Thursday, July 30, 2020

Re: Can't get rid of "CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.: when submit form with nothing selected


I am glad that I could help you. Cheerz


On Friday, 31 July, 2020, 01:16:14 am IST, Isha Thakur <> wrote:


I think, it can help you.

You should never compare the complete HTML content. Just check the functionalities. In case you need disabling the csrf at any cost, following logic should help I guess.

In your file, add the following package

from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt

Then just before the function definintion, in which you are performing your checks, add this snippet:


This will disable the default verification of csrf. Even if your incoming request has a hidden csrf token, your server function will completely ignore it. This should do the trick of disabling the csrf.


From: <> on behalf of coolguy <>
Sent: July 29, 2020 10:05 PM
To: Django users <>
Subject: Re: Can't get rid of "CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.: when submit form with nothing selected
By default, Django checks for the CSRF token in all POST requests. Remember to include the csrf_token tag in all forms that are submitted via POST.

Please place csrf_token in <form> tag. You have placed it outside of form tag.

On Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 9:57:41 PM UTC-4, Christian Seberino wrote:
Here is my template...

{% extends "html_base" %}
{% block body_elements %}

<div id = "admin_status">
        <form action = "." method = "post">
                <p>UPDATE STATUSES</p>
                        {% for e in both %}
                                                {{e.0.time|time:"h:i A"}}
                                        <td>{{e.1}} Completed</td>
                        {% endfor %}
                <p><input type = "submit" value = "UPDATE STATUSES"/></p>

        <p><a href = "/admin">Go Back To Admin Page</a></p>

        {% csrf_token %}

{% endblock %}

Here is the view....

def admin_status(request):
        appts = [e for e in APPT.objects.all() if e.status != "Completed"]
        appts = sorted(appts,
                       key = lambda a : a.customer.last + a.customer.first +   \
                                                    str( + str(a.time))
        if request.method == "POST":
                form = grandmas4hire.forms. StatusForm(request.POST)

                if form.is_valid():
                        # Need to enter more code here when this page works...
                        reply = django.shortcuts.redirect("/ admin_status")
                        both  = [(e, form.fields[str(]) for e in appts]
                        reply = django.shortcuts.render( request,
                                                        {"both" : both})
                form  = grandmas4hire.forms. StatusForm()
                both  = [(e, form[str(]) for e in appts]
                reply = django.shortcuts.render( request,
                                                {"both" : both})

        return reply

Here is the dynamic form StatusForm....

class StatusForm(django.forms.Form):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                for e in grandmas4hire.models. Appointment.objects.all():
                        self.fields[str(] =                               \
                                   django.forms.BooleanField( required = False)

(I need to make a dynamic form because I needed 1 field for each Appointment object.)


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