Again, websocket is different from HTTP, both are built on TCP. So Nginx preoxy_pass is for HTTP forward, so you can not use it for HTTP for tanspond.
Maybe remove location /ws would work. Just use daphne as ws server.
Maybe remove location /ws would work. Just use daphne as ws server.
Spend some time reading the docs:
<>于2018年6月27日周三 上午10:09写道:
I think I must have messed the ports up. Here is a summary:redis: 6379daphne: 8000 (if running daphne with this command: daphne experiment_platform.asgi:channel_layer --port 8000 --bind -v2 &)ws (see nginx.conf): 8000 [I guess the error message in the browser console "WebSocket connection to 'ws://xxxxxxxx/room1/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 200" means that I did make a mistake in this nginx.conf, right?]Thanks.It occurs to me that posting the nginx.conf might be helpful:upstream django {server unix://myproject/experiment_platform.sock;}server{listen 80;server_name myproject;charset utf-8;client_max_body_size 20M;location /static {alias myproject/static;}location / {include myproject/uwsgi_params;uwsgi_pass unix://myproject/experiment_platform.sock;}location /ws {proxy_pass;proxy_http_version 1.1;proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";proxy_redirect off;proxy_set_header Host $host;proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;}}--
On Sunday, June 24, 2018 at 9:29:25 PM UTC-4, wrote:Hi I am deploying a website with a live discussion feature. But people cannot send nor receive messages on this discussion page. In the console it shows: "WebSocket connection to 'ws://xxxxxxxx/room1/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 200"I don't know where the websocket bug (or bugs from other sources) is. I am attaching some information that I think might be helpful. Could someone help? If you think I miss some information please let me know and I will post! Thanks!!!!!!Server: ubuntu 14.03nginxcommands to start the website:uwsgi --socket experiment_platform.sock --module experiment_platform.wsgi --chmod-socket=666 --processes=6daphne experiment_platform.asgi:channel_layer --port 8000 --bind -v2 &python runworker -v2 &[redis server is also activated.]log information of uwsgi (it keeps updating similar things after the discussion page is opened, whether or not I am trying to send messages to test or not. I think it's trying to establish the websocket connection.)[pid: 29881|app: 0|req: 33/143] () {52 vars in 1094 bytes} [Mon Jun 25 01:23:59 2018] GET /forum/room1/ => generated 4792 bytes in 55 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 3 headers in 102 bytes (1 switches on core 0) [pid: 29885|app: 0|req: 29/144] () {52 vars in 1094 bytes} [Mon Jun 25 01:24:29 2018] GET /forum/room1/ => generated 4792 bytes in 57 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 3 headers in 102 bytes (1 switches on core 0)log information of runworker (it doesn't update after opening the discussion page.)2018-06-25 00:22:42,827 - INFO - runworker - Running worker against channel layer default (asgi_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer)2018-06-25 00:22:42,828 - INFO - worker - Listening on channels http.request, websocket.connect, websocket.disconnect, websocket.receiveforum/consumers.pyimport re import json import logging from channels import Group from channels.sessions import channel_session from .models import Discussion, Statement, Vote from chat.models import Room from experiment.models import ExpUser,TaskUser, Crowd from channels.auth import http_session, http_session_user, channel_session_user, channel_session_user_from_http log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @channel_session_user_from_http @channel_session def ws_connect(message): # Extract the discussion-label from the message. This expects message.path to be of the # form forum/{label}/, and finds a Discussion if the message path is applicable, # and if the Discussion exists. Otherwise, bails (meaning this is a some othersort # of websocket). So, this is effectively a version of _get_object_or_404. try: log.debug('In the try block of ws_connect')#added by me prefix, label = message['path'].decode('ascii').strip('/').split('/') if prefix != 'forum': log.debug('invalid ws path=%s', message['path']) return if prefix == 'forum': discussion = Discussion.objects.get(label=label) except ValueError: log.debug('invalid ws path=%s', message['path']) return except Discussion.DoesNotExist: log.debug('ws discussion does not exist label=%s', label) return if prefix == 'forum': log.debug('forum connect discussion=%s client=%s:%s', discussion.label, message['client'][0], message['client'][1]) t = TaskUser(user=message.user,crowd=label,time_type='start') # Need to be explicit about the channel layer so that testability works # This may be a FIXME? Group('forum-'+label, channel_layer=message.channel_layer).add(message.reply_channel) message.channel_session['discussion'] = discussion.label message.reply_channel.send({ 'accept': True }) @channel_session_user @channel_session def ws_receive(message): if 'discussion' in message.channel_session: # Look up the room from the channel session, bailing if it doesn't exist try: label = message.channel_session['discussion'] discussion = Discussion.objects.get(label=label) except KeyError: log.debug('no discussion-forum in channel_session') return except Discussion.DoesNotExist: log.debug('recieved message, buy discussion does not exist label=%s', label) return try: expuser = ExpUser.objects.get(user=message.user) except KeyError: log.debug('problem getting username') return except ExpUser.DoesNotExist: log.debug('recieved message, but user does not exist label=%s', label) return # Parse out a chat message from the content text, bailing if it doesn't # conform to the expected message format. try: data = json.loads(message['text']) except ValueError: log.debug("ws message isn't json text=%s", text) return if data: if data['msg_type'] == 'vote': log.debug('vote handle=%s value=%s', expuser.nickname, data['value']) statement = Statement.objects.get(id=data['id']) m0 = statement.as_dict() log.debug('vote id=%s, score=%s, ups=%s, downs=%s',,statement.score,,statement.downs) ndata = {'user':message.user,'handle':expuser.nickname,'statement':statement,'value':data['value']} vote = None votes = Vote.objects.filter(user=message.user,statement=statement) if not votes: vote = Vote.objects.create(**ndata) else: vote = votes[0] vote.value = data['value'] m = statement.update_score() m['msg_type'] = 'vote' log.debug('vote score=%s', m['score']) # See above for the note about Group Group('forum-'+label, channel_layer=message.channel_layer).send({'text': json.dumps(m)}) else: log.debug('chat message handle=%s message=%s', expuser.nickname, data['message']) parent = None log.debug(data['parentid']) if data['parentid']!=0: parent = discussion.statements.get(id=data['parentid']) log.debug( data['parent'] = parent data.pop("msg_type",None) data['user'] = message.user data['handle'] = expuser.nickname data['crowd_label'] = discussion.crowd_label data['task_label'] = discussion.task_label m = discussion.statements.create(**data) # NEED TO FIX HERE # See above for the note about Group Group('forum-'+label, channel_layer=message.channel_layer).send({'text': json.dumps(m.as_dict())}) @channel_session_user @channel_session def ws_disconnect(message): if 'discussion' in message.channel_session: try: label = message.channel_session['discussion'] discussion = Discussion.objects.get(label=label) t = TaskUser(user=message.user,crowd=label,time_type='end') Group('forum-'+label, channel_layer=message.channel_layer).discard(message.reply_channel) except (KeyError, Discussion.DoesNotExist): passsettings.pyCHANNEL_LAYERS = { "default": { "BACKEND": "asgi_redis.RedisChannelLayer", "CONFIG": { "hosts": [os.environ.get('REDISTOGO_URL', 'redis://localhost:6379')], }, "ROUTING": "experiment_platform.routing.channel_routing", #"ROUTING": "waiting_room.routing.channel_routing", }, } CACHES = { "default": { "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache", "LOCATION": "redis://localhost:6379/1", "OPTIONS": { "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient", } } }
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