconstruction.shape[0]*reconstruction.shape[1] * loss_reconstruction.item()
assert reconstruction.shape[0]*reconstruction.shape[1] == inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1]

losses_3d_train_eval.append(epoch_loss_3d_train_eval / N)
if semi_supervised:
losses_traj_train_eval.append(epoch_loss_traj_train_eval / N)
losses_2d_train_labeled_eval.append(epoch_loss_2d_train_labeled_eval / N)

# Evaluate 2D loss on unlabeled training set (in evaluation mode)
epoch_loss_2d_train_unlabeled_eval = 0
N_semi = 0
if semi_supervised:
for cam, _, batch_2d in semi_generator_eval.next_epoch():
cam = torch.from_numpy(cam.astype('float32'))
inputs_2d_semi = torch.from_numpy(batch_2d.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
cam = cam.cuda()
inputs_2d_semi = inputs_2d_semi.cuda()

predicted_3d_pos_semi = model_pos(inputs_2d_semi)
predicted_traj_semi = model_traj(inputs_2d_semi)
if pad > 0:
target_semi = inputs_2d_semi[:, pad:-pad, :, :2].contiguous()
target_semi = inputs_2d_semi[:, :, :, :2].contiguous()
reconstruction_semi = project_to_2d(predicted_3d_pos_semi + predicted_traj_semi, cam)
loss_reconstruction_semi = mpjpe(reconstruction_semi, target_semi)

epoch_loss_2d_train_unlabeled_eval += reconstruction_semi.shape[0]*reconstruction_semi.shape[1] \
* loss_reconstruction_semi.item()
N_semi += reconstruction_semi.shape[0]*reconstruction_semi.shape[1]
losses_2d_train_unlabeled_eval.append(epoch_loss_2d_train_unlabeled_eval / N_semi)

elapsed = (time() - start_time)/60

if args.no_eval:
print('[%d] time %.2f lr %f 3d_train %f' % (
epoch + 1,
losses_3d_train[-1] * 1000))
if semi_supervised:
print('[%d] time %.2f lr %f 3d_train %f 3d_eval %f traj_eval %f 3d_valid %f '
'traj_valid %f 2d_train_sup %f 2d_train_unsup %f 2d_valid %f' % (
epoch + 1,
losses_3d_train[-1] * 1000,
losses_3d_train_eval[-1] * 1000,
losses_traj_train_eval[-1] * 1000,
losses_3d_valid[-1] * 1000,
losses_traj_valid[-1] * 1000,
print('[%d] time %.2f lr %f 3d_train %f 3d_eval %f 3d_valid %f' % (
epoch + 1,
losses_3d_train[-1] * 1000,
losses_3d_train_eval[-1] * 1000,
losses_3d_valid[-1] *1000))

# Decay learning rate exponentially
lr *= lr_decay
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
param_group['lr'] *= lr_decay
epoch += 1

# Decay BatchNorm momentum
momentum = initial_momentum * np.exp(-epoch/args.epochs * np.log(initial_momentum/final_momentum))
if semi_supervised:

# Save checkpoint if necessary
if epoch % args.checkpoint_frequency == 0:
chk_path = os.path.join(args.checkpoint, 'epoch_{}.bin'.format(epoch))
print('Saving checkpoint to', chk_path){
'epoch': epoch,
'lr': lr,
'random_state': train_generator.random_state(),
'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(),
'model_pos': model_pos_train.state_dict(),
'model_traj': model_traj_train.state_dict() if semi_supervised else None,
'random_state_semi': semi_generator.random_state() if semi_supervised else None,
}, chk_path)

# Save training curves after every epoch, as .png images (if requested)
if args.export_training_curves and epoch > 3:
if 'matplotlib' not in sys.modules:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

epoch_x = np.arange(3, len(losses_3d_train)) + 1
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_3d_train[3:], '--', color='C0')
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_3d_train_eval[3:], color='C0')
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_3d_valid[3:], color='C1')
plt.legend(['3d train', '3d train (eval)', '3d valid (eval)'])
plt.ylabel('MPJPE (m)')
plt.xlim((3, epoch))
plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.checkpoint, 'loss_3d.png'))

if semi_supervised:
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_traj_train[3:], '--', color='C0')
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_traj_train_eval[3:], color='C0')
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_traj_valid[3:], color='C1')
plt.legend(['traj. train', 'traj. train (eval)', 'traj. valid (eval)'])
plt.ylabel('Mean distance (m)')
plt.xlim((3, epoch))
plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.checkpoint, 'loss_traj.png'))

plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_2d_train_labeled_eval[3:], color='C0')
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_2d_train_unlabeled[3:], '--', color='C1')
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_2d_train_unlabeled_eval[3:], color='C1')
plt.plot(epoch_x, losses_2d_valid[3:], color='C2')
plt.legend(['2d train labeled (eval)', '2d train unlabeled', '2d train unlabeled (eval)', '2d valid (eval)'])
plt.ylabel('MPJPE (2D)')
plt.xlim((3, epoch))
plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.checkpoint, 'loss_2d.png'))

