I want to be able to going to attendance with the push a button, but I can not,
2014年4月29日火曜日 16時00分29秒 UTC+9 Lachlan Musicman:
I was a little rough last night. Of course this list is here for
support and help within the Django community. Having said that,
getting a feel for how to ask for support, and to show a little bit of
self help effort goes a long way.
I hope you are now having success?
On 28 April 2014 23:40, Lachlan Musicman <dat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hito san,
> I don't mean to be rude mate, but Google is really really awesome -
> just pump in the error message
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10388033/csrf- verification-failed-request- aborted
> L.
> On 28 April 2014 16:09, hito koto <hitoko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Thank you!
>> I write to Views.py :
>> def attendance(request, user_id):
>> Attendence_data.objects.get(pk=user_id)
>> if request.method == "POST":
>> form = Attendance_dataForm(request.POST, instance = attendance)
>> if form.is_valid():
>> form.save()
>> return
>> HttpResponseRedirect('/ihttest/ihttcs_test/ tcsarticles/get/%s' % user.id)
>> else:
>> form = Attendance_dataForm()
>> args = {}
>> args.update(csrf(request))
>> args['form'] = form
>> return render_to_response('staff_data.html', args, context_instance =
>> RequestContext(request, {'form': form}))
>> But i also have error:
>> Forbidden (403)
>> CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.
>> Help
>> Reason given for failure:
>> CSRF token missing or incorrect.
>> In general, this can occur when there is a genuine Cross Site Request
>> Forgery, or when Django's CSRF mechanism has not been used correctly. For
>> POST forms, you need to ensure:
>> Your browser is accepting cookies.
>> The view function uses RequestContext for the template, instead of Context.
>> In the template, there is a {% csrf_token %} template tag inside each POST
>> form that targets an internal URL.
>> If you are not using CsrfViewMiddleware, then you must use csrf_protect on
>> any views that use the csrf_token template tag, as well as those that accept
>> the POST data.
>> You're seeing the help section of this page because you have DEBUG = True in
>> your Django settings file. Change that to False, and only the initial error
>> message will be displayed.
>> You can customize this page using the CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW setting.
>> 2014年4月28日月曜日 14時41分39秒 UTC+9 jjmutumi:
>>> Hi there, I think your problem is you have not initialized attendance
>>> that you use at `instance = attendance`. So it is just using the name
>>> of your view function which also happens to be 'attendance' and
>>> showing you that error.
>>> Initialize to model object with the usual:
>>> Attendence_data.objects.get(pk=user_id) or if you are using
>>> djago.shortcuts: get_object_or_404(Attendence_data, pk=user_id)
>>> On 4/28/14, hito koto <hitoko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Ok, Thank you!
>>> >
>>> > this is my models.py:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > from django.db import models
>>> > from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> > #from owner.models import GroupSchedule
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > class GroupRestrictionMixin(object):
>>> > group_field = 'group'
>>> >
>>> > def dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs):
>>> > self.request = request
>>> > self.args = args
>>> > self.kwargs = kwargs
>>> >
>>> > obj_group = getattr(self.get_object(), self.group_field)
>>> > user_groups = request.user.groups
>>> >
>>> > if obj_group not in user_groups:
>>> > raise PermissionDenied
>>> >
>>> > return super(GroupRestrictionMixin, self).dispatch(request,
>>> > *args,
>>> > **kwargs)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > class User(models.Model):
>>> > user_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="氏名(名)")
>>> > first_kana = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="ふりがな(性)")
>>> > last_kana = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="ふりがな(名)")
>>> > employee_number = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=22,
>>> > help_text="社員番号")
>>> > gender = models.CharField(max_length=6, choices=(('male',
>>> > '男性'),('female', '女性')), help_text="性別" )
>>> > created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True,
>>> > help_text="登録日")
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > class Attendance_data(models.Model):
>>> > user = models.ForeignKey(User)
>>> > user_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="氏名(名)")
>>> > employee_number = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=22,
>>> > help_text="社員番号")
>>> >
>>> > def __unicode__(self):
>>> > return self.user_name, employee_number
>>> >
>>> > class Leave_work(models.Model):
>>> > user = models.ForeignKey(User)
>>> > user_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="氏名(名)")
>>> > employee_number = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=22,
>>> > help_text="社員番号")
>>> >
>>> > def __unicode__(self):
>>> > return self.user_name, employee_unmber
>>> >
>>> > this is my Views.py:
>>> >
>>> > def staff_data(request, user_id=1):
>>> > user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id)
>>> > return render_to_response("staff_data.html",
>>> > {"user": User.objects.get(id=user_id) })
>>> >
>>> > def attendance(request, user_id):
>>> > if request.method == "POST":
>>> >
>>> > form = Attendance_dataForm(request.POST, instance = attendance)
>>> > if form.is_valid():
