Sunday, March 26, 2017

django allauth and AdminSite reverse()


There is a task to create one entry point for different groups of users in Django, and after successfully passing authorization, redirect to the required page.

There are three different routes:

Urlpatterns = [
Url (r '^ django-admin /', include (,
Url (r '^ custom_admin /', include ('gglobal.custom_admin.urls', namespace = 'custom_admin')),
Url (r '^ admin /', include (wagtailadmin_urls, namespace = 'cms')),

Since I'm doing the login using allauth, I need to override the DefaultAccountAdapter, which is responsible for the redirect after authenticating.

From allauth.account.adapter import DefaultAccountAdapter
From django.shortcuts import redirect, resolve_url
From django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

Class AccountAdapter (DefaultAccountAdapter):
Def get_login_redirect_url (self, request):
Url = super (AccountAdapter, self) .get_login_redirect_url (request)
If request.user.has_perm ('auth.change_permission'):
Url = reverse ('admin: index')
Return url

But reverse () returns:

    NoReverseMatch at / accounts / login /

    Reverse for 'cms' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern (s) tried: []

When trying to do the same thing with other admin boards.

What should I pass to args / kwargs to work? In django-admin, there is no namepace at all, but it works as it should.

Tell me how to do it right?

Surely someone has already solved a similar problem.

Thank you in advance!

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