"pruebapdf() missing 1 required positional argument: 'DesdeJango'"
Your view have an additional parameter, which is not used by views; views always receive the "request" and then the list of parameters in your URL definition (which does not have any parameters). So you need to remove it from the function and actually import the class from your models.
On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 4:49 PM, ALDO JAVIER VIGUERAS <aldojvigueras@gmail.com> wrote:
--Hallo, I want to do a view to retur me a PDF with my models tah I have in models.py , I habe python 3 Django 2.11 and the models are in POSTGRESQL .The next is my code that a I have, but gived TypeError: pruebapdf() missing 1 required positional argument: 'DesdeJango''DesdeJango'= is model name.VIEW.PYdef pruebapdf(request,DesdeJango):response=HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition']='attachment; filename=PDF_CON _MODELO.pdf' buffer=BytesIO()c=canvas.Canvas(response,pagesize=A4) #Estilostyles = getSampleStyleSheet()styleBH=styles["Normal"]styleBH.alignment = TA_CENTERstyleBH.fontSize=10#parametrosfolio=Paragraph('folio',styleBH) nombre=Paragraph('nombre',styleBH) sexo=Paragraph('sexo',styleBH)edad=Paragraph('edad',styleBH)gecha=Paragraph('gecha',styleBH) formato=[]formato.append(['folio','nombre','sexo','edad','gecha'] ) #Estilo de la tablastyleN=styles['BodyText']styleN.alignment=TA_CENTERstyleN.fontSize=7#ALTURAhigh=650#ModeloPrueba(request.POST,instance=mascota) #ciclo for para poner la base de datosfor dato in DesdeJango.objects.all():dato=[dato['folio'], dato['nombre'],dato['sexo'],dato['edad'],dato['gecha']] formato.append(dato)#ponemos el grosor del la filahigh=high-18#AÑADIMOS DATOS DE PAGINACIONwidth, height=A4table=Table(formato,colWidths=[1.9*cm,9.5*cm,1.9*cm,1.9*cm, 1.9*cm]) table.setStyle(TableStyle([('INNERGRID',(0,0),(-1,-1),0.25, colors.black), ])) table.wrapOn(c, width, height)table.drawOn(c,30,high)c.showPage()c.save()pdf=buffer.getvalue()c.showPage()c.save()pdf = buffer.getvalue()buffer.close()response.write(pdf)return responseURL.PYpath(r'html',pruebapdf , name='PDF'),NOTE : AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'objects'I thank you in advance for your support
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