Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Re: Experiences/tips for deploying and supporting on-premise in enterprises?


The solutions depend on what you need and what knowledge and resources you already have. As you describe it I think it's a bit vague. For example, whether you will deploy on metal or on VM depends on what load you expect, who administers the VM, who administers the metal, and so on and so on. What do you mean by "hook into existing services"? Authentication using LDAP shouldn't be a problem (I've done it for years using a custom backend, but now I think there are ready-made modules).

Better explain in more detail which area gives you a headache and why.



Antonis Christofides  http://djangodeployment.com
On 12/26/2016 06:25 PM, Todd Schiller wrote:
My team is considering using Django for a SaaS/on-premise enterprise web application. We've been happy with building with Django for SaaS, but don't have experience deploying and supporting it on-premise in enterprise Linux and Windows environments. Therefore, we'd like to get the community's perspective before going down this path.

While we appreciate all feedback, the areas we most need clarity are the following. For each, we'd like to hear: How did you address the area? What went well? What didn't go well? What do you wish you had known before starting?
  • Deployment: e.g., direct, container, VM, or a packaging solution such as Replicated
  • Integration: did you hook into existing services (caching, logging, etc.) or did you deploy these services alongside the application?
  • Licensing: e.g., based on # of seats
  • Authentication/Authorization: e.g., LDAP, AD, etc.
  • Updates: bug fixes, and changes requiring migrations
Also, if you're a development shop that has experience building enterprise Django applications, we'd love to chat with you because we're looking for some extra resources on our projects.


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