Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Re: MySQL total overheat (somewhat complex database)

Hello, I forgot to mention, that this query is generated automatically by Django admin when opening this model admin page.

Dne pondělí, 30. července 2012 14:53:10 UTC+2 Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] napsal(a):
Could you provide us with the models.py for this table? Just the model definitions will suffice.

Can you also provide the snippet of Python code which is generating this SQL


On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:44 PM, lubos <lubosboucek@gmail.com> wrote:

I have a quite sophisticated database with frequently interconnected tables and on the top level table, Django produces queries like this:

SELECT `data_schedule`.`id`, `data_schedule`.`process_id`, `data_schedule`.`hardware_id`, `data_schedule`.`task_id`, `data_schedule`.`start`, `data_schedule`.`times`, `data_schedule`.`done`, `data_process`.`id`, `data_process`.`string_id`, `data_process`.`operation_id`, `data_string`.`id`, `data_string`.`immutable`, `data_operation`.`id`, `data_operation`.`string_id`, T5.`id`, T5.`immutable`, `data_hardware`.`id`, `data_hardware`.`string_id`, `data_hardware`.`workspace_id`, `data_hardware`.`warmup`, T7.`id`, T7.`immutable`, `data_workspace`.`id`, `data_workspace`.`string_id`, T9.`id`, T9.`immutable`, `data_task`.`id`, `data_task`.`request_id`, `data_task`.`thread_id`, `data_task`.`amount`, `data_request`.`id`, `data_request`.`order_id`, `data_request`.`item_id`, `data_request`.`amount`, `data_order`.`id`, `data_order`.`string_id`, `data_order`.`subject_id`, `data_order`.`type`, `data_order`.`shipped`, `data_order`.`paid`, `data_order`.`end`, T13.`id`, T13.`immutable`, `data_subject`.`id`, `data_subject`.`string_id`, T15.`id`, T15.`immutable`, `data_item`.`id`, `data_item`.`string_id`, `data_item`.`measure_id`, `data_item`.`amount`, T17.`id`, T17.`immutable`, `data_measure`.`id`, `data_measure`.`string_id`, T19.`id`, T19.`immutable`, `data_thread`.`id`, `data_thread`.`string_id`, T21.`id`, T21.`immutable` FROM `data_schedule` INNER JOIN `data_process` ON (`data_schedule`.`process_id` = `data_process`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` ON (`data_process`.`string_id` = `data_string`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_operation` ON (`data_process`.`operation_id` = `data_operation`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` T5 ON (`data_operation`.`string_id` = T5.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_hardware` ON (`data_schedule`.`hardware_id` = `data_hardware`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` T7 ON (`data_hardware`.`string_id` = T7.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_workspace` ON (`data_hardware`.`workspace_id` = `data_workspace`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` T9 ON (`data_workspace`.`string_id` = T9.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_task` ON (`data_schedule`.`task_id` = `data_task`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_request` ON (`data_task`.`request_id` = `data_request`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_order` ON (`data_request`.`order_id` = `data_order`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` T13 ON (`data_order`.`string_id` = T13.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_subject` ON (`data_order`.`subject_id` = `data_subject`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` T15 ON (`data_subject`.`string_id` = T15.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_item` ON (`data_request`.`item_id` = `data_item`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` T17 ON (`data_item`.`string_id` = T17.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_measure` ON (`data_item`.`measure_id` = `data_measure`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` T19 ON (`data_measure`.`string_id` = T19.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_thread` ON (`data_task`.`thread_id` = `data_thread`.`id`) INNER JOIN `data_string` T21 ON (`data_thread`.`string_id` = T21.`id`) ORDER BY `data_schedule`.`id` ASC

MySQL, however, isn't able to process it and after few minutes it holds all processor performance.

I would be glad for any idea.


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