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-------- Original message --------
From: Walter Randazzo <wwrandazzo@gmail.com>
Date: 10/25/20 6:10 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Error at the return of an AJAX POST in DJANGO
hi there,
As far as I check its OK.
As far as I check its OK.
Thanks for replay.
El dom., 25 oct. 2020 a las 18:43, rbar...@xcaretresearch.com (<rbarhydt@xcaretresearch.com>) escribió:
Not sure, but looks like an extra closing bracket in line 9 of the ajax code--On Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 2:05:28 PM UTC-7 wwran...@gmail.com wrote:Hi buddies, I have a POST request from ajax. At the backend some records are updated in the django view, this is done fine but an error comes up and the page isnt reloaded.**This is the error:**> SyntaxError: Unexpected token O in JSON at position 0**This is the ajax:**$.ajax({headers: { "X-CSRFToken": token },"url": '/articulos/massup/', "type": "POST","dataType": "json", data: data,success: function(e){if(e="OK"){location.reload(true);}},error: function(a,b,c){alert(c);}});});**Thi is the view:**@csrf_exemptdef massup(request):template_name = "articulos/articulos_ok.html"contexto={}if request.method=="GET":cat = Articulos.objects.all().order_by("codigo")contexto={"obj":cat}if request.method=="POST":codigos=request.POST.getlist("codigos[]")porcentaje = codigos[0]#el primer elemento de la lista es el porcentajeporcentaje=Decimal(porcentaje)codigos= [int(x) for x in codigos]#Convierte la lista en integerart_change = Articulos.objects.filter(pk__in=codigos)i=0for item in art_change:if i!=0: #Excluye el primer item ( el porcentaje)precioant=item.precioprecionuevo=(precioant + (porcentaje * precioant/100))item.precio=precionuevoitem.save()i=i+1return HttpResponse("OK")return render(request
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