Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Re: Using django on kubernetes


I don't know terribly much about Kubernetes, only Docker, however it seems that Kubernetes must natively provide some metrics collection, i.e https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/resource-usage-monitoring/.   It would be nice to correlate particular views and their arguments with resource use.   If you are using a process model, not a threading model, then I think the Linux system call getrusage() could do that, providing that it is supported in Kubernetes containers.    I'm not even sure those are the same as Docker containers even though Kubernetes can run Docker images.  Maybe you can educate me!

Anyway, the package django-statsd might provide some help collecting APM data without something like NewRelic, but if you can use a real APM, do it.

On Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at 4:28:29 AM UTC-4, Andréas Kühne wrote:
Hi all,

I have created a SPA with angular on the frontend and django rest framework on the backend. It also has celery to do background tasks. Everything is working as intended and it is running pretty smoothly.

We have deployed it on kubernetes - so the frontend (with nginx) is running in one pod, the backend is running in another and celery is running on a third. Everything is connected and works. My question is more about the resources settings for django. Does anyone have any experience in setting up this? Currently I am running without resource limitations - which means that the kubernetes master doesn't know how much resources the django pod needs.

There has to be someone more who has done this and has setup the resource limits correctly - I would like some inspiration. I don't know how much django requires....


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