Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Re: Is there a recommended pattern for creating "replaceable" apps?

Alright! I've gone through the documentation, and waded through a lot of the Django source code that implements the AUTH_USER_MODEL setting (via Meta.swappable, and Model._meta.swapped, etc) and while I am not saying that this isn't a good idea, it seems very heavyweight for what I was trying to do. In particular, there are a lot of places in the contrib.admin code that checks for model._meta.swapped and disables functionality if it indeed is swapped out, even outside the case of the User model.

Ie, I fear that if I use this paradigm, I'll continually be discovering circumstances where this or that neato feature in the admin screens stops working for me.

What Meta.swappable seems to promote is the idea of being able to replace a model with another, while still being able to access that model in all the same locations it would have been visible in before being swapped, AND ensuring that whenever any application requests a auth.User object, they actually get an instance of the replaced object (with some limitations). 

That's totally awesome, but far more than what I needed, which was a way to allow my app (artshow) to have a reference to a settings-configurable Person model with no changes to either the artshow app, or the app that supplies the Model. Ie, I'm looking for a configurable "has-a" relationship, than a configurable "is-a" relationship. "has-a" seems a lot simpler!

So, I'd like to present to you what I've done with my own code. I've gone through several iterations and have boiled it down to what I think is the simplest possible representation. Feedback and comments are gratefully received, and if you think it's useful, I'll provide a HOWTO incorporating all the (useful) feedback.

Requirements for a solution:
  • Zero changes are allowed to the component/application that is providing the model (the target)
  • All references to the configurable model in the source app are foreign keys (models.ForeignKey, models.OneToOneField, etc)
  • The documentation for the source app provides a list of "attribute, field and method" requirements for the target. If the target cannot provide these, a "Proxy Model" needs to be created.
  • If the source app needs to run any search queries on the target, a proxy is certainly required to provide methods to return tuples of strings (for "search_fields" in admin models) and a Q object (for searching via querysets) 
  • A setting is provided to indicate which target model is providing the functionality. This points to either the TargetModel or the ProxyModel if required.
  • The model module for the source app creates an alias for the replaceable model using: ReplaceableModel = models.loading.get_model ( *settings.SETTING_NAME.split('.',1) )
    • This works better than using settings.SETTING_NAME everywhere, as it allows views, etc, to use "models.ReplaceableModel.objects..." etc.
  • The ProxyModel is created specifically to match the requirements of the source app, and the features of the target app. This is set up as a Meta.proxy = True
    • If the source app needs to display some kind of attribute in templates, and it is not provided by the Target Model, a method (or property) is created in the proxy.
    • If the source app needs to create different kinds of searches in admin screens, since search_fields needs real fields to search on, a method on the proxy is created. returning a tuple of strings: e.g.: @staticmethod def get_blah_search_fields ( prefix ): return ( prefix+"attr1", prefix+"attr2" )
    • If the source app needs to create queryset style fields, a similar method is provided returning a Q object. e.g.: @staticmethod def get_blah_search_q ( search_str, prefix ): return Q(**{prefix+"attr1__icontains":search_str} | Q(**{prefix+"attr2__icontains":search_str})
    • __unicode__ can be overridden if a customized default representation is required.
In addition, the source app probably needs a good way of finding and attaching instances of the Replaceable Model. With no change, the above will supply a selection box or a pop-up window (with raw_id_fields), but I've found using django-ajax-selects to be excellent. If the TargetModel supplies a LookupChannel for those objects, you'll need to create a new LookupChannel with a 'model' attribute of "ReplaceableModel" instead. Usually simply inheriting from the existing LookupChannel and overriding the model attribute works. Otherwise the LookupChannel will return the wrong kinds of objects and you won't be able to do assignments, etc.

Now, the above isn't really documentation, I've got a branch with all the above changes checked into github that people can poke at:

The parts relevant to this discussion are:
  • AJAX_LOOKUP_CHANNELS in the same, and in particular the "artshow_person" channel, which points to artshow_shims.lookups
  • A simple contact manager application called "peeps". This is suppled as the "default" implementation for Person. I've coded this in a way that peeps knows nothing about any other application.
  • The entire artshow_shim component/app, which provides:
    • models.Person, which inherits from peeps.models.Person, a customised __unicode__ method, and two search methods
    • lookups.PersonLookup, which inherits from peeps.lookups.PersonLookup, and simply overrides the "model" attribute
  • artshow.models.Person is implemented as:
    • Person = models.loading.get_model ( *settings.ARTSHOW_PERSON_CLASS.split('.',1) )
  • Inside views, etc, for artshow, if I ever need to to a search on a model that includes fields from the "person" it has a foreign key with, instead of doing search_fields = ( "attr1", "attr2", "person__name", "person__email" ) I do search_fields = ( "attr1", "attr2" ) + models.Person.get_search_fields ( "person__" )
  • Similarly for filters, etc: Artist.objects.filter ( Q(artistname__icontains=txt) | models.Person.get_search_q ( txt, "person__" ) )
  • You can see some of the above two cases in the artshow/ file

  • Zero changes to the target implementation
  • The "source app" doesn't need to be modified if the implementation details in the target implementation change. Simply, the proxy model is updated to provide the necessary functionality. 
  • This makes some queries (eg: the search_fields, and Q filters) a touch more complex. Ie, if you're making a query that makes assumptions of the internals of the replaceable module, make sure that they're either simple enough to be handled with a property that emulates the behavior, which generally works if you're only seeking one attribute, or use methods that return customisable tuples for your purposes.

I'd love to hear your comments! I apologise if people were eagerly awaiting documentation on how to make swappable models useful for their own projects! :)

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