Monday, August 31, 2020

Re: Premission Denied - Apache

Dear Kasper, 

this is part of my code... 

Best Regards


Em seg., 31 de ago. de 2020 às 13:33, Kasper Laudrup <> escreveu:
Hi Giovanni,

On 31/08/2020 18.11, Giovanni Silva wrote:
> Hi Kasper,
> When I was running with the django local server, I have permission and
> works good. The error occurs when I publish the site with apache2
> I gave 777 permission because I was trying to do it (give permission).

I understand that. My point was that not not only didn't it solve your
problem, you opened up for a lot of other potential issues later on.

As long as you don't share your code it's hard to help you much more,
but have a look at the path you specify to pdformfill in line 441 of
your file and see if my suggestions might be of any help.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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Giovanni Silva
(31) 9 9532-1877

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