Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Re: django ORM with asyncio

Hi Andrew,
thanks for your reply, well to be honest I'm a bit surprised / honored to get the answer directly from the creator of South.

Anyhow, aiopg is not the only option, I noticed that there are also asyncpg and aiopg8000.
My question is: 
even creating a new database wrapper, how can I modify the connection used by the ORM 'on-the-fly' (e.g. only during a management command, that would one of the few occasions where mixing AsyncIO with Django can be handy IMHO)? 
and that would be enough to use the ORM asynchronously? 

I mean if it's possible with SQLAlchemy there should be a way to achieve the same thing with the Django ORM...

Il giorno martedì 18 settembre 2018 23:17:53 UTC+2, Andrew Godwin ha scritto:
The Django ORM can't just be used with asyncio directly, sadly. The database_sync_to_async function you found there will help you call the ORM from asynchronous code, but it still runs the ORM in a synchronous thread (see https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/databases.html)

The project to make the ORM truly async is a tough one and yet to be started.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 5:55 AM luke lukes <lordl...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm looking for something that can allow the usage of the Django ORM with asyncio (with PostgreSQL). 

As of now I found only aiopg in the asyncio ecosystem, which allows to run raw SQL or to use SQLAlchemy only.

I then found something in the django channels docs

is this:


the missing piece that I was looking for?


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