# Evaluate
def evaluate(test_generator, action=None, return_predictions=False):
epoch_loss_3d_pos = 0
epoch_loss_3d_pos_procrustes = 0
epoch_loss_3d_pos_scale = 0
epoch_loss_3d_vel = 0
with torch.no_grad():
N = 0
for _, batch, batch_2d in test_generator.next_epoch():
inputs_2d = torch.from_numpy(batch_2d.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs_2d = inputs_2d.cuda()

# Positional model
predicted_3d_pos = model_pos(inputs_2d)

# Test-time augmentation (if enabled)
if test_generator.augment_enabled():
# Undo flipping and take average with non-flipped version
predicted_3d_pos[1, :, :, 0] *= -1
predicted_3d_pos[1, :, joints_left + joints_right] = predicted_3d_pos[1, :, joints_right + joints_left]
predicted_3d_pos = torch.mean(predicted_3d_pos, dim=0, keepdim=True)

if return_predictions:
return predicted_3d_pos.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy()

inputs_3d = torch.from_numpy(batch.astype('float32'))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs_3d = inputs_3d.cuda()
inputs_3d[:, :, 0] = 0
if test_generator.augment_enabled():
inputs_3d = inputs_3d[:1]

error = mpjpe(predicted_3d_pos, inputs_3d)
epoch_loss_3d_pos_scale += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * n_mpjpe(predicted_3d_pos, inputs_3d).item()

epoch_loss_3d_pos += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * error.item()
N += inputs_3d.shape[0] * inputs_3d.shape[1]

inputs = inputs_3d.cpu().numpy().reshape(-1, inputs_3d.shape[-2], inputs_3d.shape[-1])
predicted_3d_pos = predicted_3d_pos.cpu().numpy().reshape(-1, inputs_3d.shape[-2], inputs_3d.shape[-1])

epoch_loss_3d_pos_procrustes += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * p_mpjpe(predicted_3d_pos, inputs)

# Compute velocity error
epoch_loss_3d_vel += inputs_3d.shape[0]*inputs_3d.shape[1] * mean_velocity_error(predicted_3d_pos, inputs)

if action is None:
e1 = (epoch_loss_3d_pos / N)*1000
e2 = (epoch_loss_3d_pos_procrustes / N)*1000
e3 = (epoch_loss_3d_pos_scale / N)*1000
ev = (epoch_loss_3d_vel / N)*1000
print('Test time augmentation:', test_generator.augment_enabled())
print('Protocol #1 Error (MPJPE):', e1, 'mm')
print('Protocol #2 Error (P-MPJPE):', e2, 'mm')
print('Protocol #3 Error (N-MPJPE):', e3, 'mm')
print('Velocity Error (MPJVE):', ev, 'mm')

return e1, e2, e3, ev

if args.render:

input_keypoints = keypoints[args.viz_subject][args.viz_action][args.viz_camera].copy()
ground_truth = None
if args.viz_subject in dataset.subjects() and args.viz_action in dataset[args.viz_subject]:
if 'positions_3d' in dataset[args.viz_subject][args.viz_action]:
ground_truth = dataset[args.viz_subject][args.viz_action]['positions_3d'][args.viz_camera].copy()
if ground_truth is None:
print('INFO: this action is unlabeled. Ground truth will not be rendered.')

gen = UnchunkedGenerator(None, None, [input_keypoints],
pad=pad, causal_shift=causal_shift, augment=args.test_time_augmentation,
kps_left=kps_left, kps_right=kps_right, joints_left=joints_left, joints_right=joints_right)
prediction = evaluate(gen, return_predictions=True)

if args.viz_export is not None:
print('Exporting joint positions to', args.viz_export)
# Predictions are in camera space, prediction)

if args.viz_output is not None:
if ground_truth is not None:
# Reapply trajectory
trajectory = ground_truth[:, :1]
ground_truth[:, 1:] += trajectory
prediction += trajectory