>>> > form.save()
>>> > return HttpResponseRedirect('/articles/get/%s' % user.id)
>>> > else:
>>> > form = Attendance_dataForm()
>>> > args = {}
>>> > args.update(csrf(request))
>>> > args['form'] = form
>>> > return render_to_response('staff_data.html', args, context_instance
>>> > =
>>> > RequestContext(request, {'form': form}))
>>> >
>>> > def leave_work(request, user_id):
>>> > if request.method == "POST":
>>> > form = Leave_workForm(request.POST, instance = leave_work)
>>> > if form.is_valid():
>>> > form.save()
>>> > return HttpResponseRedirect('/articles/get/%s' % user.id)
>>> > else:
>>> > form = Leave_workForm()
>>> > c = {}
>>> > c.update(csrf(request))
>>> > c['form'] = form
>>> > return render_to_response('staff_data.html', c, context_instance =
>>> > RequestContext(request, { 'form': form}))
>>> >
>>> > this is my forms.py:
>>> >
>>> > class ArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
>>> >
>>> > class Meta:
>>> > model = User
>>> > fields = ('user_name','first_kana', 'last_kana',
>>> > 'employee_number','birthday')
>>> > user_name = forms.CharField(label="氏名", error_messages={'required':
>>> > ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> > first_kana =
>>> > forms.CharField(label="ふりがな(性)",error_messages={'required': ''},
>>> > help_text='必須')
>>> > last_kana =
>>> > forms.CharField(label="ふりがな(名)",error_messages={'required':
>>> >
>>> > ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> > employee_number = forms.CharField(label="社員番号", required=False)
>>> > birthday = forms.CharField(label="生年月日", required=False)
>>> >
>>> > class Attendance_dataForm(forms.ModelForm):
>>> >
>>> > class Meta:
>>> > model = Attendance_data
>>> > fields = ('user_name','employee_number')
>>> >
>>> > user_name = forms.CharField(label="氏名", error_messages={'required':
>>> > ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> > employee_number =
>>> > forms.CharField(label="社員番号",error_messages={'required': ''},
>>> > help_text='必須')
>>> >
>>> > class Leave_workForm(forms.ModelForm):
>>> >
>>> > class Meta:
>>> > model = Leave_work
>>> > fields = ('user_name', 'employee_number')
>>> > user_name = forms.CharField(label="氏名", error_messages={'required':
>>> > ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> > employee_number = forms.CharField(label="社員番号",
>>> > error_messages={'required': ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> >
>>> > and this is my staff_data.html:
>>> >
>>> > <form method="post" action="/articles/attendance/{{ user.id }}/"
>>> > class="">
>>> > {% csrf_token %}
>>> > <table>
>>> > <tbody>
>>> > <tr>
>>> > <td style="text-align:center; background-color: transparent;
>>> > "><button type="submit" name="submit" >ttendance</button> </td>
>>> > </tr>
>>> > </tbody>
>>> > </table>
>>> > </form>
>>> >
>>> > <form method="POST" action="/articles/leave_work/{{ user.id }}/"
>>> > class="">
>>> > {% csrf_token %}
>>> > <table><tr>
>>> > <td style="text-align:center; background-color: transparent; "><button
>>> > type="submit" name="submit" >Leave_work</button></td>
>>> > </tr>
>>> > </table>
>>> > </form>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2014年4月28日月曜日 12時23分49秒 UTC+9 Lachlan Musicman:
>>> >>
>>> >> You need to provide more information: like the models, and the copy of
>>> >> the
>>> >>
>>> >> "copy and paste view" output.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> cheers
>>> >> L.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On 28 April 2014 12:41, hito koto <hitoko...@gmail.com
>>> >> <javascript:>>wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Hi,
>>> >>> I have this error , why?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Request Method: POST Request URL: http://articles/attendance/11/
>>> >>> Django
>>> >>> Version: 1.6.2 Exception Type: AttributeError Exception Value:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 'function' object has no attribute '_meta'
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Exception Location:
>>> >>> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/forms/models. py
>>> >>> in model_to_dict, line 124 Python Executable: /usr/bin/python Python
>>> >>> Version: 2.6.6 Python Path:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ['/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pip-1.5.2-py2.6.egg',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib64/python26.zip',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib64/python2.6',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib64/python2.6/plat-linux2',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-tk',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-old',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-dynload',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages',
>>> >>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11- py2.6.egg-info',
>>> >>> '/var/www/html/ihttest/ihttcs_test/kojin',
>>> >>> '/var/www/html/ihttest/ihttcs_test/kojin/static/']
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Server time: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 11:19:29 +0900 Traceback Switch to
>>> >>> copy-and-paste
>>> >>>
>>> >>> view<http://dev1.so2.co.jp/ihttest/ihttcs_test/ >tcsarticles/attendance/11/#
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> - /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/ base.py in
>>> >>> get_response
>>> >>> 1.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> response = wrapped_callback(request,
>>> >>> *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ...
