Maybe those API's expect you to pass them bytes and not text.
Did you try encoding your subject and your body as 'utf-8' bytes (using .encode('utf-8'))?
Le lundi 28 avril 2014 23:00:03 UTC-4, a écrit :
-- Did you try encoding your subject and your body as 'utf-8' bytes (using .encode('utf-8'))?
Le lundi 28 avril 2014 23:00:03 UTC-4, a écrit :
My environment is python3.3.4 django1.6.2,when I work on a django project,and I need to send email to my users through a email proxy service,but I went wrong with the django's send_mail. So I wrote a function with python's stmplib and email Lib.The code is like:def email_user(context):fromEmail = 'admin@***.cn' toEmail = ['***'] msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg.set_charset('utf8') msg['Subject'] = '欢迎注册心优雅社区,请激活您的账号' msg['From'] = fromEmail msg['To'] = ','.join(toEmail) html = """ 亲爱的%(username)s: 您好! 您在心优雅社区注册账号时使用了这个邮箱,
现在您需要点击下面的链接激活该账号: %(protocol)s://%(domain)s 如果链接无法点击,请将它完整复制到浏览器的地址栏进行访问. 链接有效期为%(expiration_days)s天, %context part = MIMEText(html,'html',_charset=失效后需重新注册. 如果您并未进行过此操作,那么可能是有人误用了您的邮箱, 请忽略此邮件.""" 'UTF-8' ) msg.attach(part) username = 'postmaster@***org' password = '****' s = smtplib.SMTP('****.com:25') s.login(username,password) s.sendmail(fromEmail,toEmail,msg .as_string()) s.quit()When I test it in the python IDLE,it work well. But,when I called this function to send email in my django project,or run it in " shell",UnicodeEncodeError let me crazy.
'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 439-441: ordinal not in range(128) Unicode error hint The string that could not be encoded/decoded was: 亲爱的
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