Sunday, June 30, 2013

Python Fabric problem

I use Python Fabric to deploy. Works great for accessing the remote server, install dependencies, run linux commands, etc..

But when I try to run file commands Django, NOT work!

Example of my

with prefix ('source/home/user/env/bin/activate'):

with cd ('path/to/your/project/django'):

run ('python help --settings=path.for.settings')

Fatal error: runstrong text() received nonzero return code while executing one!

I've tried putting a --noinput but the error remains:

run ('python help --settings=caminho.para.settings --noinput')

Does anyone know how to solve?

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dajaxice file cannot be found

I am usering django_dajax 0.9.2 and django_dajaxice 0.5.5 for my current project. This is how I configure it

MAIN_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
PROJECT_DIR = MAIN_DIR.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0]

# Example: "/home/media/"
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'static')

# URL prefix for static files.
# Example: ""
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

# Additional locations of static files
    # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static".
    # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
    # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.
    os.path.join(MAIN_DIR, 'static'),

# List of finder classes that know how to find static files in
# various locations.

and my

from dajaxice.core import dajaxice_autodiscover, dajaxice_config

if settings.DEBUG:
    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        (r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),

urlpatterns += patterns('',
    url(dajaxice_config.dajaxice_url, include('dajaxice.urls')),

With this settings, I am enable to use these libs in my local machine. However, when deploying to the client machine, the file dajaxice.core.js cannot be found (see it on firebug). When use python collecstatic, I see that that file is saved into the folder temp (Copying '/tmp/tmpsiiuMx'). The rendered link is correct

<script src="/static/dajaxice/dajaxice.core.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
and there is indeed that file under the /static/dajaxice folder, but still the browser complains about cannot find that file. Do you have any idea about this ?

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Re: django search query

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Amirouche Boubekki
<> wrote:
> You can do this by creating an extra field in the model with the name
> without vowels in it and doing a simple filter on it ? Is that what you need
> ?

I have a search function which is already working in but I
want to refine it. How can I make a model without vowels??
And what is django-haystack application? Can I use it in my project
for fefinig search or is it a normal searching application?

Harjot Kaur Mann

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Django 1.6 doesn't install via pip


I read the release notes, and tried to install 1.6. I encountered this error:

$ pip install Django==1.6b1
Downloading/unpacking Django==1.6b1
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement
Django==1.6b1 (from versions: 1.2.6, 1.3.6, 1.2.7, 1.2.3, 1.2.4,
1.4.4, 1.3.3, 1.2.1, 1.3.4, 1.2.2, 1.5, 1.3, 1.4.5, 1.3.1, 1.1.3,
1.3.5, 1.2.5, 1.1.4, 1.2, 1.3.2, 1.3.7, 1.4.3, 1.4.1, 1.5.1, 1.4.2,
No distributions matching the version for Django==1.6b1

I presume that the 1.6 alpha/beta hasn't been pushed to pypi yet?


We are like a drunk blundering through a crowd of pickpockets. That we
are not poor and naked already is a testament to either the goodness
of humanity or the ineptitude of the criminal class.

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Re: Change template block via AJAX

What I normally do is to have a include template that contains only the content I would like to render.
I example:

{% block page_content %}
    <div id="page_content">
        {% include 'xhr_page_content.html' %}
{% endblock %}

Using this approach you have isolated the content. Loading the page without ajax will just load the page as normal, and will include everything.
Now to make the ajax load all you need is to modify your view to check for request.is_ajax(), and if true, you change your view to render "xhr_page_content.html", instead of the full template.

That was the summary, hope it's clear enough.

On Saturday, 29 June 2013 17:54:56 UTC+1, Parin Porecha wrote:

I have an application containing a topbar and rest is content area.

In my 'base.html', I've defined two blocks -

  {% block topbar %}{% endblock topbar %}
  {% block page_content %}
        {% block sidebar %}
        {% endblock sidebar %}
        {% block main %}
        {% endblock main %}
    {% endblock page_content %}

These two blocks are then overridden by child templates.
The topbar contains a search input. The search query is sent via AJAX, and the results are loaded in respective child blocks through client-side templating.

