Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Re: A lot of Problems with Migrating (conceptual)

On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 8:37 PM, Alexander Joseph
<> wrote:
> Thanks for all the advice.
> One more question - could project structure be causing issues with
> migrations? I'm working on a large project and many apps in my project have
> several layers of "sub-apps". My structure looks something like this...

This approach seems appealing, but personally I think it is a bad idea
because the ease of introducing dependencies between apps is extremely
high. Even when the apps are all tightly related to a particular
project (to the extent their package name is
"fooproject-some-function"), I think its better to simply develop each
one as a standalone app, separate from the other apps and not
requiring the other apps in order to test/develop.

With this approach, you will not get unnecessarily thin apps simply
because you cannot easily couple two apps together, and everything
within the app should have high cohesion. Remember (or discover :)
that in software engineering, high quality code is loosely coupled (it
doesn't depend on many external things) and highly cohesive (the
things within the module are related to each other).

I would also avoid the use of subapps. First off, Django only uses the
final part of the dotted import path as the app name -
'engineering.products.product1' has the same name as
'accounting.invoices.product1' (I know that doesn't exist, but...). I
have a (unsubstantiated) theory that your migration woes are down to

Long model files are not good, but I'd also disagree with 2SoD that
getting to 5 models means a new app because of long files - what
ridiculousness! If your model file is getting long, replace it with a
model directory, each model in a separate module, and all of them
imported in the __init__. You should split your app when it is no
longer cohesive (or more accurately, when the level of cohesion is
upsetting and/or slows development). 2SoD is good, but its not a holy




Make sure you have a sensible workflow for migrations - I'm assuming
you are using some sort of version control. While you are developing
your changes, you might generate a lot of temporary migrations. You do
not want to apply these migrations to live, so you should squash them
- either manually, using squashmigrations or by migrating the DB back
to before they existed, remove them and recreate them. If you do the
last one, remember to preserve any custom logic you have placed in the

At the end of the day, the migrations you commit are what will run on
your production database, so you should ensure they do exactly what
you are expecting them to do and are running in the correct order.
Particularly if you have a lot of small apps, getting the dependencies
right is essential.

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