Monday, May 4, 2015

Re: GUI with web-browser using Django, Python 3


you should walk through the Django tutorial[1] to get as idea on how to use it. However, if this is the sole problem, I think Django is overkill, a pure WSGI page would suffice.



On 4 May 2015 17:28, "Aura" <> wrote:

I want to make a py-file by GUI. The GUI I want is based on web-browser (chrome, safari). So I use Django.

The step-by-step idea is:

  1. I open the web-browser (as GUI, not to access internet). On the web-browser, there are two blanks and a "Generate" button, like

    a = ??

    filename = ??


    (Here ?? is blank waiting for filling.)

  2. I fill like: a = [1,2,3,4], and filename = MyFile

  3. Click the "Generate" button

    Then A py-file "" is generated in an aimed folder. In the file, there is a python code

    a = [1,2,3,4]
  4. I plot a figure by

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  plt.plot(a,a)

    It will generate a figure. I want this figure to be shown on the web-browser.

I am using Python 3.

Can you please show me how to do the 4 steps with Django? Thanks!

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