Monday, November 24, 2014

Re: Obtaining content from Git

On 2014-11-24 11:49, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Tim Chase <> [2014-11-24
> 11:19 +0100]:
> > urlpatterns = patterns('',
> > url(r'^blob/([0-9a-f]{40})/$',
> > 'myapp.views.render_blob', ...), )
> … this is straight-forward, thanks. I'd probably try not to expose
> the SHAs to the user but request from the Git library a blob
> identified by a path such as /path/to/file which the Git
> library should then map to the blob, given a treeish to use as
> a base (e.g. 'master', this could come from config).

Django certainly gives you the flexibility to do both/either. You
can even do things like

url(r'branch/(?P<branch>[^/]*)(?P<filename>.*)', 'myapp.views.render_branch_file', ...)

and then in your

def render_branch_file(request, branch, file_name):
data = some_git_lib.get_file_from_branch(branch, file_name)

You might need to tighten up those regular expressions in the
a bit, or sanitize them in the view to ensure that they don't allow
access to files outside the git tree (you might also want to prevent
access to the .git subdirectory)

> > In theory, you could also set the cache control headers in the
> > response so that they're ludicrously far in the future (assuming
> > you don't plan to change your my_template.html) because the blob
> > shouldn't ever change without having a different SHA1.
> Two problems I see with this:
> 1. If the SHA is not exposed, then a request path (see above) may
> well return different content on subsequent calls, so
> expiration-based caching isn't ideal;

You can use the resulting internal sha1 as the "etag" header which
would cache at the object level rather than at the URL level.

> 2. aren't the cache-control headers for the caches downstream?
> Wouldn't this mean that if 1,000 clients requested a page, the
> reStructuredText processor would have to do the same work 1,000
> times? I'd love to cache the result and serve that while the
> source file's pre-processing mtime hasn't changed.

yes-ish. If you have a caching proxy such as Varnish in front of your
Django server, it can cache the pages coming out and then serve them
to all requesting clients. I haven't dug into how that interacts
with "etag" vs. other cache-control headers, but that's where I'd
start researching. Or just set the other cache-control headers.


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