Monday, November 27, 2017

Re: Seeking design guidance on a Team model where a user sends invitation to other users to join the team

Hey Adam.  I took a week to properly learn some JavaScript and jQuery and how to make ajax calls.  I just got it working!  It was much simpler than I thought.  I created a views to catch the appropriate agent's pk and put that in a data-href attribute like this:

    <button class='sendInvite' data-href="{% url 'send_invitation' %}"><span>Send Invite</span></button>

Then I passed the button into an ajax call... a few lines of processing in the `send_invitation` views and it works nicely.  Took maybe 15 lines of code in total?

Thanks for your help, but mainly thanks for leading me into using ajax.  I was always too lazy to properly learn javascript but now, I can do a lot more with jquery and ajax!

Best regards,

On Friday, November 10, 2017 at 12:37:46 PM UTC-5, Adam wrote:

Weird, I dont see our conversation,

Anyway here is a simple setup:

from django.conf.urls import url

from .views import ajax_comment_send

= [

("comment_send", ajax_comment_send, name="comment_send"),


then a view - this is from my project, you will to make changes to do the calculations. :)


def ajax_comment_send(request):
if not request.is_ajax():
return HttpResponse('SERVER RESPONSE: ajax_comment_send, Not an ajax call.')

= None
= None

if request.method == "POST":
= request.POST.get("content", "0")
= request.POST.get("recip_id", "0") # this is where to make changes

if scope == 'story':
= CommentThread.objects.get(story__id=int(recip_id_str))
= get_object_or_404(User, pk=comment_thread.first_recipient_id)


= Comment.objects.create(


return HttpResponse("SERVER RESPONSE ajax_comment_send; " +
( # this is a check to help with debugging

return HttpResponse('SERVER RESPONSE: ajax_comment_send, AJAX fell through.')

this is the key part ; javascript in the front end:

function replyThread (scope, recip_id, cntnt) {
.log('replyThread : scope:' + scope + ', recip_id: ' + recip_id + ', content: ' + cntnt);
: 'POST',
: '/jos_comments/comment_send',
: { // this is the part that scoops up the agents and sends it to the backend
'scope': scope, // This is unique to me
'recip_id': recip_id,
'content': cntnt
: function (serverResponse_data) {
.log('replyThread success: ' + serverResponse_data);
"<div class='center head_1' style='" +
"color: #9bcd69; width: 100%; height: 100%;'>Message sent!</div>");
(function () {
(serverResponse_data.split(':')[1]); // this reloads the messages; you probably don't need
}, 1500);
: function (serverResponse_data) {
.log('error:' + JSON.stringify(serverResponse_data).split(',').join('\n')); // helps with debug

Hope this helps

On Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 8:27:12 PM UTC-7, Jack wrote:
I have a model called Team, which has a ForeignKey relationship with User (a team can have many users, but a user can only be part of one team).

A user can create a team, and that user will automatically become a Team Leader (a group, not a model).  The team leader can query the database for other users and send invitations to other users join his team.  Users who receive an invitation can either accept or decline the invitation; if a user accepts an invitation, he joins the team as as a Team Member

My question is, how do I go about designing the invitation system?  After the team leader clicks the 'Send Invitation' button, the receiving-user should see a special invitation message on his dashboard, which he can either accept or decline.

My current thinking tells me I should create a model called Invitation which has a OneToOne relationship with User.  When an invitation is sent, an instance of Invitation is created which is assigned to the receiving-user.  The invitation instance will be deleted when the receiving-user accepts or declines the invitation.

Another method I can think of is to send an Email to the receiving-user.  The Email will be like an account activation Email, except the activation link adds the receiving-user to the team and marks the receiving-user as a team member.

Pointers and guidance welcome.  I feel like both my methods are clumsy and maybe there is a built-in feature in Django which I missed which could solve this problem much easier.

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