Wednesday, March 29, 2017

NoReverseMatch when trying to use get_absolute_url with custom template tag

I am making a calendar app which has a custom template tag that takes the python HTML template function and overlays objects from the Events model on the correct days. I am trying to get the displayed objects to have a link directly to an object detail/edit view and am trying to use get_absolute_url and to reverse render this view. This is necessary as the custom template tag doesn't load correctly if I try to hardcode {% url %} template tags into it for each event via a for loop. I have spent some hours looking through stack overflow questions with no luck and have even changed my reverse to the object ID rather than the title of the event. I am hoping this is just a small thing that I have overlooked but no sure.


def home(request, month=None, year=None):      if month == None:          _date =      else:          _date = date(int(year), int(month), 1)      title = "%s, %s" % (_date.strftime("%B"), _date.strftime("%Y"))        return render(request, 'calendar.html', calendar(_date, title))


app_name = 'cal'  urlpatterns = [      url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),      url(r'^newevent/$', views.newEvent, name='newevent'),      url(r'^(?P<id>\d+)$/', views.viewEvent, name='viewevent'),      url(r'^(?P<month>\d+)/(?P<year>\d+)$', views.home, name='another-month')  ]


    <div>        {% load calendarify %}        <span id="calendarify">{% calendarify year month event_list %}</span>      </div>

Template tag relevant function:

    def formatday(self, day, weekday):          if day != 0:              cssid = self.cssclasses[weekday]              cssclass = "daybox"              if == date(self.year, self.month, day):                  cssid += ' today'              if day in                  cssid += ' filled'                  body = ['<ul>']                  for event in[day]:                      body.append('<li>')                      body.append('<a href="%s">' % event.get_absolute_url())                      body.append(esc(event.title))                      body.append('</a></li>')                  body.append('</ul>')                  return self.day_cell(                      cssclass, cssid, '<span class="dayNumber">%d</span> %s' % (                          day, ''.join(body)))              return self.day_cell(                  cssclass, cssid, '<span class="dayNumberNoReadings">%d</span>' % (day))          return self.day_cell('nodaybox', 'noday', '&nbsp;')


class Events(models.Model):      ...        def get_absolute_url(self):          return reverse('cal:viewEvent', args=[str(], current_app='cal')

Sorry about the load of code posted. Any chance anyone knows what might have caused this issue?

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