# Invert camera transformation
cam = dataset.cameras()[args.viz_subject][args.viz_camera]
if ground_truth is not None:
prediction = camera_to_world(prediction, R=cam['orientation'], t=cam['translation'])
ground_truth = camera_to_world(ground_truth, R=cam['orientation'], t=cam['translation'])
# If the ground truth is not available, take the camera extrinsic params from a random subject.
# They are almost the same, and anyway, we only need this for visualization purposes.
for subject in dataset.cameras():
if 'orientation' in dataset.cameras()[subject][args.viz_camera]:
rot = dataset.cameras()[subject][args.viz_camera]['orientation']
prediction = camera_to_world(prediction, R=rot, t=0)
# We don't have the trajectory, but at least we can rebase the height
prediction[:, :, 2] -= np.min(prediction[:, :, 2])

anim_output = {'Reconstruction': prediction}
if ground_truth is not None and not args.viz_no_ground_truth:
anim_output['Ground truth'] = ground_truth

input_keypoints = image_coordinates(input_keypoints[..., :2], w=cam['res_w'], h=cam['res_h'])

from common.visualization import render_animation
render_animation(input_keypoints, keypoints_metadata, anim_output,
dataset.skeleton(), dataset.fps(), args.viz_bitrate, cam['azimuth'], args.viz_output,
limit=args.viz_limit, downsample=args.viz_downsample, size=args.viz_size,
input_video_path=args.viz_video, viewport=(cam['res_w'], cam['res_h']),

all_actions = {}
all_actions_by_subject = {}
for subject in subjects_test:
if subject not in all_actions_by_subject:
all_actions_by_subject[subject] = {}

for action in dataset[subject].keys():
action_name = action.split(' ')[0]
if action_name not in all_actions:
all_actions[action_name] = []
if action_name not in all_actions_by_subject[subject]:
all_actions_by_subject[subject][action_name] = []
all_actions[action_name].append((subject, action))
all_actions_by_subject[subject][action_name].append((subject, action))

def fetch_actions(actions):
out_poses_3d = []
out_poses_2d = []

for subject, action in actions:
poses_2d = keypoints[subject][action]
for i in range(len(poses_2d)): # Iterate across cameras

poses_3d = dataset[subject][action]['positions_3d']
assert len(poses_3d) == len(poses_2d), 'Camera count mismatch'
for i in range(len(poses_3d)): # Iterate across cameras

stride = args.downsample
if stride > 1:
# Downsample as requested
for i in range(len(out_poses_2d)):
out_poses_2d[i] = out_poses_2d[i][::stride]
if out_poses_3d is not None:
out_poses_3d[i] = out_poses_3d[i][::stride]

return out_poses_3d, out_poses_2d

def run_evaluation(actions, action_filter=None):
errors_p1 = []
errors_p2 = []
errors_p3 = []
errors_vel = []

for action_key in actions.keys():
if action_filter is not None:
found = False
for a in action_filter:
if action_key.startswith(a):
found = True
if not found:

poses_act, poses_2d_act = fetch_actions(actions[action_key])
gen = UnchunkedGenerator(None, poses_act, poses_2d_act,
pad=pad, causal_shift=causal_shift, augment=args.test_time_augmentation,
kps_left=kps_left, kps_right=kps_right, joints_left=joints_left, joints_right=joints_right)
e1, e2, e3, ev = evaluate(gen, action_key)

print('Protocol #1 (MPJPE) action-wise average:', round(np.mean(errors_p1), 1), 'mm')
print('Protocol #2 (P-MPJPE) action-wise average:', round(np.mean(errors_p2), 1), 'mm')
print('Protocol #3 (N-MPJPE) action-wise average:', round(np.mean(errors_p3), 1), 'mm')
print('Velocity (MPJVE) action-wise average:', round(np.mean(errors_vel), 2), 'mm')

if not args.by_subject:
run_evaluation(all_actions, action_filter)
for subject in all_actions_by_subject.keys():
print('Evaluating on subject', subject)
run_evaluation(all_actions_by_subject[subject], action_filter)

Good evening here is the output on the developpement server and the code in django, for smaller scripts I get the output, but for larger ones I get strange output or sometimes not. In the attachment I have the large file that I run in my django app. I ask for help if someone already has experience with it.

thanks in advance



Am Mittwoch, 29. April 2020 08:22:10 UTC+2 schrieb yashwanth .k:
Can you please post some shots of output.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 12:01 AM Lansana Sangare <> wrote:
Good evening,

I am a new developer in Django but I have the basic knowledge.

I wanted to know if someone has experience with django and machine learning.

I have a script in python that shows a video with keypoints and 3D reconstruction. 

Is it possible with django framework to execute and display this script on a web interface.

 Thank you in advance !

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