I have displayed two tables on web(i.e table1 and table2) using connection.cursor from SOURCE table ISSUE: Now I have to subtract table1(fields)-table2(fields) and display the output as table3. so final web page will have table1,table2,table3 PROGRAM: IN views.py #table 1 cursor1=connection.cursor() cursor1.execute('''select dummy as LCR_CUSTOMER_TYPE,CUR AS CURRENCY, '$'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, sum(LCR_NONOP_INS))) as LCR_NONOP_INS, '$'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, sum(LCR_OP_INS))) as LCR_OP_INS, '$'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, sum(LCR_NONOP_UNINS))) as LCR_NONOP_UNINS, '$'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, sum(LCR_OP_UNINS))) as LCR_OP_UNINS from (select *,(case when LCR_CUSTOMER_TYPE='Corporate' then 'Non-Credit Financial Entities' else LCR_CUSTOMER_TYPE end) as dummy from DDA_BASED_S9_20150930) a group by CUR,dummy ''') list=cursor1.fetchall(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #table 2 cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('''select AFTERMEMO,CUR AS CURRENCY, '$'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, sum(LCR_NONOP_INS))) as LCR_NONOP_INS, '$'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, sum(LCR_OP_INS))) as LCR_OP_INS, '$'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, sum(LCR_NONOP_UNINS))) as LCR_NONOP_UNINS, '$'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, sum(LCR_OP_UNINS))) as LCR_OP_UNINS from (select *,(case when SIC_CODE = 7215 and LCR_CUSTOMER_TYPE = 'Non-Credit Financial Entities' then 'NonFinancialCorp' when LCR_CUSTOMER_TYPE = 'Corporate' then 'Non-Credit Financial Entities' else LCR_CUSTOMER_TYPE end) as AFTERMEMO from DDA_BASED_S9_20150930) a group by CUR,AFTERMEMO ''') list1=cursor.fetchall(); TABLE3=TABLE1-TABLE2
can anyone tell me how to do this...it will be very helpful thanks in advance |
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