Now, I want that whenever user enters a search query for a user via a radio button instead of default, The block 'page_content' should get overridden by another template 'user_results.html'. ( I'll know it client-side itself )
This can be done by redirecting to a path like '/search/user/', but that would involve reloading of the page.
Is this possible via an AJAX request, and then the server would load another template which will replace the 'page_content' block without page refresh ?

Parin Porecha

say Kifflom! and look forward to 17.09.13 !

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Re: HELP : Installation of Django 1.6 in Windows

Thanks. It took me a few more steps but I finally achieved it, I had to change the path for the command prompt to recognize python. Thanks a lot !! 

Le dimanche 30 juin 2013 14:16:43 UTC, Othmane Abouelaecha a écrit :
Hi !! I recently learned to program with python 3.2
I have a difficulty concerning Django 
I want to install the latest version 1.6 that supports python 3.2
I only found a way to install in Linux but I'm running Windows 7 !! 
Can anyone show me how ? And also if you have any book or tutorial about Django please send it to me ! 

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Re: data transfer between databases

On 1/07/2013 8:28am, François Schiettecatte wrote:
> Mike
> FWIW - I have a site for which I need to do that, I use MySQL so I
> just dump the data using mysqldump, transfer it to the other machine
> and load it up. There is some scripting around it to keep track of
> IDs so I dump deltas only, works just fine.


I use Postgres but I'm sure that doesn't matter much. Would you be able
to share your scripts? Off-list if you prefer. When I get it working
I'll try and refine things so it becomes an easily repeatable process
and post it all back here for others.


> Best regards
> François
> On Jun 30, 2013, at 6:24 PM, Mike Dewhirst <>
> wrote:
>> mulianto and Avraham
>> Thanks for your suggestions. Dumping data isn't the entire problem
>> - which is this:
>> There will be an *ongoing* need to add new data from tables in one
>> database to the same-named tables in another database on a remote
>> machine. Two of the tables are in a m2m relationship.
>> Thanks
>> Mike
>> On 30/06/2013 5:40pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
>>> This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to
>>> offer advice on how to transfer data :)
>>> New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development
>>> and I want to transfer it to the production database from time to
>>> time.
>>> I think my choices are:
>>> 1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.
>>> 2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to
>>> transfer data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases
>>> are on different machines in different data centres.
>>> 3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this
>>> problem.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> There are currently three reference tables involved and two have
>>> m2m relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.
>>> Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be
>>> touched. There are no relationships with the reference tables.
>>> Thanks
>>> Mike
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Re: HELP : Installation of Django 1.6 in Windows

On 1/07/2013 12:16am, Othmane Abouelaecha wrote:
> Hi !! I recently learned to program with python 3.2
> I have a difficulty concerning Django
> I want to install the latest version 1.6 that supports python 3.2
> I only found a way to install in Linux but I'm running Windows 7 !!

You should be able to use the same technique on Windows 7.

1. Download the Django 1.6 zip file and unzip it into a temporary

2. Get a command prompt and cd into the directory containing
which is under the temporary directory

3. Execute the command "python install"

Should work.


> Can anyone show me how ? And also if you have any book or tutorial about
> Django please send it to me !
> --
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Re: data transfer between databases


FWIW - I have a site for which I need to do that, I use MySQL so I just dump the data using mysqldump, transfer it to the other machine and load it up. There is some scripting around it to keep track of IDs so I dump deltas only, works just fine.

Best regards


On Jun 30, 2013, at 6:24 PM, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:

> mulianto and Avraham
> Thanks for your suggestions. Dumping data isn't the entire problem - which is this:
> There will be an *ongoing* need to add new data from tables in one database to the same-named tables in another database on a remote machine. Two of the tables are in a m2m relationship.
> Thanks
> Mike
> On 30/06/2013 5:40pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
>> This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to offer
>> advice on how to transfer data :)
>> New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development and I
>> want to transfer it to the production database from time to time.
>> I think my choices are:
>> 1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.
>> 2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to transfer
>> data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases are on different
>> machines in different data centres.
>> 3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this problem.
>> Any suggestions?
>> There are currently three reference tables involved and two have m2m
>> relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.
>> Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be touched.
>> There are no relationships with the reference tables.
>> Thanks
>> Mike
> --
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Re: data transfer between databases

mulianto and Avraham

Thanks for your suggestions. Dumping data isn't the entire problem -
which is this:

There will be an *ongoing* need to add new data from tables in one
database to the same-named tables in another database on a remote
machine. Two of the tables are in a m2m relationship.



