Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Django Python OSError No such file or directory but file exists

Hi everyone, can you help me?
Thanks in advance

Thread: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45449102/django-python-oserror-no-such-file-or-directory-but-file-exists


I'm converting doc and docx files to pdf in the server using unoconv with LibreOffice. And I need to upload to S3 the converted file.

I can convert with success the files and I can see them in the server.

But when I try to upload the pdf, I get the error. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance

This works just fine:

import subprocess  from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection, Bucket, Key    def doc_to_pdf(user):      '''      Convert doc or docx to PDF.        parameter user: is a request.user        Usage:          doc_to_pdf(self.request.user):      '''        user_cv = CandidateCV.objects.get(user=user)      user_cv_file = str(user_cv.resume).split('/')[-1] # tem que ser PDF      user_cv_filetype = user_cv_file.split('.')[-1]        if not user_cv_filetype in settings.PDF_FILE_TYPE:          # Se não for PDF          file_in = user_cv.resume.url          file_name = file_in.split('/')[-1]          # download          urllib.request.urlretrieve(file_in, file_name)          file_out = user_cv_file.split('.')[0] + '.pdf'            # converte para PDF          env = os.environ.copy()          env['HOME'] = '/tmp'          subprocess.Popen(["unoconv","-f", "pdf", "%s" % (file_in)], env = env)            # Define a path para salvar o documento na S3          resume_path = 'resumes/%s/' % str(date.today())            # key é o nome do arquivo na S3          key = '%s%s' % (resume_path, file_out)            # deleta o arquivo localmente          subprocess.call("rm -f %s" % user_cv_file, shell=True)            # Salva o novo formato no banco          user_cv.resume = key          user_cv.save()

This is the code in which I get the error in line: k_out.set_contents_from_filename(s3file)

def s3upload(s3file):        # Conecta na AWS S3      conn = S3Connection(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)      bucket_out = Bucket(conn, settings.AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME)      k_out = Key(bucket=bucket_out, name=s3file)        # Define a path para salvar o documento na S3      resume_path = 'resumes/%s/' % str(date.today())        # key é o nome do arquivo na S3      key = '%s%s' % (resume_path, s3file)      k_out.key = key        # Salva na AWS S3      k_out.set_contents_from_filename(s3file)      k_out.make_public()        # deleta o arquivo localmente      subprocess.call("rm -f %s" % s3file, shell=True)

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