Friday, June 26, 2020

I need collaborators

High all, recently I started learning Django and now I have made a forum with some cool functionalities...

As a forum starting like this, it will be so long for people to discover it and start visiting it regularly...

I want to focus on making posts that people are looking for in a particular programming language and sharing it; gradually, it will become crowded.

The purpose of the forum is to server as a help center for programming languages, something like Stackoverflow...

I need programmers and developers who will become cofounders of the forum and help me push it forward...
Anybody interested to join me will take a given area of programming where they are good at, say HTML, CSS, java, python, JavaScript, etc and be making posts on these areas...

We will then be reasoning together and introducing cool stuff that will help the forum become really fantastic...

If we get to the point of making some money from the forum, we'll share it as partners.

A saying says that two heads are better than one.

If you are interested, email me at

Check it out the site at


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