Saturday, May 31, 2014

Django Wrong OUTER JOIN

Hi everyone,

I'm just starting with Django and I created the following queryset but I can't seem to make the JOIN connect to the one I've defined in my queryset values(..., 'user__uservote__event', ...)

My model declaration:

class UserVote(TimeStampedModel):
    event = models.ForeignKey('events.Event')
    fightchoice = models.ForeignKey('fights.FightChoice')
    user = models.ForeignKey(User)
class UserEvent(TimeStampedModel):
    event = models.ForeignKey('events.Event')
    user = models.ForeignKey('users.User')

My queryset:

user_season_events = UserEvent.objects\
    .order_by('-event__event_on') \
    .values('event', 'user__uservote__fightchoice__points', 'user__uservote__event',
            'user__uservote__fightchoice__howitended', 'user__uservote__fightchoice__fighter') 

Return the following SQL: 

SELECT "users_userevent"."event_id", "fights_fightchoice"."points", "users_uservote"."event_id", "fights_fightchoice"."howitended_id", "fights_fightchoice"."fighter_id" 
FROM "users_userevent" 
INNER JOIN "events_event" ON ( "users_userevent"."event_id" = "events_event"."id" ) 
INNER JOIN "users_user" ON ( "users_userevent"."user_id" = "users_user"."id" ) 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "users_uservote" ON ( "users_user"."id" = "users_uservote"."user_id" ) 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "fights_fightchoice" ON ( "users_uservote"."fightchoice_id" = "fights_fightchoice"."id" ) 
WHERE ("events_event"."season_id" = 1 AND "users_userevent"."user_id" = 199 AND "users_uservote"."user_id" = 199 ) ORDER BY "events_event"."event_on" DESC

My issue is: 

I want:

LEFT OUTER JOIN "users_uservote" ON "users_user"."id" = "users_uservote"."user_id" )

to be (on events_event not users_user) like this:

LEFT OUTER JOIN users_uservote ON = users_uservote.event_id

When I added 'user__uservote__event' to the values in my queryset should it not create it?

Thank you for you help.

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