Monday, August 30, 2010

filling model choices field according to language code


In my django application i have a Ticket class at my model as below

class Ticket(models.Model):


faculty = models.SmallIntegerField(
#edit begins
#edit begins
help_text=_('Faculty name of the ticket related with'),


The thing is, i want to fill the choices part dynamically. According to the language, i want to fill the string part so at the template the right human readable string will be seen. Because i couldn't visualize how i can do it, i tried to fix it at the view part as

if lang == "en":
form.fields['faculty'].choices = [(0, '--------')] + [[f.fakulte_id, f.faculty_name] for f in Faculty.objects.all()]
form.fields['department'].choices = [(0, '--------')] + [[d.bolum_id, d.dep_name] for d in fak.department_set.all()]
if lang == "tr":
form.fields['faculty'].choices = [(0, '--------')] + [[f.fakulte_id, f.fakulte_tr] for f in Faculty.objects.all()]
form.fields['department'].choices = [(0, '--------')] + [[d.bolum_id, d.bolum_tr] for d in fak.department_set.all()]
form.fields['problemcategory'].choices = [(0, '--------')] + [[, p.category] for p in ProblemCategory.objects.all()]

As you can see i have problemcategory and department fields also. At the ticket edit issue, i have modelform as

class EditTicketForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Ticket

And at the view

form = EditTicketForm(request.POST, instance=ticket)

The rest continues as above lang part. When i tried

if form.is_valid():

i got errors saying that the values from the department, faculty and problemcategory fields are not valid. When i add a clean method for modelform as

def clean_faculty(self):
data = self.cleaned_data['faculty']
return 0

the error related with faculty is gone. So it seems modelform is creating the choices with (0, "") which is defined at the model. How can i fix it like at the view part so that i will fill the choices according to the language code?

Oguz Yarimtepe <>

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