Django Rest Framework mutilple update in ModelViewSet
It is required to receive a json to update several objects (N number of objects) by using a ModelViewSet that uses different serializers
-- It is required to receive a json to update several objects (N number of objects) by using a ModelViewSet that uses different serializers
viewsets.pyclass ContractsViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): serializer_class = ContractsSerializer (many=True) queryset = Contracts.objects.all() pagination_class = CustomPagination filter_backends = [filters.SearchFilter] search_fields = ['bundle','name'] action_serializers = { 'list': ContractsListSerializer, 'retrieve': ContractsListSerializer, 'partial_update':ContractsSerializer, } def get_serializer_class(self): try: return self.action_serializers [self.action] except (KeyError,AttributeError): return super().get_serializer_class()
serializers.pyclass ContractsSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Contracts fields = ('id', 'name','bundle','state') extra_kwargs = {'name': {'required': False},'state': {'required': False}}
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