Sir hi I am aman , look at following error message: django.contrib.auth.models.DoesNotExist: User matching query does not exist.
So on this my suggestion is
What you importing from django.contrib.auth.models
first check that needed query is present at above or not...
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020, 11:54 PM Jeff Waters <> wrote:
I've created a population script to test my website - please see below - but I get the following error message: django.contrib.auth.models.DoesNotExist: User matching query does not exist.
Given that I've created a hypothetical user, I'm not sure why this is?
Any suggestions would much appreciated.
Thank you.
EDIT : I have done both makemigrations and migrate.
import os
import django
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'mynowandthen.settings')
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from nowandthen.models import Picture, Comment, UserProfile
def populate():
banana_user = [{'username': 'Banana','email': '',
'password': 'Banana1234'},]
johann_user = [{'username': 'Banana', 'email': '',
'password': 'Banana1234'},]
wmffre_user = [{'username': 'Wmffre', 'email': '',
'password': 'Wmffre1234'},]
maryhill_comments = [{'user': banana_user,
'body': 'wowo I love this photo - reminds me of when I used to live there!'},
{'user': johann_user,'body': 'I love Maryhill - its such a pretty part of Glasgow lol'},
{'user': wmffre_user,'body': 'gonnae no dae that lol', 'user_id': 3}]
fireworks_comments = [{'user': banana_user,'body': 'amazing fireworks - thanks for sharing :)'},
{'user': johann_user,'body': 'love fireworks, love this, love YOU!'},
{'user': wmffre_user,'body': 'whoop!'}]
cityscape_comments = [{'user': banana_user,'body': 'more pics like this one please!!'},
{'user': johann_user,'body': 'what a sucky picture hahahaaaa'},
{'user': wmffre_user,'body': 'great - love it!'}]
pics = {'Maryhill': {'comments': maryhill_comments,
'image': 'shared_pics/View-from-kitchen-window-of-Maryhill-tenements.1970.jpg',
'title': 'Maryhill Laundry',
'description': 'back view',
'tag_one': 'Maryhill',
'tag_two': 'Laundry',
'era': '1970s',
'likes': 64},
'Fireworks': {'comments': fireworks_comments,
'image': 'shared_pics/fireworks.jpg',
'title': 'Glasgow Fireworks',
'description': 'Fireworks at Glasgow Green',
'tag_one': 'Glasgow',
'tag_two': 'Fireworks',
'era': '2010s',
'likes': 32},
'Cityscape': {'comments': cityscape_comments,
'image': 'shared_pics/glasgow_cityscape_copy.jpg',
'title': 'Glasgow Cityscape',
'descrpition': 'View over Glasgow',
'tag_one': 'Cityscape',
'tag_two': 'Glasgow',
'era': '1990s',
'likes': 16}}
for pic, pic_data in pics.items():
p = add_picture(pic,
for c in pic_data['comments']:
add_comment(c[0], c[1])
for p in Picture.objects.all():
for c in Comment.objects.filter(picture=p):
print(f' - {p}: {c}')
def add_user(name, email, password):
u = User.objects.get_or_create(username=name, first_name='Test', last_name='User', email=email)[0]
up = UserProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=u)[0]
return up
def add_picture(image, title, description, tag_one, tag_two, era, likes=0):
p = Picture.objects.get_or_create(image=image, title=title)[0]
p.description = description
p.tag_one = tag_one
p.tag_two = tag_two
p.era = era = likes
return p
def add_comment(user, body):
u = User.objects.get(username=user)
up = UserProfile.objects.get(user=u)
c = Comment.objects.get_or_create(user=up, body=body)[0]
return c
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Starting Now And Then population script...')
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