On 30/06/2013 5:40pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to offer
> advice on how to transfer data :)
> New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development and I
> want to transfer it to the production database from time to time.
> I think my choices are:
> 1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.
> 2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to transfer
> data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases are on different
> machines in different data centres.
> 3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this problem.
> Any suggestions?
> There are currently three reference tables involved and two have m2m
> relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.
> Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be touched.
> There are no relationships with the reference tables.
> Thanks
> Mike

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Re: send query by using a textbox of html to python(django)

Oops, forgot link:

On Sunday, 30 June 2013 12:04:53 UTC+1, wrote:
i work on a project in which i could send query by using a textbox of html to django .then django can process on this query and assign the return value as list in html.

now, i ask the following question:

 how can we send a number from text box of html to python(django) and after that django multiply this output number in 3 and return this number as list in html


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Re: django search query

You can do this by creating an extra field in the model with the name without vowels in it and doing a simple filter on it ? Is that what you need ?

2013/6/30 Harjot Mann <>
On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Scot Hacker <> wrote:
> This is really a question about regular expressions, not about Django.
> Whether you implement simple or complex search in Django, whether you use
> Django or some other platform, this is going to come down to using a fairly
> complex regular expression. So I would search for "regex ignore vowels" and
> similar. I would also expect performing a search like that to be extremely
> expensive, computationally, since it will need to tear apart every single
> word in the pool. That, in turn, means you'll want to use a search system
> with very robust indexes. In fact, you might do best with a system that
> pre-indexes all of your content without vowels.

Yes this is exactly what I want, right now its a very simple search
but I want it to be a very good search.Please help me.

Harjot Kaur Mann

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Re: django search query

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Scot Hacker <> wrote:
> This is really a question about regular expressions, not about Django.
> Whether you implement simple or complex search in Django, whether you use
> Django or some other platform, this is going to come down to using a fairly
> complex regular expression. So I would search for "regex ignore vowels" and
> similar. I would also expect performing a search like that to be extremely
> expensive, computationally, since it will need to tear apart every single
> word in the pool. That, in turn, means you'll want to use a search system
> with very robust indexes. In fact, you might do best with a system that
> pre-indexes all of your content without vowels.

Yes this is exactly what I want, right now its a very simple search
but I want it to be a very good search.Please help me.

Harjot Kaur Mann

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Re: django search query

On Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:32:19 PM UTC-7, Harjot Mann wrote:
Is there any search query in django which can ignore vowels like I want to make a query which displays all the clients name who writes their name as 'amanjit' or 'amanjeet'.
It should take take ee=i or anything like this. Please help me I have to finish my task asap.

This is really a question about regular expressions, not about Django. Whether you implement simple or complex search in Django, whether you use Django or some other platform, this is going to come down to using a fairly complex regular expression. So I would search for "regex ignore vowels" and similar. I would also expect performing a search like that to be extremely expensive, computationally, since it will need to tear apart every single word in the pool. That, in turn, means you'll want to use a search system with very robust indexes. In fact, you might do best with a system that pre-indexes all of your content without vowels. 


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Re: Django for non web clients

Both the above mentioned frameworks offer support for non orm data resources.
See tastypie's official docs on how to use it with riakdb [1] .

And I have also used django rest framework to relay RESTful APIs for a django app which uses restful apis from a locally running REST server.

So the data source here wasn't rdbms or non-rel db but json feed from local web server.
Since this server had a django based web  interface which consumed these APIs , and we couldn't expose this directly to web as it expose lots of level and raw data.

Whereas the django based web app offered limited functionality that we would like to offer clients with  api as well.
Rolling out authenticated public facing restful APIs with django made more sense .

Using these frameworks I am under the impression  that I could develop product faster as compared to rolling out my own APIs  and authorization and authentication is less complex as already there are very good existing django apps that ease the job (dry) :-)

Just my thoughts :-)

[1] -

On Jun 30, 2013 7:36 PM, "zweb" <> wrote:
Thanks Rahul,

I thought about that.

