Monday, December 29, 2014

Re: Django vs ExtJS

Sincerely, I can't see the ExtJS's Models as true models on an MVC (or MVT for instance) context, since the only real uses I've seen of them is to bind form controls to any "model like" (basically anything) structure. Therefore, the best comparsion for the ExtJS would be AngularJS (this is my point of view, I might be wrong on this one).

But if you REALLY want to compare them, I would say that the biggest point that django excels ExtJS, is that ExtJS doesn't have any meaningfull way to introspect your DB to build the models dynamically, and with django you can. As an exemple, with django, you can build an app that read your DB metadata and build everithing from there (basicaly models; the views and templates you can build in a way that they can read everything on a given standard).

If you provide more specific info about the project, maybe we can come with some more concrete comparsions.

Em Mon Dec 29 2014 at 12:56:05, Joris Benschop <> escreveu:

Hi List,

I;m a data maangement specialist in a rather large multinational. I'm trying to push Django as a fast development framework for front-end applications of our databases. Currently the company is focusing on Sencha ExtJS and java solutions. Can you help me with pointers why Django is better? The free-as-in-beer argument is not very convincing by itself. 


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