>>> >>> ▶ Local
>>> >>>
>>> >>> vars<http://dev1.so2.co.jp/ihttest/ihttcs_test/ >tcsarticles/attendance/11/#
>>> >>>
>>> >>> - /var/www/html/article/views.py in attendance
>>> >>> 1.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> form = Attendance_dataForm(request.POST, instance =
>>> >>> attendance)
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> this is my Views.py:
>>> >>> def attendance(request, user_id):
>>> >>> if request.method == "POST":
>>> >>>
>>> >>> form = Attendance_dataForm(request.POST, instance =
>>> >>> attendance)
>>> >>> if form.is_valid():
>>> >>> form.save()
>>> >>> return HttpResponseRedirect('/articles/get/%s' % user.id)
>>> >>> else:
>>> >>> form = Attendance_dataForm()
>>> >>>
>>> >>> args = {}
>>> >>> args.update(csrf(request))
>>> >>> args['form'] = form
>>> >>> return render_to_response('staff_data.html', args,
>>> >>> context_instance
>>> >>>
>>> >>> = RequestContext(request, {'form': form}))
>>> >>> def leave_work(request, user_id):
>>> >>> if request.method == "POST":
>>> >>> # leave_work = Leave_work(user = request.user_id)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> form = Leave_workForm(request.POST, instance = leave_work)
>>> >>> if form.is_valid():
>>> >>> form.save()
>>> >>> return HttpResponseRedirect('/articles/get/%s' % user.id)
>>> >>> else:
>>> >>> form = Leave_workForm()
>>> >>> c = {}
>>> >>> c.update(csrf(request))
>>> >>> c['form'] = form
>>> >>> return render_to_response('staff_data.html', c, context_instance
>>> >>> =
>>> >>> RequestContext(request, { 'form': form}))
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 2014年4月24日木曜日 7時08分05秒 UTC+9 Lachlan Musicman:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On 23 April 2014 17:59, hito koto <hitoko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> Thank you!
>>> >>>>> i can do create!
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Sorry! i'm don't understand create staff site,
>>> >>>>> i want to create staff site , staff site should have when rogin
>>> >>>>> using
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> ID/PW and have staff profile
>>> >>>>> i'm realy don't know!
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> pleae help me
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> So you need to create an URL that looks something like:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> https://URL/staff/staff_id
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> And you want to redirect to that after login. This question has one
>>> >>>> example of how to solve that problem:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4870619/django-
>>> >>>> after-login-redirect-user-to-his-custom-page-mysite-com- username
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> cheers
>>> >>>> L.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> 2014年4月23日水曜日 16時18分44秒 UTC+9 Lachlan Musicman:
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> On 23 April 2014 14:11, hito koto <hitoko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Thank you very much good idea!
>>> >>>>>>> i'm was try but i'm have error when create new staff !
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> >>Request Method: POST >>Request URL: http://articles/create/
>>> >>>>>>> >> >>Django
>>> >>>>>>> Version: 1.6.2 >>Exception Type: IntegrityError >>Exception
>>> >>>>>>> Value:
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> (1048, "Column 'user_id' cannot be null")
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> >>Exception Location: /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-pack
>>> >>>>>>> ages/MySQLdb/connections.py in defaulterrorhandler, line 36
>>> >>>>>>> >>Python
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Executable: /usr/bin/python
>>> >>>>>>> >>/var/www/html/article/views.py in create
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> >> form.save()
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> this is my views.py:
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> def create(request):
>>> >>>>>>> if request.POST:
>>> >>>>>>> form = ArticleForm(request.POST)
>>> >>>>>>> if form.is_valid():
>>> >>>>>>> form.save()
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> return HttpResponseRedirect('/articles/all')
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> else:
>>> >>>>>>> form = ArticleForm()
>>> >>>>>>> args = {}
>>> >>>>>>> args.update(csrf(request))
>>> >>>>>>> args['form'] = form
>>> >>>>>>> return render_to_response('create.html', args)
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> I'm actually racing out the door, but quickly: the id field is
>>> >>>>>> automatic. Your form refers to a user_id field that doesn't exist
>>> >>>>>> on
>>> >>>>>> your
>>> >>>>>> model except as implied. In that case, you don't need to ask for
>>> >>>>>> user_id in
>>> >>>>>> the form. If you want staff to have an ID_number, you should
>>> >>>>>> separate
>>> >>>>>> it
>>> >>>>>> from the id (also known as the pk or primary key) field in the
>>> >>>>>> model
>>> >>>>>> class,
>>> >>>>>> then query it in the form.
