Thursday, November 23, 2017

Re: How do I make Django show the "user already exists" message when someone tries to register with an existing username?

`` has this:
def login_register(request, template="pages/login_register.html"):
 Display registration and login forms

= RegisterForm()
return render(request, template, {"registration_form": registration_form})

def register(request):
 Process user registration

if request.method=="POST":
= RegisterForm(request.POST)
print form.is_valid()
if form.is_valid():
= form.cleaned_data.get("email")
= form.cleaned_data.get("password1")
= authenticate(username=email, password=raw_password)
(request, user)
return redirect(home_slug())
-> Here you should redirect back to to login_register as fallback option, for this code, try removing this "else"
  return redirect(reverse("login_register"))

When I fill out registration with an email that already exists, I get this error: `ValueError: The view theme.views.register didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead.`. That's because when `form.is_valid()` is False, there is no return value. What do I need to return so that the message on the Registration form states the email already exists?

When you process the form in a different view, when you redirect you will loose the form content, a better approach is to process it in the same view, this way the errors will be shown "automatically":

Or handle the errors by yourself as shown here:

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