I do not need Django's ORM as I do not use relational db and I do not need Django's Templates as I use rest api. So I am not sure what value does django add in my case?

On Sunday, June 30, 2013 12:24:28 AM UTC-7, Rahul Gaur wrote:

What about change-tastypie or django-restframework or something similar ?
As a part of my GSoC project [1] , I am implementing a project sharing web site with social features.
I need RESTful APIs so that the functionality of the site could be integrated into SugarLabs [2].

I am planing to use Django with one of the above rest frameworks to serve RESTful APIs  and a web client in backbone.js which will consume the APIs as well.

[1] -
[2] -

On Jun 30, 2013 12:13 PM, "zweb" <> wrote:

I am writing an Python application which will expose REST API. It will be client agnostic. In future I will provide a Web client and a mobile client and may be a rich desktop client. These clients will connect to application using the REST api only.

Should I use Django for this? or is Django for Web based applications only as it is web framework. What advantage does Django brings in such a architecture.

Would it be much simpler if I use simple python with some python rest  web services framework on top of it instead of Django?

I am a big fan of Django but not sure if a Web framework such as django is good fit for REST Services based architecture. I not building a (monolithic) web application.

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Re: send query by using a textbox of html to python(django)

Try following the tutorial here.  By the end of it yous hould be able to answer this yourself.  It doesn't take long to do, and you'll understand enough about Django to be able to extend your solution.


On Sunday, 30 June 2013 12:04:53 UTC+1, wrote:
i work on a project in which i could send query by using a textbox of html to django .then django can process on this query and assign the return value as list in html.

now, i ask the following question:

 how can we send a number from text box of html to python(django) and after that django multiply this output number in 3 and return this number as list in html


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Re: data transfer between databases


Lowest level approach will be just using pgdump for the spesific table or whole database.



Sent from my iPhone

On 30 Jun 2013, at 19:37, Avraham Serour <> wrote: dumpdata

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:
This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to offer advice on how to transfer data :)

New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development and I want to transfer it to the production database from time to time.

I think my choices are:

1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.

2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to transfer data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases are on different machines in different data centres.

3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this problem.

Any suggestions?

There are currently three reference tables involved and two have m2m relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.

Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be touched. There are no relationships with the reference tables.



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HELP : Installation of Django 1.6 in Windows

Hi !! I recently learned to program with python 3.2
I have a difficulty concerning Django 
I want to install the latest version 1.6 that supports python 3.2
I only found a way to install in Linux but I'm running Windows 7 !! 
Can anyone show me how ? And also if you have any book or tutorial about Django please send it to me ! 

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Re: Render dynamic form based on meta data


Take a look at , lots of stuff there.

The other discussions that have been going on about REST would also be useful to you.



On Jun 30, 2013, at 4:54 AM, Avishay Balderman <> wrote:

> Hi François
> Since I am a django "newbe", can you please elaborate or even point me to refrences in the web that shows the concept of what I am looking for?
> Thanks
> Avishay
> On Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:58:32 PM UTC+3, François Schiettecatte wrote:
> Django can handle some of that for you but not all, you will need to use javascript to handle the dynamics on the page itself., I use jquery, and use django to take the ajax calls and return data.
> If you don't have that much data you could just add it to the HTML page in javascript structures, would be easier to deal with than making ajax calls.
> Cheers
> François
> On Jun 29, 2013, at 5:28 AM, Avishay Balderman <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I need to implement a django app that has the following capabilities:
> > 1) When the main page loads it needs to dynamically (Ajax) populate a combo (<select>) with a list of "form types"
> > 2) When the user select an item from the "form types" combo, the app should issue Ajax call and fetch meta data. This meta data will bu used in order to render a form.
> >
> > Can you please advice?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Avishay
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
> >
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Re: Django for non web clients

Thanks Rahul,

I thought about that.

I do not need Django's ORM as I do not use relational db and I do not need Django's Templates as I use rest api. So I am not sure what value does django add in my case?

On Sunday, June 30, 2013 12:24:28 AM UTC-7, Rahul Gaur wrote:

What about change-tastypie or django-restframework or something similar ?
As a part of my GSoC project [1] , I am implementing a project sharing web site with social features.
I need RESTful APIs so that the functionality of the site could be integrated into SugarLabs [2].