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> But as it stands, you can remove it from your form, and that should
>>> >>>>>> work.
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> cheers
>>> >>>>>> L.
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> this is my forms.py:
>>> >>>>>>> from django import forms
>>> >>>>>>> from models import User,Staff, Address
>>> >>>>>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> class ArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> class Meta:
>>> >>>>>>> model = User
>>> >>>>>>> fields = ('user_name','first_kana', 'last_kana',
>>> >>>>>>> 'employee_number','birthday')
>>> >>>>>>> user_id = forms.CharField(label="id",
>>> >>>>>>> error_messages={'required':
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> >>>>>>> user_name = forms.CharField(label="氏名",
>>> >>>>>>> error_messages={'required': ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> >>>>>>> first_kana =
>>> >>>>>>> forms.CharField(label="ふりがな(性)",error_messages={'required':
>>> >>>>>>> ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> >>>>>>> last_kana =
>>> >>>>>>> forms.CharField(label="ふりがな(名)",error_messages={'required':
>>> >>>>>>> ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> >>>>>>> employee_number = forms.CharField(label="社員番号",
>>> >>>>>>> required=False)
>>> >>>>>>> birthday = forms.CharField(label="生年月日", required=False)
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> class Meta:
>>> >>>>>>> model = Address
>>> >>>>>>> fields = ('user_name','postalcode', 'address',
>>> >>>>>>> 'residence','number')
>>> >>>>>>> user_name = forms.CharField(label="氏名",
>>> >>>>>>> error_messages={'required': ''}, help_text='必須')
>>> >>>>>>> postalcode = forms.CharField(label="郵便番号", required=False)
>>> >>>>>>> address = forms.CharField(label="住所", required=False)
>>> >>>>>>> residence = forms.CharField(label="住所開始日", required=False)
>>> >>>>>>> number = forms.CharField(label="電話番号", required=False)
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> 2014年4月23日水曜日 7時03分10秒 UTC+9 Lachlan Musicman:
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> On 23 April 2014 01:52, hito koto <hitoko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>> > thank you very much
>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>Each Staff can login.
>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>Each staff should only see their own page or dataset.
>>> >>>>>>>> > This is correct
>>> >>>>>>>> >
>>> >>>>>>>> > I want to create administrator page and each staff ,
>>> >>>>>>>> > 1, i want , Staff can see the staff page with ID and PW that an
>>> >>>>>>>> > administrator has issued
>>> >>>>>>>> > 2, administrator can see all the staff page and all staff's
>>> >>>>>>>> information
>>> >>>>>>>> > 3, each staff should only see their own page or dataset.
>>> >>>>>>>> > So, i don't know how to create staff page,only see their own
>>> >>>>>>>> > page,
>>> >>>>>>>> >
>>> >>>>>>>> >
>>> >>>>>>>> > please help me
>>> >>>>>>>> >
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> Ok, well first things first. You can do this through the django
>>> >>>>>>>> admin,
>>> >>>>>>>> but it would be easier if you didn't.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> Create a class based DetailView like such:
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/class-based- views/
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> using your Staff model as the base, set up a url schema to deal
>>> >>>>>>>> with
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> it and then add a mixin as explained in the Stack Overflow post I
>>> >>>>>>>> linked to.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> The administrator/Manager can always see all data through their
>>> >>>>>>>> admin
>>> >>>>>>>> view, the staff need to login, and they get the restricted view
>>> >>>>>>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>> their own page.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> cheers
>>> >>>>>>>> L.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> --
>>> >>>>>>>> From this perspective it is natural that anarchism be marked by
>>> >>>>>>>> spontaneity, differentiation, and experimentation that it be
>>> >>>>>>>> marked
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> by
>>> >>>>>>>> an expressed affinity with chaos, if chaos is understood to be
>>> >>>>>>>> what
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> lies outside or beyond the dominant game or system. Because of
>>> >>>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>> resistance to definition and categorisation, the anarchist
>>> >>>>>>>> principle
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> has been variously interpreted as, rather than an articulated
>>> >>>>>>>> position, "a moral attitude, an emotional climate, or even a
>>> >>>>>>>> mood".
