Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Re: Best DRF Cheatsheet?

I did find a few cheat sheets online, but I was looking for something that's a bit more dense and assumes you have already been doing some programming in DRF for a while, and just need some of the details handy to move quickly.

* https://github.com/Nifled/drf-cheat-sheet  - more of a mini-tutorial because it covers a lot
* https://gitlab.com/snippets/1889671 - I started writing some of my notes here and it's very incomplete, plus I would want this in a single page visual.


On Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 11:34:30 AM UTC-7, mohammed habib wrote:
Maybe we should make one 

On 21 Aug 2019, at 19:58, Charles Thayer <tha...@b2si.com> wrote:

I've been using Django with DRF off and on for probably over 5 years now. There are still parts that I'm always needing to look up and review. Anyone know of a one-pager cheatsheet that covers all the annoying details well, like read_only vs write_only vs required, and nesting serializers, etc.?


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