Friday, April 26, 2019

Re: Autoreloader looping Django 2.2

Forgot to mention that this is on a mac osx host with ubuntu 16 virtualbox guest, I'm not sure that has something to do with it?

On Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 10:06:59 PM UTC+2, Dan wrote:

I'm using Django 2.2 on a new project and suddenly the autoreloader is looping when I change a file


/ is_changed: False, is_new: True

/ previous mtime: None, current mtime: 1556221457.0

/ notified as changed. Signal results: [(<function translation_file_changed at 0x7fd933e05d90>, None)].

/ changed, reloading

It says the file is new but it was just changed - it refers to translation_file_changed but I have no translation files in my project.

My project is on a virtualbox shared folder, if I start a new project from scratch it works ok and previous versions of Django work fine.

I tried using watchman + pywatchman and it doesn't seem to work at all, I dont think it works with shared virtualbox folders. 

Is there anyway I can get this working with 2.2 can I use the old reloader or do I need to revert to 2.1?

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