Monday, April 24, 2017

Re: How to set mysql database in setting up django setup in eclipse ?

I'd avoid a more complex tool like Eclipse when starting out - and try using a simple text editor like Atom or Sublime Text; that way you get a much more "hands on" understanding of Django.

(Also - maybe don't MySQL when starting out & just stick to SQLite - its fine for learning purposes)

On Sunday, 23 April 2017 20:56:27 UTC+2, Pubudu Goonetilleke wrote:
I am very new to web programming and trying to learn ABCs of this whole new thing. I am following some online tutorials and facing some few things that I am trying to understand.
first, when I create dJango (1.11) project in eclipse (Neon 3) in pyDev (latest), I set data base information as follows : 

new my issue is that when I open the it does not show the setting as I expect.
it is like follows :

what I expect as per the tutorials is as follows : (I manually typed it)

I know I could type this into the, but trying to understand why does it not create that automatically during setup since that information is already entered in the dialog.

Thank you for the help in advance.



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