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> This mood hangs in dramatic tension between utopian hope or
>>> >>>>>>>> dystopian
>>> >>>>>>>> nihilism...
>>> >>>>>>>> -----
>>> >>>>>>>> http://zuihitsu.org/godspeed-you-black-emperor-and-the- polit
>>> >>>>>>>> ics-of-chaos
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> --
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>>> >>>>>>> Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/django-users .
>>> >>>>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> >>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/
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>>> >>>>>>>
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>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> --
>>> >>>>>> From this perspective it is natural that anarchism be marked by
>>> >>>>>> spontaneity, differentiation, and experimentation that it be marked
>>> >>>>>> by
>>> >>>>>> an
>>> >>>>>> expressed affinity with chaos, if chaos is understood to be what
>>> >>>>>> lies
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> outside or beyond the dominant game or system. Because of the
>>> >>>>>> resistance to
>>> >>>>>> definition and categorisation, the anarchist principle has been
>>> >>>>>> variously
>>> >>>>>> interpreted as, rather than an articulated position, "a moral
>>> >>>>>> attitude, an
>>> >>>>>> emotional climate, or even a mood". This mood hangs in dramatic
>>> >>>>>> tension
>>> >>>>>> between utopian hope or dystopian nihilism...
>>> >>>>>> -----
>>> >>>>>> http://zuihitsu.org/godspeed-you-black-emperor-and-the- polit
>>> >>>>>> ics-of-chaos
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>> --
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>>> >>>>> .
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout .
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> --
>>> >>>> From this perspective it is natural that anarchism be marked by
>>> >>>> spontaneity, differentiation, and experimentation that it be marked
>>> >>>> by
>>> >>>> an
>>> >>>> expressed affinity with chaos, if chaos is understood to be what lies
>>> >>>> outside or beyond the dominant game or system. Because of the
>>> >>>> resistance
>>> >>>> to
>>> >>>> definition and categorisation, the anarchist principle has been
>>> >>>> variously
>>> >>>> interpreted as, rather than an articulated position, "a moral
>>> >>>> attitude,
>>> >>>> an
>>> >>>> emotional climate, or even a mood". This mood hangs in dramatic
>>> >>>> tension
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> between utopian hope or dystopian nihilism...
>>> >>>> -----
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> http://zuihitsu.org/godspeed-you-black-emperor-and-the- politics-of-chaos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>> --
>>> >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> The idea of anathematising all of a person's good works because of
>>> >> something else they said or did is just as alien and repellent to us as
>>> >> our
>>> >> reaction is to someone who wishes Hacker News would die because Paul
>>> >> Graham
>>> >> is kind of a dick sometimes. ... Sergey Bratus points out that keeping
>>> >> works by "ideologically impure" persons out of public view was
>>> >> instrumental
>>> >> to Soviet systems of social control. And as @puellavulnerata acutely
>>> >> observes, a culture that encourages judging people unilaterally, rather
>>> >> than judging their actions in context, is one that allows
>>> >> socially-adept
>>> >> hierarchy climbers to decontextualise their own self-serving cruelties
>>> >> as
>>> >>
>>> >> "necessary for the cause" and stage witchcraft trials against the
>>> >> weirdoes
>>> >>
>>> >> on the margin.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------
>>> >> https://medium.com/p/31895b01e68c
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > --
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> --
> The idea of anathematising all of a person's good works because of
> something else they said or did is just as alien and repellent to us
> as our reaction is to someone who wishes Hacker News would die because
> Paul Graham is kind of a dick sometimes. ... Sergey Bratus points out
> that keeping works by "ideologically impure" persons out of public
> view was instrumental to Soviet systems of social control. And as
> @puellavulnerata acutely observes, a culture that encourages judging
> people unilaterally, rather than judging their actions in context, is
> one that allows socially-adept hierarchy climbers to decontextualise
> their own self-serving cruelties as "necessary for the cause" and
> stage witchcraft trials against the weirdoes on the margin.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------
> https://medium.com/p/31895b01e68c
The idea of anathematising all of a person's good works because of
something else they said or did is just as alien and repellent to us
as our reaction is to someone who wishes Hacker News would die because
Paul Graham is kind of a dick sometimes. ... Sergey Bratus points out
that keeping works by "ideologically impure" persons out of public
view was instrumental to Soviet systems of social control. And as
@puellavulnerata acutely observes, a culture that encourages judging
people unilaterally, rather than judging their actions in context, is
one that allows socially-adept hierarchy climbers to decontextualise
their own self-serving cruelties as "necessary for the cause" and
stage witchcraft trials against the weirdoes on the margin.
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------
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Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/django-users.
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