I am planing to use Django with one of the above rest frameworks to serve RESTful APIs  and a web client in backbone.js which will consume the APIs as well.

[1] -
[2] -

On Jun 30, 2013 12:13 PM, "zweb" <> wrote:

I am writing an Python application which will expose REST API. It will be client agnostic. In future I will provide a Web client and a mobile client and may be a rich desktop client. These clients will connect to application using the REST api only.

Should I use Django for this? or is Django for Web based applications only as it is web framework. What advantage does Django brings in such a architecture.

Would it be much simpler if I use simple python with some python rest  web services framework on top of it instead of Django?

I am a big fan of Django but not sure if a Web framework such as django is good fit for REST Services based architecture. I not building a (monolithic) web application.

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Re: data transfer between databases dumpdata

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:
This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to offer advice on how to transfer data :)

New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development and I want to transfer it to the production database from time to time.

I think my choices are:

1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.

2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to transfer data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases are on different machines in different data centres.

3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this problem.

Any suggestions?

There are currently three reference tables involved and two have m2m relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.

Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be touched. There are no relationships with the reference tables.



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send query by using a textbox of html to python(django)

i work on a project in which i could send query by using a textbox of html to django .then django can process on this query and assign the return value as list in html.

now, i ask the following question:

 how can we send a number from text box of html to python(django) and after that django multiply this output number in 3 and return this number as list in html


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Re: Get Form from string?

Sorry but I forgot show my form:

This is my Form:

class MyForm(ModelForm):      class Meta:          form = 'my_form'          model = MyModel          exclude = ('country', 'region')
My all form in subclass Meta contains variable 'form'. This is name of my form. The definition get_form search in all included form one string name, and return this Form.

url(r'^/some-url/(?P<form_name>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/', 'my_view', name='my-wiev'),
and view:

def my_view(request, form_name):      form = get_form(my_form)      response = {}      response['my_form'] = form      return render_to_response('request/window.html', response)

W dniu piątek, 28 czerwca 2013 22:09:41 UTC+2 użytkownik MacVictor napisał:
get the model by string i use:

from django.db.models.loading import get_model
def get_model(self, app_label, model_name, seed_cache=True):

how to get ModelForm by string?

i try used:

modelforms = forms.ModelForm.__subclasses__()

def get_form(form):
        for model_form in modelforms:
                if model_form.Meta.form == form:
                    return model_form
            except AttributeError:
    except IndexError:
        print "Does not exist Model Forms for the object"

but I must import the form in which I will seek appropriate by name!

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Re: Get Form from string?

I try in view get the form by name.
this is my url: 


url(r'^/some-url/(?P<form_name>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/', 'my_view', name='my-wiev'),

and my view:

def my_view(request, form_name):
    form = how_get_form_name(form_name)
    response = {}
    response['my_form'] = form
    return render_to_response('request/window.html', response)

I have create uniwersal view, get my form and send to template. Why form? Because my model has more Forms and I want to select which forms.

W dniu piątek, 28 czerwca 2013 23:06:15 UTC+2 użytkownik yeswanth nadella napisał:
I am afraid, I did not understand your question. Are you trying to generate a form based on your model/ models? 

On Friday, June 28, 2013 3:23:00 PM UTC-5, MacVictor wrote:
and how to get only Form (not ModelForm) use string name?

W dniu piątek, 28 czerwca 2013 22:09:41 UTC+2 użytkownik MacVictor napisał:
get the model by string i use:

from django.db.models.loading import get_model
def get_model(self, app_label, model_name, seed_cache=True):

how to get ModelForm by string?

i try used:

modelforms = forms.ModelForm.__subclasses__()

def get_form(form):
        for model_form in modelforms:
                if model_form.Meta.form == form:
                    return model_form
            except AttributeError:
    except IndexError:
        print "Does not exist Model Forms for the object"

but I must import the form in which I will seek appropriate by name!

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Re: Render dynamic form based on meta data

Hi  François 
Since I am a django "newbe", can you please elaborate or even point me to refrences in the web that shows the concept of what I am looking for?


On Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:58:32 PM UTC+3, François Schiettecatte wrote:
Django can handle some of that for you but not all, you will need to use javascript to handle the dynamics on the page itself., I use jquery, and use django to take the ajax calls and return data.

If you don't have that much data you could just add it to the HTML page in javascript structures, would be easier to deal with than making ajax calls.



On Jun 29, 2013, at 5:28 AM, Avishay Balderman <> wrote:

> Hi
> I need to implement a django app that has the following capabilities:
> 1) When the main page loads it needs to dynamically (Ajax) populate a combo (<select>) with a list of "form types"
> 2) When the user select an item from the "form types" combo, the app should issue Ajax call and fetch meta data. This meta data will bu used in order to render a form.
> Can you please advice?
> Thanks
> Avishay
> --
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A question for encoding issue when I read file by python

Hi all,

when I try to read a file which actual encoding is gbk.

I get exception as below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 675, in readline
    return self.reader.readline(size)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'gb2312' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: illegal multibyte sequence

here is my code:
>>> import codecs
>>> f ='namelist.txt',encoding='gb2312')
>>> f.readline()

Data example:
曹星 iamcaoyuxin

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Re: Ajax

Every Framework supports Ajax. But as i already mentioned and as already talked about in the django-developers, the support of serialization and other things is really really crappy and needs to be fixed.
Especially SPA sites needs some love. I mean in the core Django is cool, and since the new cbv's i really love django and the ajax support is better now, but some things are still messy.

Am Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013 02:24:30 UTC+2 schrieb Russell Keith-Magee:

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 11:51 PM, Gamesbrainiac <> wrote:
Sorry, was on a mobile phone. Let me give you exact link, please excuse me being a little stupid. -> First line, "Django does not natively support Ajax".

That comment is on the wiki. The wiki can be contributed by anybody, and isn't reviewed by the core team. As a result, the advice found there can often be wrong or misleading.

 Allow me to confirm that the advice that Django "doesn't support AJAX" is *incorrect*. I've just corrected the wiki page.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: django search query

Reply waited.

Harjot Kaur Mann

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data transfer between databases

This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to offer
advice on how to transfer data :)

New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development and I
want to transfer it to the production database from time to time.

I think my choices are:

1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.

2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to transfer
data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases are on different
machines in different data centres.

3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this problem.

Any suggestions?

There are currently three reference tables involved and two have m2m
relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.

Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be touched.
There are no relationships with the reference tables.



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Re: Django for non web clients

What about change-tastypie or django-restframework or something similar ?
As a part of my GSoC project [1] , I am implementing a project sharing web site with social features.
I need RESTful APIs so that the functionality of the site could be integrated into SugarLabs [2].

I am planing to use Django with one of the above rest frameworks to serve RESTful APIs  and a web client in backbone.js which will consume the APIs as well.

[1] -
[2] -

On Jun 30, 2013 12:13 PM, "zweb" <> wrote:

I am writing an Python application which will expose REST API. It will be client agnostic. In future I will provide a Web client and a mobile client and may be a rich desktop client. These clients will connect to application using the REST api only.

Should I use Django for this? or is Django for Web based applications only as it is web framework. What advantage does Django brings in such a architecture.

Would it be much simpler if I use simple python with some python rest  web services framework on top of it instead of Django?

I am a big fan of Django but not sure if a Web framework such as django is good fit for REST Services based architecture. I not building a (monolithic) web application.

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Django for non web clients

I am writing an Python application which will expose REST API. It will be client agnostic. In future I will provide a Web client and a mobile client and may be a rich desktop client. These clients will connect to application using the REST api only.

Should I use Django for this? or is Django for Web based applications only as it is web framework. What advantage does Django brings in such a architecture.

Would it be much simpler if I use simple python with some python rest  web services framework on top of it instead of Django?

I am a big fan of Django but not sure if a Web framework such as django is good fit for REST Services based architecture. I not building a (monolithic) web application.

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django search query

Is there any search query in django which can ignore vowels like I want to make a query which displays all the clients name who writes their name as 'amanjit' or 'amanjeet'.
It should take take ee=i or anything like this. Please help me I have to finish my task asap.

