Friday, July 28, 2017

Re: WYSIWYG editor, file browser and multiple users

It sounds like Wagtail would fit your needs but from where you are now it seems like it might be easier just to extend your existing models to include permissions on a per-image basis.

On Friday, July 28, 2017 at 7:37:56 AM UTC-6, Karol Bujaček wrote:

I'm trying to install WYSIWYG editor and file browser which allows user
to upload images. Then these images can be inserted into users article.
I also have multiple users registered on my site and I need
separate/hide one users' images from another user.

Using django-tinymce4-lite [1] and django-filebrowser-no-grappelli [2]
I'm able to achieve "half of the work": I can upload any image and embed
it into nice WYSIWIG TinyMCE interface. However, I'm not able to limit
access to the images and all users can access/view/delete/… any image.

I will be glad if somebody can suggest any information, help or tips.
TinyMCE and something like mentioned filebrowser are highly appreciated,
but these two applications are not strictly necessary.




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