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Re: Help in finding how to learn Django

The best way to learn anything related to programming is by doing. Here are some great resources that teach and utilize examples. Code any examples yourself and understand how they work. Here's an order I recommend, where you can skip steps depending on your comfort level:

Step 1 - Essential Python

Google Python Class - covers most python you'll need and provides exercises w/ validation to help you learn

Lark's Guide to Python - Do a few

Step 2 - Basic Django

Chapters 1 - 7 from The Django Book

Getting started | Django

At this point you'll feel comfortable building some basic apps yourself. That makes for phenomenal practice and self-teaching. You may learn everything you need to know by getting the basics from the above steps and hacking your own apps together using references as needed. If you're an absolute programming / web development first-timer, I recommend more reading. Code and understand the examples!

Step 3 - Core Django

Chapters 8 - 12 from The Django Book

Django By Example - Pick apps similar in nature to what you wish to accomplish


Django Documentation

Chapters 13 - 20 Django Book

Good luck - with your particular preexisting skill-set you'll probably start around Step 2. If you need more fundamental Python, go step 1. 


On Saturday, June 29, 2013 10:07:41 AM UTC-4, Nico Subs wrote:
Thank you Mike. Very helpful.

On Friday, June 28, 2013 9:49:20 AM UTC+2, Nico Subs wrote:
Hi all,

What is the best way to learn Django 1.5 thouroughly? I have been a .NET developer and have a really good understanding of OOP, HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. I also have an entry-level knowledge of Python. I am completely new to MVC (or MVT, in this case).

I have a need to build apps with Django that provide users with features such as finding each other based on geographical distance, upload pictures and edit them online, natural language search, etc... (just to highlight that I need to know more than how to build a poll app or a simple blog).

My understanding is that the entry point to learn Django is by completing the tutorial at the Django project site. Then, what? What path would you recommend? I have seen that lots of learning resources on the web target versions lower than 1.5 and I couldn't really find books on 1.5. When reading reviews on learning material on 1.4, I often see they are outdated and not really applying to 1.5.

Also, I briefly looked at what it takes to deploy a Django app. Virtualenv, git, pip, etc... are all things unknown to me and it looks a bit scary for a guy used to deploy apps by uploading the compiled binaries through FTP.

Help in defining a clear path to learn how to bend Django to my will would be invaluable!

Thank you for your time.

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Re: Ajax

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 11:51 PM, Gamesbrainiac <> wrote:
Sorry, was on a mobile phone. Let me give you exact link, please excuse me being a little stupid. -> First line, "Django does not natively support Ajax".

That comment is on the wiki. The wiki can be contributed by anybody, and isn't reviewed by the core team. As a result, the advice found there can often be wrong or misleading.

 Allow me to confirm that the advice that Django "doesn't support AJAX" is *incorrect*. I've just corrected the wiki page.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: ANNOUNCE: Django 1.6 beta 1 released

On 06/28/2013 03:48 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> Hi folks --
> I'm pleased to announce that we've just released Django 1.6 beta 1,
> the second in our series of preview releases leading up to Django 1.6
> (due in August).
> More information can be found on our blog:
> And in the release notes:
Is there any hope to get
integrated int 1.6 ?

This is about using schemas in databases which support them well enough
(PostgreSQL, Oracle, ...)

Hannu Krosing

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Change template block via AJAX


I have an application containing a topbar and rest is content area.

In my 'base.html', I've defined two blocks -

  {% block topbar %}{% endblock topbar %}
  {% block page_content %}
        {% block sidebar %}
        {% endblock sidebar %}
        {% block main %}
        {% endblock main %}
    {% endblock page_content %}

These two blocks are then overridden by child templates.
The topbar contains a search input. The search query is sent via AJAX, and the results are loaded in respective child blocks through client-side templating.

Now, I want that whenever user enters a search query for a user via a radio button instead of default, The block 'page_content' should get overridden by another template 'user_results.html'. ( I'll know it client-side itself )
This can be done by redirecting to a path like '/search/user/', but that would involve reloading of the page.
Is this possible via an AJAX request, and then the server would load another template which will replace the 'page_content' block without page refresh ?

Parin Porecha

say Kifflom! and look forward to 17.09.13 !

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